All 240 Dead Lesbian and Bisexual Characters On TV, And How They Died

People die. Characters die. This is perhaps life’s most unfortunate fact: that people will die and leave the rest of us behind. It’s incredibly rare that any dramatic television series lasting over three seasons will never kill a main or recurring character, and all those deaths have driven a stake through the heart of fandom: Joyce on Buffy, Lady Sybil on Downton Abby, Charlie on Lost, Ned Stark on Game of Thrones, Jen on Dawson’s Creek, Nate on Six Feet Under — but when the person who dies is a lesbian or bisexual character, queer fandom takes it pretty hard.

The history of lesbian representation on television is rocky — in the beginning, we seemed exclusively relegated to roles that saw us getting killed/attacked or doing the killing/attacking. And until the last five or so years, lesbian and bisexual characters seemed entirely unable to date an actual woman or stay alive for more than three episodes, let alone an entire run, of a show. Gay and lesbian characters are so often murdered on television that we have our very own trope: Bury Your Gays. We comprise such a teeny-tiny fraction of characters on television to begin with that killing us off so haphazardly feels especially cruel.

Not every death listed below was wholly uncalled for. In many genres, like soap operas and shows about vampires, zombies, criminals, or games of thrones, characters are killed on the reg. That’s a different trope — Anyone Can Die. Furthermore, shows composed entirely of queer characters will inevitably kill one. But regardless, they still add to the body count weighing down our history of misrepresentation.

And, due to the recent untimely death of Lexa on The 100, this week seemed like a good one to count down everybody we have lost over the years.

This list contains every television death of an OPENLY lesbian or bisexual or queer female character on a television show. With a handful of exceptions, these are all characters who appeared for more than one episode. The exceptions were deemed exceptional because something about the characterization still fits in with the Bury Your Gays trope. Victims-of-the-week from crime procedurals (Law & Order, Cold Case, CSI, Criminal Minds or older shows) or patients-of-the-week from hospital dramas (Chicago Hope, E.R.), aren’t on this list, as that is an entirely different kind of list, but recurring characters from those shows are on this list. Nor is subtext on this list, because we’re not gonna give Xena showrunners Queer Character Credit for a character they refused to make openly queer when she was really so obviously queer. You know? [ETA: Okay, I’ve added Xena after doing further research and because if one more commenter takes up space on this thread — a thread I’m using to find more characters to add, and also to engage with thoughtful/funny readers who have opinions and feelings — to tell me that I “forgot” Xena without reading this introduction, I will become the 200th dead lesbian and the cause of death will be “Walked off a cliff with a commenter in her arms. Murder-suicide.” But Xena will be the one and only inclusion based on subtext.] Also, although I’ve done tons of research, I haven’t personally seen all of these shows, so mistakes may very well exist, and feel free to politely inform me of them in the comments, or tell me about characters I may have missed — it’s especially helpful if you can tell me the cause of death and the year.

Unsure if this needs to be said but… SPOILER ALERT.

Special thanks to the LezWatchTV Database for providing info on shows I haven’t seen or heard about directly!

Every Regular or Recurring Lesbian or Bisexual Female Character Killed On Television

Julie, Executive Suite (1976)

Cause of death: Hit by a car. Her love interest had just walked into traffic after realizing her lesbianism and Julie was chasing her.


Franky Doyle, Prisoner: Cell Block H (1980)

Cause of death: Shot by a police officer after escaping from prison


Sharon Gilmour, Prisoner: Cell Block H (1980)

Cause of death: Pushed down the stairs by a corrections officer


Karen O’Malley, Casualty (1987)

Cause of death: Head Injury


Cecília, Vale Tudo (1988)

Cause of death: Car Accident


Cicely, Northern Exposure (1992)

Cause of death: Shot by a gunman employed by the town’s evil overlord who doesn’t want to let the lesbians change his town. The shot was intended for her girlfriend Roslyn, but Cicely, who was already sick, blocked the bullet and died in Roslyn’s arms, thus magically healing the town’s long-simmering feuds and leading them to re-name the town “Cicely.”


Talia Winters, Babylon 5 (1995)

Cause of death: Activated a sleeper personality that wiped out her actual personality, effectively killing her


Beth Jordache, Brookside (1995)

Cause of death: Genetic heart condition, died in prison


Susan Ross, Seinfeld (1996)

Cause of death: Toxic envelope glue


Naomi “Tracy” Richards, Band of Gold (1996)

Cause of death: Stabbed herself


Lucy, The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders (1996)

Cause of death: Caught thieving and hanged


Kathy, NYPD Blue (1997)

Cause of death: Shot by a hit man hired by her girlfriend Abby’s ex, who wanted to get rid of Kathy so she could get back together with Abby. Abby was pregnant at the time.


