• Queer Tarotscopes for Aries Season 2021: What Is It Time to Say Yes to?

    You’ve identified the things that you crave, that you desire, and allowed those wants to take up space. And as we move into Aries season, you now have the chance to take those blurry, liminal visions and give them clarity, direction, purpose. You have the opportunity to make them tangible.

  • Queer Tarotscopes for Aquarius Season 2021: It’s Time to Find Your North Star

    After such a tumultuous, complicated, impossible year, the Star feels like it’s an opportunity for something bigger than individual, personal healing. We are being called to reimagine the collective, to consider what our larger future entails, to not be afraid to dream big and reconsider all of the broken things that have been revealed. What is really possible, not just for us but for all?

  • Queer Tarotscopes for Capricorn Season 2020: Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?

    Hard-working and unafraid to set boundaries, Capricorn has so much to teach us about our value, our focus, and our confidence. If Sagittarius’ fire has left you feeling lost, if you’re still reeling from the losses and shifts that you experienced with Scorpio, Capricorn is here to help you make sense of where you have come from, and make a structured, detailed plan about where you want to go.

  • Queer Tarotscopes: Capricorn Season Invites You to Prioritize What Matters and Leave the Rest Behind

    A sign of cardinal earth that is usually associated with drive, organization, and goal-setting, Capricorn season can be both busy and prosperous, a time for focusing intentions, setting strong boundaries, and clarifying our ambitions for the new calendar year.

  • Queer Tarotscopes: Aquarius Season Breaks the Things that Need to Be Broken

    After this recent season of focused movement and intensive structure, Aquarius invites us to expand our vision of what’s possible, to let our imaginations take over, to consider what kind of future we want to build not only for ourselves, but for the world we inhabit. Where Capricorn helped us to stay grounded, Aquarius demands that we soar.

  • Queer Tarotscopes: Libra Season Is Ready for You to Lighten Up

    Justice often feels hard and fast, black and white, intense and unmoving, but Libra reminds us that there are always multiple perspectives, gives us space to listen and process and be flexible in our decision-making. The deep transformations of the summer may have passed, but that doesn’t mean we stop growing.

  • Queer Tarotscopes: Aries Season Gives Us Courage, Guides Us Forward

    Ambitious and bold, this is an opportunity to take on new challenges, to see things through our most optimistic lens. When have you been holding back? Where have you been afraid to voice your desires, your ambitions, your deepest wants? What the hell is stopping you from going after what you want?

  • Queer Tarotscopes: Sagittarius Season Calls You to Go After What You Want

    After multiple seasons of refining our goals and releasing what is no longer needed, Sagittarius gives us the energy and agency to go after everything we want, to reach for those big dreams and find ways to create the kind of magic we’ve been craving.