Midterm Elections 2010: Prop 19 Loses So Marijuana’s Not Legal, Republicans TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH RAYGUNS

[comments are off ’cause we’re moving this conversation to this post: HOW FUCKED ARE WE?]

Midterm elections happened today and The Huffington Post has plastered “REPUBLICANS TO OVERTAKE HOUSE” in gigantic letters on its homepage, so I guess we should all be really scared. See (I made it smaller for you):

We’ll have a complete round-up for you tomorrow morning with lots of feelings, thoughts, and analysis, written by Jessica who knows what she’s talking about. But, due to my anxiety about not live-blogging the elections (I am sleeping on a couch and don’t have teevee, which is actually really nice but anyhow), here’s a brief rundown of how shit went down:

+ Bad News: Due to aforementioned HOUSE TAKEOVER, Nancy Pelosi won’t be speaker of the house anymore, it will probably be a dinosaur or giant panda of some sort. ETA: It will be a man whose last name, as far as I can tell, is a euphemism for “erection.”

+ Good News: Democrats are in control of the Senate.

+ Bad News: Prop 19, the Legalize Weed law, has been defeated. California and its propositions never fail to disappoint us. That’s fine, this is not as depressing as losing the Prop 8 vote, but we were all really excited to see if anarchy would hit California this week. Just for funsies.

+ Good News: Thank the Lord — Meg Whitman is not the new governor of California, the state where I now live and recently signed a sublease agreement. Democrat Jerry Brown will serve his third non-consecutive term in This Great State of Illegal Weed and No Gay Marriage.

+ Bad News: Missouri Democratic Rep. Ike Skelton, who favored repealing DADT, has been voted out. So has DADT repeal leader Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania.

+ Good News: Christine O’Donnell lost, which means All Hope did not lose.

+ Bad News: Three of the Supreme Court Justices from Iowa who voted to legalize gay marriage have been outsed. This is very very bad news. If you live in Iowa, get married RIGHTNOW before Maggie Gallagher takes your rights away.

+ Good News: Lexington, Kentucky elected its first gay mayor.

+ WTF? “Oklahoma has voted to ban Islamic Sharia law, the smallest imaginable threat to the state of Oklahoma.” (-gawker)

+ Good News: Rhode Island voted Providence’s gay Mayor into the House of Representatives.

+ Good News: In Nevada, the good guy won: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid beat Sharon Angle, who is insane. It was a very close race, despite the fact that she is racist, homophobic and as aforementioned, insane.

Is anyone down to just split up the country into two countries so we can stop fighting? No. Okay. Just an idea. Jessica will write a much better post tomorrow, I promise. Save all your words.

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


      • Assuming you voted, Riese, I think you can fully refute that claim.

        Mr. Trololololo is unaware of the actual meaning of the word “idiot,” which in its original form meant someone with the privilege to vote who chose not to vote.

        Yay, etymology.

        Also, Riese is hot.

  1. Idk, I’m pretty sure the idiot list consists of people like Rand Paul and not Riese.

    I was actually surprised to see a troll comment that involved appropriate apostrophe use though, so props for you?

  2. Did you guys know that Manny Pacquiao, the uber-famous Filipino boxer that I’m pretty sure no one in the US has ever heard of, endorsed Harry Reid? I knew it because it was on the Filipino news, and I was all, “But, WHY?”

    I get the feeling my perspective on US politics is a little skewed by me being physically located in the Philippines.

  3. The judge thing here in Iowa wouldn’t be so devastating if they hadn’t passed the constitutional convention which is the likeliest way they’ll take our rights a way. Apparently the bigots don’t see how gross it is that if you don’t like how judges interpret the constitution, that your reaction is to get rid of the judges and change the constitution.
    It also would suck less if we hadn’t elected LEX LUTHER TO BE GOVERNOR!

  4. As much as I love Philadelphia, I really can’t deal with living in PA sometimes. I really hate not being protected and there’s no chance in hell that the GOP, that’s going to be running the state, will do anything about it. It will be the opposite. I’m just really sad right now.

  5. The MN governor’s race is close and there is going to be a recount. If Emmer somehow wins,I will be devastated…so devasted that I can’t even put it into witty words. His anti-gay ads were horrible.

    • It’s apparently still too close to call here in IL as well… Quinn (D) looks to be hopefully coming out ahead/keeping his seat once all of the Chicago/absentee votes are tallied, but Brady (R) won’t concede yet. Ugh. I can’t live in a red state.

  6. My strongest feeling after a full night of election coverage is that the world would be a much better place if we could clone Rachel Maddow and put her in charge of everything. Also, there would be an abundance of delicious cocktails.

    I’m an Illinois resident who stayed up too late, waiting to see if we could get a definitive result in the governor’s race. Pat Quinn (incumbent Democrat) is by no means an inspiring politician or some great progressive hope … but he’s much less offensive/frightening than the Republican candidate, Bill Brady. It looks like the Dems will hold onto the seat, but it’s very close. Thank god (and probably rail lines and industrial development) Chicago has enough liberals to balance out the rest of the state.

  7. I sent this via Laneia’s formspring but realized that the message was anonymous and therefore, somehow, creepy and/or potentially disingenuous? So this public post is maybe slightly less so (creepy, that is). I just really wanted to make sure the people at AS know it’s your special day. Forget the midterm elections. They made THIS day for you: NATIONAL SANDWICH DAY!


    And just so you know: McDonald’s has seemingly hijacked this sacrosanct day-of-all-days to promote (horrors!) the McRib. Take it back, Laneia. For fuck’s sake, take the day back!

  8. Oklahoma also made English its official language, in case anyone was confused about which language they should speak if ever they happened upon Oklahoma…

  9. My semi-rural congressional district re-elected our incumbent crackhead Republican (and I mean that quite literally.)

    God, American politics is absurd. Is this really the best we can do?

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