Sondra Westwood, Pacific Drive (1997)

Cause of death: Murdered by a serial killer

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Jadzia Dax, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1998)

Cause of death: Blasted by an alien-possessed alien


Sonia Besirky, Lindenstraße (1998)

Cause of death: Drug overdose from medication given to her by her ex-lover’s husband


Leila and Rafaela, Torre de Babel (1998)

Cause of death: Explosion in a shopping mall


Susanne Teubner, Hinter Gittern (1999)

Cause of death: Shot during a bank robbery (she was a customer)


Shaz Wiley, Bad Girls (2000)

Cause of death: Bomb, died in resulting fire


Laura Hall, Shortland Street (2000)

Cause of death: Heart attack


Diamond, Dark Angel (2001)

Cause of death: Used as a lab rat for research that killed her


Xena, Xena the Warrior Princess (2001)

Cause of death: Beheaded


Beate “Bea” Hansen, Hinter Gittern (2001)

Cause of death: Injuries from an explosion

Walter (Katy Karrenbauer, li.) und Bea (Sonia Farke) haben sich bei Jutta ein paar Tage in Freiheit erpresst.

Jule Neumann, Hinter Gittern (2001)

Cause of death: Suicide


Frankie Stone, All My Children (2001)

Cause of death: Murder Mystery!


Bridgit, 24 (2001)

Cause of death: Shot by a man in front of her girlfriend


Tara Maclay, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2002)

Cause of death: Shot in the heart by a stray bullet


Kelly Hurst, Family Affairs (2002)

Cause of death: Pushed down the stairs by her lover’s husband


Megan Hartnoll, At Home With The Braithwaites (2003)

Cause of death: Electrocuted in the bathtub

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Juliet Becker, The Bill (2003)

Cause of death: Stabbed


Tina Greer, Smallville (2003)

Cause of death: Impaled through the chest on a large piece of wood during a fight with a male character


Sandy Lopez, E.R. (2004)

Cause of death: Injuries sustained from fighting a fire in an abandoned warehouse


Al Mackenzie, Bad Girls (2004)

Cause of death: Poisoned


Hanna Novak, Verbotene Liebe (2004)

Cause of death: Stroke, died in her girlfriend’s arms


Ines Führbringer, Hinter Gittern (2004)

Cause of death: Throat slit, died in girlfriend’s arms


Thelma Bates, Hex (2004)

Cause of death: Murdered by a demon


Flora, Deadwood (2004)

Cause of death: Beaten by a man who then forced a woman to shoot her with his gun


Brenda Castillo, Charmed (2004)

Cause of death: Stabbed with a cursed blade by a man, causing her to rapidly age and then die


Tosha, The Wire (2004)

Cause of death: Shot during a heist gone wrong

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Marissa Cooper, The O.C. (2005)

Cause of death: Car crash after being driven off the road by her drunk ex-boyfriend


Servilla, Rome (2005)

Cause of death: Stabs herself in front of her rival house, inhabited by the mother of her lover


Dusty, Queer As Folk (2005)

Cause of death: At a benefit at a gay club when a bomb went off

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Dana Fairbanks, The L Word (2006)

Cause of death: Breast cancer


Helena Cain, Battlestar Galactica (2006)

Cause of death: Shot by her ex-lady-lover


Manuela Wellmann, Hinter Gittern (2006)

Cause of death: Stabbed, died in girlfriend’s arms


Maya Robertson, Hex (2006)

Cause of death: Hit by a car


Natalie, Bad Girls (2006)

Cause of death: Bludgeoned to death with a brick


Gina Inviere/#6, Battlestar Galactica (2006)

Cause of death: Set off a nuclear weapon


Eve Jacobson/Zoe McAllister, Home & Away (2006)

Cause of death: Inside a building when it was blown up


Van, Dante’s Cove (2006)

Cause of Death: Killed by the Shadows

Angie Morton, Stritctly Confidential (2006)

Cause of death: Suicide. Jumped off a building.

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Rae Thomas, Passions (2007)

Cause of death: Stabbed


Jay Copeland, Shortland Street (2007)

Cause of death: Strangled by the Ferndale strangler


Lily Baker, Supernatural (2007)

Cause of death: Attacked and hung on a windmill by a demon


Toshiko Sato, Torchwood (2008)

Cause of death: Shot


Nicole Wallace, Law and Order: Criminal Intent (2008)

Cause of Death: Killed by another serial killer. (Wallace was a recurring character on Law & Order: Criminal Intent, appearing in 6 episodes.)

