Foolish Child #97: Kink at Pride

In a four panel comic, Two friends talk against a rainbow background: “Kink has always been a part of Pride, Penny! If you can’t hang, don’t go...

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I am a queer coparenting mama to Dickens Jr. Doodler by day, 911 dispatcher by night. All my favorite shows look better on Tumblr. I am two years and 450K words deep into constructing a fanfic called Ages and I'm never giving up on it. Bering & Wells.

Alana has written 123 articles for us.


  1. There is also those pride at the beach events too where people are looking great in their swimwear.

  2. I have elementary aged children and do not understand people who use children as the reason for censoring members of the kink & leather community at pride. If you want to keep your children sheltered, that’s your business, but your desire to shelter your kids should never take precedence over supporting members of the kink & leather community in showing their pride in whatever way they want.

    • like, why not just ask for a pg section? why try to take away someone else’s pride? literally.

      have the pg floats/marchers start early, let the spicy riders go an hour later. at the route terminus, folks for the kiddie playground turn right, folks for skin & leather go left. i must not be getting something because it seems like everybody could just be cool.

      except in the central valley, ca; Dickens is not kidding about that being an inferno.

      • As a parent, this sounds just dandy to me. Maybe you can’t meet everyone’s needs simultaneously but a little flexibility goes a long way. And if you get “Mommy, why are those people dressed like that?” it’s quite easy to say “They’re expressing something very important to them. It has to do with sex, and a lot of other things too. Let’s talk about it later at home so we don’t have to shout, ok?” And then you do. Sitting down, in an air conditioned place, with something to drink and a snack. ;)

  3. me and all the other gays raised by gays literally understand that kink at pride is hardly ever harmful to minors. i saw a guy at sf pride wearing nothing but socks and a gold sheath on his little gentleman when i was like 9 and i thought he was the coolest thing on the entire planet. he was just going about his life, walking around the festival, not doing anything vulgar except his attire. and i am a very well adjusted 20 year old now. so.

  4. Love this comic and also love that I have been blissfully unaware that this was even a conversation up until now.

  5. Ahhh, that outdated conversation. Assimilation has been tried as a technique for oppressed communities to gain acceptance to mainstream society, and it’s failed every single time.

    Does kink belong at Pride? Hell yes. Assimilation doesn’t work, creating a new paradigm does.

    Also, “geriatric millenial?” Yep, I don’t like Penny.

    • I almost forgot to mention the memories of when it was transgender people the assimilationists were trying to get rid of with the old “won’t somebody think of the children” BS.

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