• Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres

    Chely Wright was interviewed last week on Ellen, gets teary, talks about Ellen’s Mom, and we take a look at why Ellen’s show has been so important for out celebs, and why Ellen, like Oprah, succeeds because of her “outsider” status, not in spite of it. Everyone is having a fabulous time this Sunday Funday! Librarians are covering Lady Gaga songs while she’s hanging around British pubs, Neil Patrick Harris is surprising his boyfriend with awesome parties, a brief gay pride parade happens successfully in Moscow, the “first modern lesbian” will get her time in the spotlight, and Gawker would like to talk to you about prescription medication.

  • Lady Gaga Headlines Lollapalooza, Ellen “Hijacks” Idol & Maddow Does “People”

    Ellen DeGeneres has a secret lesbian agenda and we never even noticed! Lady Gaga is headlining Lollapalooza, and Rachel Maddow & Susan let People Magazine into their home. Also; Wanda Sykes’ Erykah Badu parody, Jane Lynch’s wife, GLEE performance vid, Anyone But Me on DVD, and Rihanna-Nicki Minaj-Ke$ha go on tour.

  • Lady Gaga: We’re Born Gay & Homosexiness is Telephone’s Most Bestest Aspect

    Constance McMillen is on the Ellen Show and we’ve got video! Lady Gaga talks to an Australian radio show about “Telephone” and exhaustion (and the podcast is advertised as her “gay revelation”?) Also; Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning are adorbs, The Lost Boys, Joss Whedon fans’ sex advice, pretty ugly girls, slut-shaming McGee and A Wrinkle in Time.

  • Lady Gaga & Ellen Bond Over Being Weirdos, Making Fans Feel Less Alone

    Lady Gaga performs on Ellen and talks about doing it for the fans who might feel alone or like freaks. Adam Lambert talks about “ugly duckling syndrome” and the NYTimes ponders community standards. Also, Lindsay Lohan had a great Thanksgiving!