Franzi Reuter, Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten (2008)

Cause of death: Gas explosion


Snoop, The Wire (2008)

Cause of death: Shot by a new dealer, who correctly believed she was about to shoot him


Sarah Barnes, Hollyoaks (2009)

Cause of death: Skydiving accident, instigated by her ex who tampered with the parachute thinking it was Sarah’s activity partner’s parachute


Olivia Lord, Nip/Tuck (2009)

Cause of death: Cardiac arrest during plastic surgery


Jenny Schecter, The L Word (2009)

Cause of death: Murdered by Ilene Chaiken


D’Anna Biers/Number Three, Battlestar Galactica (2009)

Cause of death: Decided she’d rather stay behind on the toxic wasteland that once was Earth with her ancestors than inevitably be killed by Cavil in the cold darkness of outer space.


Doctor Marina Ranieri del Colle, Terapia D’Urgenza (2009)

Cause of death: Shot by the mother of a baby who had died despite Marina’s care. Died in her girlfriend’s arms.


Silvia Castro León, Los hombres de Paco (2010)

Cause of death: Shot by gangsters directly after her wedding


Isabella Kortenaer, Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden (2010)

Cause of death: Infection from slipping on the bathroom floor
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Dahlia, Legend of the Seeker (2010)

Cause of death: Confessed


Amy Tyler, Sons of Anarchy (2010)

Cause of death: Shot in the neck by her girlfriend, who wanted to frame her for murder


Sophia, Skins (2010)

Cause of death: Suicide. Jumped to her death in a dance club after buying MDMA from the girl she was obsessed with


June Stahl, Sons of Anarchy (2010)

Cause of death: Shot in the back of the head

SONS OF ANARCHY, Ally Walker, 'Turning and Turning', (Season 3, ep. 305, aired Oct. 5, 2010), 2008-. photo: Prashant Gupta / © FX / Courtesy: Everett Collection

HG Wells, Warehouse 13 (2011) (Resurrected in 2012)

Cause of death: Sacrificed herself to keep the rest of the Warehouse crew (especially Myka) from getting blown to smithereens.


Marissa Tasker, All My Children (2011)

Cause of death: Shot by her jealous ex-husband


Patty O’Farrell and Veronica Cortes, La Reina del Sur (2011)

Cause of death: Patty drives off a cliff with Veronica in the passenger seat — Veronica dies, but Patty doesn’t, so after waking up in the hospital, she kills herself.


Susan Grant, Private Practice (2011)

Cause of death: Septic shock following cancer treatment, collapsed at her wedding


Bizzy Forbes, Private Practice (2011)

Cause of death: Suicide after her wife died


Queen Sophie Ann Leclerq, True Blood (2011)

Cause of death: Wooden bullet shot by American Vampire League snipers


Gaia, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (2011)

Cause of death: Head bashed in by a man she rejected


Angela Darmody & Louise Bryant, Boardwalk Empire (2011)

Cause of death: Shot by a mobster


Freya Wilson, Doctors (2012)

Cause of death: Saved a man from a housefire


Nadia, Lost Girl (2012)

Cause of death: Stabbed while violently possessed


Laure,Les Revenants (2012)

Cause of death: Disappeared along with a group of other police officers, assumed died while fighting the horde, precise cause unknown


Cat MacKenzie, Lip Service (2012)

Cause of Death: Hit by a car


Charlie, Home & Away (2012)

Cause of death: Life support shut off after a shooting left her unable to breathe on her own


Wendy, American Horror Story: Asylum (2012)

Cause of death: Murdered by serial killer Bloodyface


Lucretia, Spartacus: Vengeance (2012)

Cause of death: Murder-suicide, walked off a cliff with a baby in her arms


Maya St. Germain, Pretty Little Liars (2012)

Cause of death: Bludgeoned by her ex-boyfriend/stalker


Nora Gainesborough, True Blood (2013)

Cause of true death: Hep-V


Beate, Bron/Broen (2013)

Cause of death: Accidentally via poisoned needle at her girlfriend’s hospital bed


Natalie, Siberia (2013)

Cause of death: Unknown. Found dead in the woods.


