Daily Fix: Joe vs. The NOMcano, Bart vs. Lisa and L-Cast Updates


Today on Autostraddle:

Meet our Natalie! She’s going to save the world and it won’t hurt a bit, just put on your paper gown and relax. Natalie has been working with prominent Women’s Rights organisations for years and will be lending her talents to us twice a month or so.

On an entirely different note; wordpress won’t let me upload my entire hard drive of women in men’s underwear, but we’ll settle for half: we love hot girls in boyshorts!

Every week Carlytron watches too much TV so you don’t have to. And if you did? Well, there’s lots to talk about in her newest column! (Sidenote Related Breaking News: Who is gonna get the Dollhouse Award for Dollhouse if there’s no DOLLHOUSE?) (SIDENOTE related breaking news: Not cancelled, JK!)

Today in Stuff That Actually Matters:

Intern Vashti says: “I know this was on Grace the Spot yesterday but it really is pretty interesting” – Will Iowans Uphold Gay Marriage? (@fivethirtyeight)

At the Huffington Post, Tony Blair thinks the U.S. will accept gay marriage soon enough and that the Pope is being silly and The New Republic reminds us of the plight of the gays and lesbians abroad, and Gawker’s got a map that shows gay marriage spreading across the land.

Larry King hosts ridiculous evangelicals Joel Osteen & Victoria Osteen. The only thing worse than a couple of douchebags is a couple of stupid douchebags:

My email BFF Joe Solomnese of the Human Rights Commission takes on the OM NOM NOM ringleader, who I suspect had a little romp in the hay with Sharon Fairbanks once upon a time:

Super Cute Protestors is a blog that celebrates “cute boys with conscience,” compiled by gay men who think social action is sexy (via @audaciaray): “If the fall of capitalism is anything like the fall of your pants, I’m totally down.

Vote for your favorite Simpsons Stamp! Let’s get a lady in the mail!

Today in Stuff That PopMatters:

Marlee Matlin: former cokehead, pothead, etc. Just like my first wife! And me!

Laurie Metcaff: Farm Shmarm! She’s going to Broadway! Take that Ilene Chaiken!

Erin Daniels: Will be on CSI tonight with Charisma Carpenter. I have no clue who Charisma Carpenter is, but she has a lovely name, probs makes gorgeous homes. Thanks to Nicole for the tip.

Clementine Ford: Is on Access Hollywood dishing about loving the ladies, the title of her segment is “Clementine Ford Comes Out.” Apparently they missed the memo regarding Clementine’s aversion to all her public conversations being labeled as “coming out” events.



from Carly:And now for one of my favorite topics… organization! Lifehacker has a nifty list of top 10 home office hacks up right now. Some might seem obvious but they’re all really good things to do if you spend a lot of your time working from home, plus they’re all pretty simple and user-friendly!

crystal-iconfrom Crystal: Did everyone know that Missy Higgins released a new EP last week? I didn’t. It’s titled ‘More Than This’, and contains some awesome covers such as Tom Petty’s ‘Breakdown’ and Patty Griffin’s ‘Moses’. The EP is a fundraising initiative to stop the government from industrialising areas of The Kimberley, which is a mountain region about the size of Cali and an area Missy holds dear. The unfortunate news is that the EP is only available through iTunes Australia.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3298 articles for us.


  1. Charisma Carpenter played Cordelia on both Buffy and Angel. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

  2. Thanks for the heads up about Erin Daniels. I’ll have to check that out. Also, thanks for the Missy info – gotta get that now!

  3. Charisma Carpenter was in BUFFY! How can you not know her? She was Cordelia, wasn’t she?

  4. Oh yeah…I’m not in Australia. So, I guess I won’t get that. Sometimes I forget that there are limits to the internet.

  5. Snicker, snicker, wow, that’s the NOM leader??? What a couple a good ole’ country folk. Maybe if they had been interviewed by Carson Daly they would be able to understand a simple question repeated multiple times.

    • I couldn’t agree more. After hearing “Who let the dogs out?” or “who’s the real slim shady?” several times, I feel like they would’ve been much quicker on the response. I love how finally they just answered the question by um … not answering the question.

  6. Those Osteen people are idiots!

    It’s best for a child to be raised by one male and one female?! What if one or both parents are abusive or drug addicts or alcoholics or criminals? It’s all good as long as one of ‘em is a male and one is a female. Please!

    People are so stupid!

    Plus Larry King had to repeat himself like 4 times and the guy still didn’t understand the question. Perhaps he should pray for a clue.


    OK, stepping down from soapbox…

    • I know! It BLOWS MY FUCKING MIND. I dunno, what if one or both parents are moron bible-beaters? I don’t understand how anyone who considers themselves to be a waking member of society can honestly present the argument that marriage is between a man and a woman as if that is the literal alternative to gay marriage, like it’s totally binary. omg, srsly, also the hardball clip I wanted to punch someone in the face for reals.

      • I KNOW!!!

        I officially can never be leader of any serious organization. Because faced with this nonsense I can’t be like “Well, what Mrs. So and So doesn’t understand is…(insert reasonable argument here).”

        I’m more like “Bitch, ajkdhflakdhfkljh!”

        Also, for the record I was raised by a man and a woman, a mother and a father, who are still happily married and I’m as f-ed up as anyone I know. So see, even the straight people don’t have this stuff figured out. We have as much right to screw up our kids as anybody.

  7. I saw Missy play in Houston on Sunday and commented about her EP being available only in Australia. She told me to steal it.

  8. the leader of NOM is like a combative, ill-advised robot. what is she?? she and i could not reside in the same state.
    in other news: I’M COMING OUT TODAY! just like Clementine! i want to stand up and be counted or whatever! #485987394875! wheee!
    i want to go as Joel Osteen for Halloween this year. i’ll just keep smiling, looking up to the sky & slowly whispering, “i’m not sure i understand all of the details of marriage, but i think god is afraid of gay babies? maybe? but i don’t understand. i just… i don’t… gay… a man and a woman… adoption… marriage… where is my sock? jesus?”

  9. Confused by scary om nom nom lady – Wasn’t same-sex marriage technically “allowed” (as in, “not really handled one way or the other”) by the government until people started pushing the issue of disallowing it in every text ever? Not to play the “you started it” card or anything…but man, you TOTALLY started it, robot queen of random anger!

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