Welcome back to covers of JKLAFGHD Mag, the Magazine for Women Who Aren’t Straight. Every so often we check in here to catch up on the latest not-straight trends, get updates on the not-straight classics, and check in with our favorite not-straight celebrities. Up next in our October through December issues are Ruby Rose, Sarah Paulson and Samira Wiley.
I desperately need the article about how to indirectly ask who is gay. A not insignificant number of my friends remember my first words to them being “so… you queer?”
wow be my friend
Obviously I would be… but… you queer?
Nooo! Weirdly apropos questions are a GREAT way to start a friendship.
My closest friend in high school was the girl who approached me on day one of orientation with this ice-breaker:
“Are you a witch?”
“How to appear checked in at her DJ set”
This is peak queer
love 2 spin
at least 20 of the other 1st date ice-breaker staples revolves are just tangents of childhood trauma though, right? 5 are about exes, 5 are about how not straight we are? someone break it down for me!
i’m gonna bump exes up to 10
I want the “Flagging with LaCroix Flavors” article.
it’s on its way!
Only if your use the correct pronunciation
Seriously, what does my Muré Pepino say about me (besides that it’s too skinny for my gay bar koozie).
“15 ways to indirectly ask “who all’s gay in here”
Clueless Tomboy Femme
tip 1: ask if everyone’s been staying hydrated
Also talk about moon cycle
Is mentioning vodka water gonna give me any clues?
I went to concert this weekend for a band whose singer is gay and she asked us mid-set if we were all staying hydrated so this is 100% accurate
My general guideline is that if I’m attracted to her she is either straight or emotionally unavoidable.
I think you meant emotionally unavailable, but I just decided I really like the phrase emotionally unavoidable.
“Nope, sorry, can’t help it. Gotta have a crush on you. It’s emotionally unavoidable.”
I did. I didn’t proofread. But I like unavoidable too. It explains a lot of my decisions.
“Emotionally unavoidable” is pretty much how I’m going to explain every situation in my life from now on
i nominate this for a comment award
me too, constantly living in an emotionally unavoidable state
the apple cider vinegar article killed me RIP goodbye forever
come back
But seriously, what is it planning at night.
so these articles are in the works right?????
I identify strongly with the left half of the five chopped off November’s issue.
December is especially choice…hair tie bracelets. dead. <3
Definitively need the top-derailing tips. I mean, I could talk to them, but like…
“Shed the weight of the patriarchy’s influence” is truly magnificent and I plan to use it in future office conversations about dieting. Bless you.
Truly a great one to keep up your sleeve
Feeling very called out re: “Coconut oil: it’ll do in a pinch”
“Switching gears: these awesome moves that will utterly derail a top”
whispers, derail away
it’s all I want to learn before 2017 is over.
Speak, o enigmatic apple cider vinegar mage, I am ready to receive your wisdom. What’s that you say? 581981 tips still isn’t enough?
ACV Mage and Boundaries Squid are out to get me
Wait, is this why I have neon wayfarers?
“523 shoes that scream… she gay”
You’ve been looking in my closet again, I see.
I’m working less at the moment because I’ve been sick (burnout, woo!) and the hours that I am in the office are like, a good 50% meetings and a good 25% organising (some meetings are also about organising!), so I really needed something to pick me up in this hour between two meetings. This was it. 10/10, exactly what I needed.
I’ve been feeling dumb abt choosing to live alone sans internet, cable, the ability to really afford food, but then I read “8 ways to undermine LIZ at the house meeting” & remembered why I have chosen this path
Can we make flagging with La Croix flavors a thing please. Which is which?
I can’t be the only one who read that as “Shakira alignment on the go”, right?
I would love to align with Shakira! Anywhere, anytime.