Annie, Siberia (2013)

Cause of death: Gunshot woundannie

Helen Bartlett, Scott & Bailey (2013)

Cause of death: Slit her wrists

RED PRODUCTION COMPANY presents SCOTT & BAILEY for ITV Series 3 Episode 1 Picture shows: NICOLA WALKER as Helen Bartlett © ITV/Red Productions

Clementine Chasseur, Hemlock Grove (2013)

Cause of death: Eaten by a Upir after being kidnapped, beaten and caged


Nan Flanagan, True Blood (2013)

Cause of true death: Staked by Bill Compton

Nan Flanagan drops by Fangtasia to question Eric

Saxa, Spartacus (2013)

Cause of death: Sword attack during battle

Muddy Hill-Rebels battle Romans

Shana Fring, Pretty Little Liars (2013)

Cause of death: Fell off a stage after being hit in the head with a gun


Naomi Campbell, Skins (2013)

Cause of Death: Cancer


Cristina, Tierra de Lobos (2013)

Cause of death: Head injury sustained during a scuffle with a jealous man who was going to shoot her


Alisha, The Walking Dead (2013)

Cause of death: Shot by a 12-year-old girl


Emily, Teen Wolf (2013)

Cause of death: Was about to have sex with her girlfriend in a tent when she was kidnapped by a swarm of cockroaches, tied to a tree, bludgeoned over the head, strangled and then had her throat slit (ancient druidic “triple death”) as the first virgin sacrifice of an evil druidess who was attempting, through ritual sacrifices, to amass sufficient power to get her revenge against the evil uber-Alpha Werewolf who had massacred her friends and horribly disfigured her.


Alice Calvert, Under the Dome (2013)

Cause of death: Heart attack suffered from low blood sugar (she was a diabetic) after delivering another character’s baby


Bullet, The Killing (2013)

Cause of death: Murdered by serial killer


Tricia, Orange is the New Black (2013)

Cause of death: Drug overdose


Texas Longford, Hollyoaks (2013)

Cause of Death: Shoved out a window on her wedding day by her husband.

Tina Patterson, Boss (2013)

Cause of Death: Murdered by order of Chicago’s mayor in order to destroy her girlfriend’s campaign.

Collen Donaghy, 30 Rock (2013)

Lucy & Alice, American Horror Story: Freakshow (2014)

Cause of death: Bludgeoned with an axe by a puppet controlled by Lucy’s husband, Chester, who was suffering from PTSD and upset they won’t have a threesome with him


Jana Murphy, The Following (2014)

Cause of Death: Suicide


Uriel, Dominion (2014)

Cause of Death: Air strike


Lucy Westenra, Dracula (2014)

Cause of death: Killed (turned into a vampire) by Dracula for betraying her ex-best-friend by sleeping with her fiancé


Ana and Teresa, Amar en Tiempos Revueltos (2014)

Cause of death: Originally given a happy ending in 2012. The show was sold to another network and came back as “Amar es Para Siempre,” and viewers then learned that Ana and their son died in a fire, and Teresa died in the hospital as a result of injuries from the fire.


Claire Bennet, Heroes Reborn (2014)

Cause of death: Died in childbirth from cardiac arrest from a traumatic seizure


Victoria Hand, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2014)

Cause of death: Gunshot wound to the head


Isabelle Hartley, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2014)

Cause of death: Car accident, SUV was flipped by the Absorbing Man


Catriona, Doctors (2014)

Cause of death: Suicide after being attacked in a hate crime


Nadia Petrova, The Vampire Diaries (2014)

Cause of death: Werewolf venom


Reyna Flores, Matador (2014)

Cause of death: Shot


Tara Thornton, True Blood (2014)

Cause of death: Took a bullet for her best friend (2009). Was then made vampire. Meets the true death while attempting to protect her mother from an H-Vamp. (2014)


Leslie Elizabeth Shay, Chicago Fire (2014)

Cause of death: Pipe collapse while fighting a fire


Kenya Rosewater, Defiance (2014)

Cause of death: Poisoned by her lover


Sara Lance, Arrow (2014) (Resurrected in 2015)

Cause of death: Three arrows to the chest, causing her to fall off a building


Rose, Crossbones (2014)

Cause of death: Throat slit by her girlfriend


Rachel Posner, House of Cards (2015)

Cause of death: Ran over by a man with an obsessive crush on her

Rachel in House of Cards

Elise Beaupré, Unité 9 (2015)

Cause of death: Cancer


Tituba, Salem (2015)

Cause of death: Man sent a flock of crows after her to peck out her eyes and leave her for dead


Jenna Dickerson, Supernatural (2015)

Cause of death: Neck broken by a man while she was possessed by a demon baby


Kate, Last Tango in Halfiax (2015)

Cause of death: Hit by a car


Natacha Rambova, American Horror Story: Hotel (2015)

Cause of death: Shot


Destiny Rumaneck, Hemlock Grove (2015)

Cause of death: Hit her head on a glass coffee table during a violent confrontation with a man who then broke her neck.


