• Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

    Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.

  • Gay Activism Flowers for Earnest/Angry/Dancing Youths of America

    All the young gays are celebrating in Seattle, uprising in NYC, dancing in Rutgers (and our strai army allies are dancing homosexily in Afghanistan!), taking back the night in WI, speaking against violence in CA, hosting Dan Choi at Harvard, and more! Also; Hawaii passes civil unions (the bill now goes to the governor), a lesbian stabs her ex, trans identity & faith & Laura Bush’s memoir on the 2004 debates around same-sex marriage.

  • Prom is Better Cancelled Than Ruined by Tuxedo-Wearing Lesbians

    Rather than allow a lesbian to bring her girlfriend to prom and wear a tux, the school has canceled prom altogether! FANTASTIC. Also; the cute video of the kid finding out about gay people, the death of coffee shops, gays and the census, Bill O’Reily defends lesbian couple’s child and the national equality riders are coming soon to an oppressive campus near you.

  • Riese & Laneia Read Books: Part #2 of Lesbionic Young Adult Novels

    “”If I’m being totally honest, I have to say that I felt a little awkward once I realized that the main character, Phoebe, is only 13-ish years old.”