Be Queer, Buy Queer, Win $10,000: OUTmedia Wants Your Videos, College Kids!

Okay, so it’s going to sound a little self-serving for a queer publication run by queer women for queer women (and allies! And stuff) to talk to you about “buying queer.” But give us the benefit of the doubt for a minute, because this is important!

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a woman and you’re probably queer, and that means you’re probably poor. Women still earn 75 cents for every dollar an equally qualified man makes, and queers are forced to spend thousands more than strais because we don’t get things like marriage benefits. If you’re a person of color, trans, genderqueer or a million other things, you probably have it even harder – the wage gap for people of color and particularly women & queers of color is enormous, and in some spaces it’s hard to even get hired, let alone make enough to support yourself or a family.

We’re proof that it’s not easy for a lesbian-owned small business; we work harder than anyone else we know, and we still couldn’t have made it as far as we have without a lot of help from a lot of great people. And we still don’t have any money.

That’s why we’re so excited to be involved with OUTmedia’s Be Queer, Buy Queer project!

OUTmedia and Campus Pride want you – particularly if you are a young person and therefore the future – to invest in the businesses that believe in you, and to help create a world where it’s a little easier for the next Franco Stevens or Mariah Hanson (or Riese!) to change the world. Community is the driving force behind every single thing Autostraddle does or even thinks about – this is about us helping each other, and making a world that can be scary and unwelcoming to queer women a little better and brighter. We know that you are all full of talent and ideas and hilarity and also that you care about The Future, so get on this!

OUTmedia is a social enterprise that promotes LGBTQQIA visibility and inclusive multiculturalism through the arts.  to support that mission, it’s become a leading source for LGBTQ and queer affirmative national acts and celebrity talent around the world. OUTmedia joined forces with Campus Pride, the leading national nonprofit for LGBT and ally college students and campus groups to make the “Be Queer, Buy Queer!” project happen. Check out the contest rules and submit now, and then let us know so we can be proud of you!

OUTmedia and Campus Pride are seeking college youth on campuses throughout the world to submit original videos on the theme, “Be Queer, Buy Queer!” Slams, rants, stand up, sketch, music frenzy, spicy splicing are all welcome. We want you to speak boldly, and outrageously on the vision, expressed by OUTmedia’s Founder, Shelly Weiss, “care about where you spend your every dime, invest in the businesses that believe and invest in you. Build your queer vision of your future, with what and where you buy today!”

Submit your own video responding to the concept of “Be Queer Buy Queer,” with a friend, your LGBTQQIA campus group, or run wild with your entire campus community! Present in video form “What Does Be Queer Buy Queer Mean To You?”

One winner will receive $10,000 in OUTmedia entertainment* and the opportunity to host the 1st Annual OUTmedia QueerCampus CultureFest! at their university, hosted by Kit Yan and being developed for TV airing.

Submissions will be accepted through 4/15/10, voting from 4/16-29, and the winner announced at the culmination of Diversity Month on 4/30/10!  EDIT: The deadline has been extended! Send in your videos through 4/26! Voting will be 4/27-4/29.

Thinking about what to submit? Check out OUTmedia’s introduction to the project and video with slam poet Kit Yan for inspiration! We’re expecting great things from you, Autostraddlers! Make moves!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. One winner will receive $10,000 in OUTmedia entertainment*

    *winner will be responsible for all travel and incidental expenses.

    You college student types have less than ten days – go!

    • thanks! we should probs make you our proofreader or something, you’ve noticed like eighteen errors in the past three days, way to go

      • Thanks! I could point out more errors(in general, not in this article) but I don’t want to clutter up the comments.

        Can I just say something about proofreading? Amazon needs a proofreader. I just saw the word vegan misspelled in a title. Really, Amazon?

        I noticed the video is fixed! There aren’t very many views. They should add a description and a link to the site with more information.

    • Oh hai, Val! Hope this helps. ;) If these aren’t what you’re looking for, google really does wonders for scholarship searches. There are soooo many things out there that can help.


  2. omg if this were a longer contest i would make the best video ever and give autostraddle $10,000. unfortunately i have to graduate college and write a book and make money and then give autostraddle $$$$$. so it’s gonna be a bit longer.

  3. One of the very few times I wish I was back at uni. Looking forward to see what happens ;)

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