Adele, The Lizzie Borden Chronicles (2015)

Cause of death: Throat slit by Lizzie Borden


Connie Ward, Home Fires (2015)

Cause of death: On a ship sunk by German U-Boats.


Denise/Simone, Felizes Para Sempre? (2015)

Cause of death: Shot in the head


Wendy Ross-Hogarth, Jessica Jones (2015)

Cause of death: Bludgeoned with a vase, fell and hit her head on a glass coffee table, was psychologically controlled by an evil man at the time


Samantha Krueger, Ascension (2015)

Cause of death: Shot in the head


Maddie Heath, Coronation Street (2015)

Cause of death: Building yard explosion, died in hospital

Lillian Moss, Murdoch Mysteries (2015)

Cause of death: Shot by her ex-lover’s husband


Tamsin, Lost Girl (2015)

Cause of death: Died while birthing a child conceived from rape


Carolyn Hill, Under the Dome (2015)

Cause of death: Crushed to death in a collapsing tunnel


Vivian, Mistresses (2015)

Cause of Death: Cancer


Sam, Scream Queens (2015)

Cause of death: Suffocated by a serial killer in a red devil mask


Sophia Varma, Blindspot (2015)

Cause of death: Asked her girlfriend to run away with her and then killed herself

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Sally, American Horror Story: Hotel (2015)

Cause of death: Pushed out a window


Charlie, Supernatural (2015)

Cause of death: Stabbed by a Neo-Nazi who then dumped her body in a bathtub


Rachael Murray, Scream (2015)

Cause of death: Thrown off a balcony by Ghostface, snapping her neck


The Countess, American Horror Story: Hotel (2015)

Cause of death: Shot and then decapitated


Ruby Haswell, Emmerdale (2015)

Cause of death: Helicopter Crash


Zora, The Shannara Chronciles (2016)

Cause of death: Throat slit


Rose/Sin Rostro, Jane the Virgin (2016) (Resurrected in 2016, Killed Again in 2019)

Cause of death: Strangled by the crime lord Mutter.


Carla, Code Black (2016)

Cause of death: Cancer, shortly after giving birth


Julie Mao, The Expanse (2016)

Cause of death: Infected by an alien pathogen


Ash, Janet King (2016)

Cause of death: Shot, between seasons


Lexa, The 100 (2016)

Cause of death: Shot in the stomach by a stray bullet


Kira, The Magicians (2016)

Cause of Death: Paralyzed and kept alive in a vegetative state, she enables the spiritual growth of a white woman in another realm and then asks the white woman to kill her in real life, which she does.

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Denise, The Walking Dead (2016)

Cause of Death: Shot in the eye with a crossbow bolt by a man while she was in the middle of a sentence


Nora and Mary Louise, The Vampire Diaries (2016)

Cause of Death: Suicide. They destroyed a magic sword together to prevent Nora from being forever trapped in it, knowing that destroying the sword would kill them both. They chose death rather than having to be apart with Nora trapped in the sword.


Mimi Whiteman, Empire (2016)

Cause of Death: Poisoned by her wife, who was cheating on her and wanted her to hurry up and die of cancer


Camilla, Empire (2016)

Cause of Death: Poisoned by her wife’s former business partner after poisoning her wife


Cara Thomas, Marcella (2016)

Cause of Death: Hit and then run over by a car

Pamela Clayborne, Saints & Sinners (2016)

Cause of Death: Shot by an intruder who was associated with the man her husband falsely accused her of having an affair with (she was actually having an affair with a woman).


Felicity, The Catch (2016)

Cause of Death: Shot by a man she slept with after giving him information on his con artist sister, who she was also sexually involved with.


Bridey, The Family (2016)

Cause of Death: Stabbed


Mayfair, Blindspot (2016)

Cause of Death: Shot in the back

Blindspot - Season 1

Karen Kim, Mistresses (2016)

Cause of Death: Fell off her balcony trying to save her suicidal nanny

Root, Person of Interest (2016)

Cause of Death: Saving a man from a sniper’s bullet


Poussey Washington, Orange is the New Black (2016)

Cause of death: Strangled by a Correctional Officer following the violent interruption of a peaceful protest of the Captain of the Correctional Officers


Bea Smith, Wentworth (2016)

Cause of Death: Deliberately stabbed with a screwdriver in order to ensure a terrible person remained in prison. Sacrificed herself and died the tragic hero.


