Daily Fix: It’s Raining Gays!


Today on Autostraddle! – Yes, Riese & A;ex went out in the rain & wind to the Times Talk Panel, where we met up with Reader Nicole and met lots of other nice ladies. Ilene was not one of them. Recap of the panel is here: “Jennifer Beals is a Perfect Human and Ilene Chaiken Talks A Lot.” Also, obvs, your Televisionary Tuesday!

1. Miss California has spoken. She received 2,000 friend requests on facebook, which’ll possibly be spun into a new research study on gay marriage by the religious right. Furthermore, she believes she has auto-won  by giving a voice to the Intolerant Peoples of America. That’s so sweet!  Like real sugar, which she never consumes.

I feel like I won. I feel like I’m the winner. I really do.” She adds that her answer “did cost me my crown. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I said what I feel. I stated an opinion that was true to myself and that’s all I can do. It’s a very touchy subject and Perez is a homosexual and I see where he was coming from and I see the audience would’ve wanted me to be more politically correct. But I was raised in a way that you can never compromise your beliefs and your opinions for anything.

Apparently, “anything” includes “equality,” “civil rights,” “love of your fellow man” and that dirty dirty concept of being “politically correct.” She’s still yabbering on. The Advocate reports that she stands by her answer.

2. Alice’s Interrogation Tape: Apparently, these tapes are still happening? Who knew. In this particular tape, Alice is interrogated about her bisexuality. At a key moment she asks what this has to do with who killed Jenny. Then Ilene cuts the lights. See for yourself:

3. A Gaythering Storm – Another awesome parody, starring Alicia Silverstone, Lance Bass, Liz Feldman, Jason Lewis, THE LYNCH and others:

4. Violet Blue covers stereotypes and assumptions about sexual orientation.(@tiny nibbles)

5. At the Daily Beast, Rachel Kramer Bussel discusses “How Male Bisexuality Got Cool.” (@the daily beast)

6. California activists look East for signs of progress. (@sacramento bee)

7. Poll shows 53% in New York back gay marriage. (@the buffalo news)


stef-iconfrom Stef: Rock’n’roll is not dead! As proof, I humbly offer Sacred Trickster by Sonic Youth and Angela by Jarvis Cocker – two brand new tracks from two of my very favourite musicians, and both so GLORIOUS that I can hardly contain myself [both @stereogum].


crystal-iconfrom Crystal: Right now I’m totally captivated by the lesbian storyline on Home & Away. A fan has graciously edited the story together in a way that is easy to follow, so click here if you want to check it out. Start with “Charlie & Joey, Part 1”. I have a lot of feelings about the storyline [current mood: very unimpressed], but I’m going to reserve them for if/when the story develops further.

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


    • on the upside, that’s 53 percent to 39 percent and it’s the whole state? Still though. obvs I say this every day and it’s sill true, people are crazy ass bitches.

  1. I’ve been watching those Home & Away clips too… it went from decent to crappy (just recently) but I’m hoping things swing toward the good again soon.

    Love the new Gaythering Storm video, love Jane Lynch and everyone who lends their voices to do these videos, but I’m a little sad that Liz Feldman doesn’t seem to be getting her credit where it’s due- she did co-write, co-direct and produce it…! She’s going places, that one (I hope…)

    That Alice thing doesn’t even make sense. She said she met Bette when Bette contacted her about a party guest list and that’s how Bette met Tina? But… Bette and Alice had dated, right? So… did I miss something? Are we to believe that Alice and Bette were just dating for the brief period of party planning or…? I’m confused. And WHY am I still trying to make sense of this?!

  2. You Americans are so amusing! I for one will miss these parody videos when the fight is over.

  3. Pingback: Topics about Gays » Daily Fix 4.21.09 - It’s Raining Gays! | Autostraddle

  4. If someone could let The Lynch know that I am an EXPERT at making giant umbrellas, it would be greatly appreciated…
    Did I miss when we talked about JBeals interrogation tape? I’m pretty sure I had feelings that I didn’t get to share…

  5. uh riese, where is that first glorious “extreme tomboy” image from?

    the new DAZED mag?

    let me know. k thnx. :)

  6. That gay storm video is hilarious and whoever is miss extreme tomboy up there is really really hot.

    • That’s Kelly Kopen. Obviously I’ve already exhausted all google web and image searches about her, so I just thought I’d share the knowledge :)

  7. OK now I’m addicted to YouTube versions of Home And Away – lol…..that’s after I’ve downloaded Skins – if only they wouldn’t have the newly found lesbian “accidentally” sleep with a man – wtf?

    I understand being confused when you’re 1st coming out, esp. if you’ve dated men b4 – been there…but good gawd!

    After I was with a woman I NEVER EVER went back to men, nor did I ever ever want to!!!

    I KNEW….I KNEW then that I was fully on a lesbian – so let’s hope the damned IFC doesn’t get hold of the Home And Away script and ruin Joey & Charlie’s love story – and Charlie better come clean with Joey – secrets only destroy relationships – straight OR gay…but ESP. when a newly found lesbian, who has given up soooo much to come out goes back to men –

    That’s a big LESBIAN relationship breaker……….!!!!

    • You and Marlene are right, the latest twist in the H&A storyline deserves a big wtf.

      On the other hand, while it’s disappointing that Charlie would go and sleep with a dude after professing her love for Joey, I’ve got to say that it’s not entirely unrealistic. Can we fault H&A for telling a story that probably happens all the time? I’m not sure.

  8. i watched home & away for the first time in a long time last night. i just want to say, wtf.

  9. Pingback: Topics about Gays » Daily Fix 4.21.09 - It’s Raining Gays!

  10. I’ve seen lots of “Gathering Storm” parodies but I love this one the most. I love the raining gay people, especially that one woman on the left side who is frantically batting them away and getting her hands caught in her hair. Priceless.

  11. Well, I really hate how that California girl is turning this whole thing around and trying to make it look like she is some kind of hero for “standing up for what she believes in” – which is…discrimination?
    Love the “Gathering Storm” parody! “Paid for by God and Doctors” LOL

  12. Jennifer Beals, yes THE Jennifer Beals – will be guest-starring tonight on the series “Lie To Me”….. *Heads up JB fans!*

  13. I feel as though I need a new identity on this site rather than “Reader Nicole” its so, boring

    with that said, Jane Lynch is amazing and I love that Sophia Bush is in that video

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