No Filter: Cara Delevingne Rides Off Into The Sunset

Welcome back to another rousing edition of No Filter, an invigorating swim through the freezing, choppy waters of celebrity Instagram. This week, we’re trying to figure out what’s going on with St. Vincent and Cara Delevingne in order to truly determine whether or not love is in fact a lie (spoiler: it is). Let’s not waste any time.

Thank you to Grace, who tipped me off to this unbelievable baby photo of your friend and mine, the inimitable Ellen Page.

The river runs red with the blood of Hannah Hart’s enemies.

Hahahahaha hey look it’s Samira Wiley sitting in a normal chair!
I want to know everything that happened to make this moment happen in all our lives, and I want to know all about everything that happened immediately afterwards.
Now that Selena Forrest is officially part of the club, she has received the customary invitation into Whoopi Goldberg’s brood of grandchildren. Remember when you received yours? Seems like yesterday.

Guys, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH CARA DELEVINGNE AND ANNIE CLARK? Cara has been out partying with Amber Heard, went to Burning Man, put her hair in some very poorly advised cornrows. Annie has been wandering LA improv shows with Kristen Stewart, the Sun says they broke up, nobody’s really saying anything but Cara’s tweeting stuff like this:

If you have intel, please talk to me. Are these guys OK?
Two things we can truly never get enough of: Ruby Rose and sports.

Jen Richards has been casually making history pretty much every day the last couple of weeks and it’s totally fine.

Jenny Owen Youngs is so obsessed with dinosaurs that they come out of the brains of people standing near her.

Join us next week, when Jenny Owen Youngs starts manifesting prehistoric creatures in clouds and pieces of toast.

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Stef Schwartz is a founding member and the self-appointed Vapid Fluff Editor at She currently resides in New York City, where she spends her days writing songs nobody will ever hear and her nights telling much more successful musicians what to do. Follow her on twitter and/or instagram.

Stef has written 464 articles for us.


  1. I think I would enjoy watching sports with Ruby Rose.

    Or maybe the better way to word that is I feel like Ruby Rose is someone who could handle how I watch sports.

    I wonder how she feels about rugby league…

    • I wish she filmed herself watch the last 50secs of the Hawks/Cats match! It would have been a rollercoaster of emotion.

      I would also like to know her views on rugby league (Go Storm!!!)

  2. This is either the grossest or most empowered thing I’ve ever said but that wine fountain harto’s next to reminds me of the last time I tried to use my diva cup

  3. I don’t know what’s up with Cara Devlevinge and Anne Clarke, and quite frankly I don’t care– because I couldn’t get past those incredibly offensive, culturally appropriative cornrows that she’s wearing in this picture.

    I get that you needed a photo of Cara this week so that you could do the story about her on again/off again relationship, but perhaps you can find one that isn’t glamorizing the appropriation black culture, you know?

    If you would like to know more (and don’t already feel informed about the issue), may I point you to Autostraddle No Filter fav, who was also featured this week, Amandla Stenberg’s viral video from a few years ago, entitled “Don’t Cash Crop My Cornrows”, as a very fast introduction:

    You can also read more here:

    This article- from Autostraddle in 2013- talks about cultural appropriation and Miley Cyrus, among others. “Top 10 Instances of Open and Unapologetic Celebrity Cultural Appropriation in 2013”:-

    Also, these three articles are useful:

    “The Difference Between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation”-

    “6 Ways You Harm Me When You Appropriate Black Culture. And How to Appreciate It Instead”-

    “What’s Wrong with Cultural Appropriation?” –

    Again, I get the story necessity and why you needed a photo of Cara. I do! That said, this is a deeply personal and hurtful topic for a lot of people of color and I want to be enjoy my Vapid Fluff just like everyone else without having to experience microagressions against my racial and cultural identity such as this one.

    Please consider finding another picture, AS. Thanks.

    • oh, i agree with you 100%. i don’t usually openly criticize people in my commentary because this is not supposed to be a particularly controversial column, but if i’m being real i mostly chose that particular picture because cara looks pretty full-on obnoxious in it. i’m changing it to another terrible picture from burning man and i apologize for using that one. she has that stupid hair in every single non-professional picture she posted this week.

      i definitely do not endorse (or honestly a lot of times even like) every single person featured in here; that’s sort of the nature of this beat. and i’m sorry this comment went to moderation; again i don’t know why, but i do agree with you and thank you for taking the time to collect those links.

      • Yes, absolutely! And thank you for taking the time this afternoon to not only hear my concerns, but address them quickly and take action. It means a great deal.

        I totally get what your saying about it being the “nature of the beast”; I don’t love every single person featured here either, but I very much enjoy having a space where we can be entertained and be brought together by celebrity silliness, for lack of a better phrase. And also since celebrity culture is generally so homonormative, it feels almost transgressive to have a place where queer and trans “well-knowns” can be celebrated. you know? That feels like the greater goal.

        I was just really shocked to see that photo included, but once again the Autostraddle staff proved to be such awesome humans.

        So in the nature of moving on and talking celebrity (because that’s why we are all here, right?)- Whoopi Goldberg looks awesome in that photo. I totally want to be her granddaughter! Also baby Ellen Page is adorable.

        (ETA: It seems we solved the “comment in moderation” mystery in the thread below!)

  4. I wrote a non-hostile, even toned, post voicing my concern about including a picture of Cara Devlevinge wearing conrows, as it is a hairstyle that many black women and women of color find to be culturally appropriative and offensive when worn by those not in our culture.

    The post has no aggression or otherwise offensive wording. I received notice that it is “awaiting moderation” before it will be posted, and I would appreciate an explanation from one of the AS editors . Thanks.

    • I assume that this has something to do with last month’s influx of certain Reddit readers after the apology that you guys published for your article on “Sausage Party”?

      And I can understand why that is necessary, because you want to keep the AS space a safe one for our community. That said, I am registered member and an A+ member, so I’m not sure that particular post would require advanced screening, when clearly these follow up messages that I have written did not.

      Though I’m sure not your intention, this feels a bit like censorship. Anyway, those are my two cents on the issue.

      • hello! i just got all of these at once! i don’t know why that comment went into moderation but i’ve approved it; i think that happened automatically for some reason. i agree with you and am changing the picture.

        • hey @c-p , I had this problem once before when I tried to post a comment with several links in it. I think whatever WordPress filter the site uses filters them since spam is often full of links.

          But thanks for sharing them! I was surprised to see the pic here as well.

      • if there are more than three links in a comment, it goes straight into the moderation queue — this has been so since the beginning of time and is a standard element of all comment filtering programs on every blogging platform i’m familiar with b/c apparently that’s a huge tip-off that the comment is spam? i’m assuming that’s what triggered yours!

        • Thanks to your quick response to everyone, particularly Riese and Stef. I very much appreciate the work you do and the care you take in addressing questions or concerns!

          That automatic flagging makes sense, if I had stopped longer to think about it. I rarely comment on articles outside of Autostraddle (because, honest, why bother?) so I had never encountered it before now.

          Thanks again! (And I’m also going to do this in a separate post, but I also appreciate Stef promptly changing the photo in question.)

  5. Welp, Baby Moi and Baby Ellen Page have something in common as I imagine many 90’s AFAB kids do.
    Wearage of a horrid floral print, puffy sleeved, lace edged peter pan collared dress of doom preserved for all time in picture form with some chunky bangs.

    • Just for historical reference, lousy parental taste in children’s clothing pre-dates the nineties by many decades, probably even centuries.
      I was a child of the fifties and still have some doozies of photos.

      There used to be an old saying too….”I’m not really stupid, it’s just the way my mother dresses me”.

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