Molly Ryan, Guilt (2016)

Cause of Death: Girlfriend hired somebody to kill her rather than have to witness her being involved with somebody else.


Roz Walters, Guilt (2016)

Cause of Death: Attacked by the roommate of her ex-lover after it was revealed that Roz had killed said ex-lover to avoid having to see her loving somebody else.


Sarah Harvey, Pretty Little Liars (2016)

Cause of Death: Unknown — found dead in a hotel bathtub


Julia, The Exorcist (2016)

Cause of Death: Car accident, directly after confessing her feelings to her friend, who was driving.


Helen, Masters of Sex (2016)

Cause of Death: Died in childbirth. Following her death, her parents took the baby she’d been planning to raise with her partner, Betty.

Gina, Shut Eye (2016)

Cause of Death: Murdered off-screen


Zoë Vaughn, Scream (2016)

Cause of Death: Drowned

Susan, Van Helsing (2016)

Cause of Death: Strangled


Monica Gallagher, Shameless (2016)

Cause of death: Massive cerebral hemmorrhage

Eleanor Guthrie, Black Sails (2017)

Cause of death: Stabbed to death by a Spanish solider.

Mia Rochland, Rogue (2017)

Cause of Death: Betrayed by her girlfriend, who shoots her in the back so a cop can kill her.

Bill Potts, Doctor Who (2017)

Cause of Death: Shot by a Cyberman then turned into sentient oil

Joan Ferguson, Wentworth (2017)

Cause of Death: Buried alive (hopefully)

Barbara Kean, Gotham (2017) – RESURRECTED

Cause of Death: Electrocuted, then resurrected

Jukebox, Power (2017)

Cause of Death: Gunshot

Ivy Mayfair-Richards, American Horror Story: Cult (2017)

Cause of Death: Poisoned by her wife

Renée, Slasher (2017)

Cause of Death: Run over by a snowmobile

Talvinder, Slasher (2017)

Cause of Death: Killed by her friends

Susan, Slasher (2017)

Cause of Death: Neck broken & eyes gouged out

Winter Anderson, American Horror Story: Cult (2017)

Cause of Death: Strangled by her brother for doing a thing she didn’t actually do

Bebe Babbitt, American Horror Story: Cult (2017)

Cause of Death: Shot in the back by another woman when she was about to kill the male cult leader that really needs to be killed because he is destroying lives.

Emily “A&W” Blake, Prison Break (2017)

Cause of Death: Neck broken by serial killer / rapist

Nadia Fiero, Counterpart (2018)

Cause of Death: Murdered by government agents who were going after her because her (also gay) counterpart, Baldwin, is a wanted assassin.

Karen Williams, Star (2018)

Cause of Death: Ded in a house fire after a mutual love proclamation with her girlfriend and best friend, Simone Davis. Karen was in the house at Simone’s suggestion. She was running away, and Simone offered her protection in her home.

Mason, The Arrangement (2018)

Cause of Death: On the same day that her annual lover, Deann, declares that she wants to figure out how to build a real, more-than-annual relationship with her, she dies. I’m not sure how yet because I got so upset I had to turn off the television as soon as it was confirmed that she was dead.

Kit, The Handmaid’s Tale (2018)

Cause of Death: Toxic working conditions in the colonies

Nadia, Killing Eve (2018)

Cause of Death: Murdered by her ex in prison

Anna, Killing Eve (2018)

Cause of Death: Shoots herself

Odette Johnson, The Handmaid’s Tale (2018)

Cause of Death: Killed during the war

Maureen Kukudio, Orange is the New Black (2018)

Cause of Death: Died during a prison riot, prior to which she was forced to engage in hand-to-hand combat with another inmate, resulting in severe facial injuries that were infected due to inadequate medical care.

Drago, Wentworth (2018)

Cause of death: Killed in a fight club match after telling her opponent that she had killed her sister

Sarah Tan, Condor (2018)

Cause of Death: Died in the attack on the IEP’s office that killed all her colleagues.

Alisha Granderson, The Last Ship (2018)

Cause of Death: Alisha’s girlfriend turned out to be pulling a long con and soon after Alisha realized the truth, her girlfriend stabbed her in the midst of a struggle.

Bracka, The Purge (2018)

Cause of Death: Shot after entering the home of the wealthy cis straight white man she’d been paid to assassinate.

