Howdy, would-be campers! As you no doubt are aware, A-Camp is in four short weeks! Yes, soon we will all be together, kumbaya-ing it up and eating vegan marshmallows. What’s that? You can’t afford to go? NEVER FEAR, Kipper Clothiers is here!
Kipper Clothiers is a San Fran-based company that produces custom-fitted suits and shirts for the LGBT community in the Bay Area. Run by Kyle Moshrefi and Erin Berg , the company’s founding principle is that everyone should be able to own a suit/shirt that fits great, looks great and feels great. At Kipper Clothiers, you can choose from the finest selection of fabrics, linings and buttons available, get expertly measured by tailors you can trust, and select custom details (like specific collar and cuff styles or monograms) in order to produce the shirt or suit that really suits you and your body.

Kyle Moshrefi and Erin Berg
They sponsored a campership back in September 2013, which was a huge win for humankind because it enabled this kickass lady to get her ass up the mountain:

Mel, self-described “Dapper Femme”, on a dapper day in May
And GUESS WHAT, they’re doing it again because you’re all so good looking! The winner will get to go to camp tuition-free which is about the best deal fathomable.

Hannah Hart loves Kipper Clothiers
How To Apply
- Like Kipper Clothiers on Facebook AND follow Kipper Clothiers on Instagram.
- Instagram a photo of yourself looking dapper, including the hashtag #KipperCamper and tagging @KipperClothiers
- Do a little tiny dance because THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO.
You do not need to be a masculine-presenting lady to put on a fun outfit/costume and enter this contest! The only requirement is that you have to not already be signed up for A-Camp. We look forward to basking in the glory of your style!
The deadline for your campership submission is Tuesday, April 29th, so don’t waste another second, you dapper dinosaur, you!
amazing. If I wasn’t already going to camp I would be all over this opportunity. Thanks generous humans of Kipper Clothiers!
I’m going to still be in school! )’: Any chance they’d just give me a free suit? (;
Thanks for being awesome Kipper Clothiers! I’m gonna do this! Sure I won’t win, but that doesn’t mean I can’t join in the fun anyway!
I love seeing companies and their camperships!!! Because now I totally where to go for clothes…=p JK! I love seeing things like this for camp!!! My flask goes up to you guys =) also where to buy clothes thing.
I…I don’t have dapper clothing. I have a dress that I probably can’t fit into anymore, but I don’t have any dapper clothing anymore. :\
Well, I MIGHT have something but it’s not…really… yeah. That sucks. I’d really like to enter.
Yay Kipper Clothiers! I already loved this company, but now I love it even more for sponsoring a campership!
I’m just a little confused–are femmes supposed to dress up in masculine of center clothing for the photo?
A-Camp is RIGHT AFTER my university exams finish and I live in the UK so… next year I am applying for a campership! I might have to sell my leg for the flight fees though :p
I have hand in around camp time so I too am UK remaining…til August 2015. Stupid MA. Hoping for an autumn A-camp that year. Plenty of time to save up for flights!
I am pretty undapper for the most part but aahhhh I wanna go to A-Camp a ridic amount so I guess I’m gonna give it a shot. Totally worth a try, right?
That’s super nice of them :)! Good luck ladies! Can’t wait to see you at Camp
WELLL, it’s 11:30 but that’s still /technically/ Tuesday, so I think I made it! Hopefully I did it right??
I am positively wiggly with anticipation!