(Photo by: Patti Perret/USA Network)

Peach Salinger, You (2018)

Cause of Death: Shot by her best friend’s boyfriend who did not appreciate the competition for his attention, because he is a creepy stalker.

Lila Stanton, The Purge (2018)

Cause of Death: Stabbed by her ex-girlfriend because she was about to kill her ex-girlfriend’s husband

(Photo by: Patti Perret/USA Network)

CeCe, Grey’s Anatomy (2019)

Cause of Death: Complications due to kidney failure and congestive heart failure

Rana Habeeb, Coronation Street (2019)

Cause of Death: Roof collapse the day after her wedding

Tara, The Walking Dead (2019)

Cause of Death: Decapitated by The Whisperers

Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Mr. Kaplan, The Blacklist (2019)

Cause of Death: Jumped off a bridge

Rose/Sin Rostro, Jane the Virgin (2019)

Cause of Death: Pushed down a building shaft by her on-again/off-again girlfriend Luisa, then impaled by a set piece and set on fire.

Arlene Branch, Claws (2019)

Cause of Death: Throat slashed by a mob boss.

Daddy, Orange is the New Black (2019)

Cause of Death: Drug overdose

Charlotte Wells, Harlots (2019)

Cause of Death: Knocked over a railing and dashed to her death

Sky Garibaldi, Grand Hotel (2019)

Cause of Death: Murdered by a co-worker to protect a secret about the rich family they both worked for.

Jade, Why Women Kill (2019)

Cause of Death: Stabbed by ex-girlfriend Taylor in self defense, shortly after Jade stabbed her ex-boyfriend, who is Taylor’s husband.

Joy Wilkes, Castle Rock (2019)

Cause of Death: Murdered by her sister

Jamilah Olsen, Black Lightning (2020)

Cause of Death: Shot to death while reporting the news.

Bel, Boca a Boca (2020)

Cause of Death: Deadly virus

Carlota Senillosa, Cable Girls (2020)

Cause of Death: Shot by National forces while attempting to distract them to protect soldiers. Assumed killed in a group with all the other Cable Girls at the series finale.

Dani, The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)

Cause of Death: Claimed fully by the lady in the lake

Swanee Caps, Fargo (2020)

Cause of Death: Shot

Celia, Cursed (2020)

Cause of Death: Killed when the Abbey is burned down

celia the nun

Tina Carter, EastEnders (2020)

Cause of Death: Murdered

Tina Carter, EastEnders

Tatiana, Batwoman (2021)

Cause of Death: Stabbed to death

Tatiana from Batwoman

Nicole, Power Book III: Raising Kanan (2021)

Cause of Death: Drug overdose

Nicole from Raising Kanan looks over her shoulder.

Maya, American Horror Stories (2021)

Cause of Death: Killed as revenge by the girl she outed online

maya in american horror stories

Lemon, I Know What You Did Last Summer (2021)

Cause of Death: Hit by a car (her friends are driving the car and they proceed to try to cover up her death while her twin sister assumes her identity)

Lemon "I know what you did last summer"

Hinata Murai, Invasion (2021)

Cause of Death: Spaceship explosion

Invasion astronaut Hinata Murai

Sissy Cooper, The Umbrella Academy (2022)

Cause of Death: Cancer

Sissy Cooper in The Umbrealla Academy

Mari Winters, Wentworth (2022)

Cause of Death: Stabbed with a kitchen knife

mari winters in jail in wentworth

Betsy Mallum, Dopesick (2022)

Cause of Death: Drug Overdose

Richard Sackler and Purdue work the system to prevent their drug from being reigned in, Bridget has a breakthrough in her mission, Betsy has hit rock-bottom while Finnix explores new avenues, and Rick & Randy ready their criminal case. Betsy Mallum (Kaitlyn Dever), and Diane Mallum (Mare Winningham), shown. (Photo by: Gene Page/Hulu)

(Photo by: Gene Page/Hulu)

Charly Burk, The Orville (2022)

Cause of Death: Sacrificed herself to stop a genocide against Kaylon even though she hated them

Charly in Orville

Helene, Killing Eve (2022)

Cause of Death: Throat slit

Helene in the bathtub

Vilanelle, Killing Eve (2022)

Cause of Death: Shot multiple times

Villanelle eats a Tangfastic

Riley, The Last Of Us (2023)

Cause of Death: Deadly virus that killed most of humanity

Riley in "The Last of Us"

Rashida, Swarm (2023)

Cause of Death: Strangled by her girlfriend, a serial killer

Kiersey Clemons as "rashida" in swarm

Judy Hale, Dead to Me (2023)

Cause of Death: Cancer

Judy Hale from "Dead to Me"

Eva, Truth Be Told (2023)

Cause of Death: Shot by a guy who was trying to kill someone else

eva in "truth be told"

Victorine LaFourcade, The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)

Cause of Death: Stabbed herself in the heart

T'Nia Miller in red light giving an impassioned monologue

Alessandra Ruiz, The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)

Cause of Death: Hit in the head by a thrown bookend and then cut open

Alessandra in her apartment

Madeline Usher, The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)

Cause of Death: Mummified, reanimated, and then crushed beneath her home

Camille L’Espanaye, The Fall of the House of Usher (2023)

Cause of Death: Face ripped off by a chimpanzee

Kate Siegel in a white wig, white turtleneck sweater, and a light blue denim jumper stands between her two assistants in suits.

Detective Burke, Power Book III: Raising Kanan (2023)

Cause of Death: Shot by the killer who just confessed to her, who then stages the murder as a suicide

Detective Burke stares at Detective Howard in the season three premiere of Raising Kanan. They are both in a car at night.

Juliet Nightingale, Hollyoaks (2023)

Cause of Death: Cancer, shortly after reconciling with her ex-girlfriend

Juliet Nightingale on Hollyoaks

Nadia Morales, The Cleaning Lady (2024)

Cause of Death: Killed by the local cartel leader

nadia morales

Pages: 1 2 3 4See entire article on one page

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3298 articles for us.


  1. Ruby knowby from ash vs the evil dead. In fact I think I’m their wiki she’s marked as having died twice.

    This also marks the 5th time that Lucy Lawless had died and appears on this list. Someone should tell her next time she represents to get it in her contract that her character survives the show

  2. Please take a second look at the circumstances of Kira’s death on The Magicians.

    Julia refused to kill her, as I recall. Kira’s counselor did, as a mercy killing.

    Also, it was ambiguous whether Kira was gay.


    French TV show “Les Combattantes” (2022): Marguerite de Lancastel, shot on a battlefield during WWI while working as an ambulance driver and trying to rescue her wounded son.

    • [SPOILER ALERT] Of course, this is more of an “Anyone Can Die” trope, but she is the only main female character to die (the show is about four women during WWI), and the very next scene features a very straight plotline that – obviously – ends well. Sooo…

  4. CLEXA death is infuriating because it goes to show how debased sold out producers crew writers & directors have become.
    All knew plenty well about Fridging and Bury your gays tropes.
    So what do they do?
    Mix both in one slap in the face of fandom just to say:
    “See? we are in charge here.
    We re the ones calling the shots.
    Its not your call.
    We are Gods in our Olympus.
    Only White House Gods can challenge us.”
    Newsflash morons.
    Heroes can kill Gods.
    Luv & Thunder proved even mortal worshipers can become Gor Butchers.
    Your not even Gorrs let alone Gods.
    Even if u were.
    Remember what Wonder Diana did to Ares?
    Remember what Kratos did to Olympians?
    Remember what Winchester Bros did to Chuck?
    U definitively should watch competition shows to dim your hubris.
    Not to worry.
    Fandome came along in droves to remind u of wise saying:
    Hubris precedes the fall from Grace.
    Since u white relics of medieval times seem to appreciate old biblical values your supposed to heed to those sayings.
    Theyre wise cautionary tales much like sweet Jesus Paraboles.
    Then again i guess u powers that be are not much into New Testament save from Revelations & Rapture maybe.
    U re more like Old Testament & Judges type.
    Just remember that.
    If Rapture became reality fans complaininh bout your cruel misdeeds would be taken to Heavens and U re the ones who would be left behind to face the consequences of scorched hell on Earth of yer own making.
    Meditate on that before yer forced to be left dining on Ashes, literally.

  5. To the stars 2019, Maggie. She was in a relationship with the hairdresser, but… not sure she was killed. The ending isn’t clear is she dead or not ;)

  6. Is Peach from You open? She did kiss Becky and they were going to Paris before she was killed by Joe. But Becky didnt want, I guess…

  7. ***Spoilers for The Confessions of Frannie Langton***

    Frannie Langton, The Confessions of Frannie Langton (2022): Hanged
    Madame Marguerite Benham, The Confessions of Frannie Langton (2022): Opium Overdose

  8. Forgot one: Shirley MacLaine’s character in 1960’s movie she co-starred in with Audrey Hepburn, “The Children’s Hour.” She committed suicide by gun after confessing her love to Audrey H. character.

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