QUIZ: Which of Sleepy Hollow’s Mills Sisters Is Your Imaginary Girlfriend?

One of several points of appeal of FOX’s new show Sleepy Hollow are the Abbie and Jenny Mills, who are each tough, funny and foxy in their own way. The urge to make at least one of them your imaginary girlfriend is strong. But which one? How to choose??? To help us through this difficult time, we turn to the time-honored genre as brought to us by such venerated texts as Seventeen and CosmoGirl: the quiz that promises to deliver your true “type.”

mills sisters

Which of the Mills Sisters Is Your Imaginary Girlfriend?

1. What sounds like the perfect lunch date to you?

a) A burger and fries at a local diner, sharing a slice of apple pie for dessert.
b) A rustic picnic in a treetop deer blind, with both of you heavily armed.
c) A silver platter piled high with the still-beating hearts of sinners on a dark altar.

2. What movie will you go see on your first date?

a) A light buddy cop film, maybe The Heat with Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock.
b) Something tense – maybe 28 Days or I Am Legend.
c) Something that will invite cuddling and also true soul-deep terror, maybe The Exorcist or The Conjuring.

3. You’re going on your first road trip as a couple! Who drives, and who navigates?

a) She can drive; I’ll check out the map.
b) She’ll drive and already have memorized the map; I’m in charge of the police scanner and artillery.
c) It’s not so much of a “road trip” as a “dark summoning ritual,” and they do most of the ceremonial chanting.

4. Time to introduce them to your parents! How are you going to handle the big day?

a) Have them over for dinner and hope that your sweetie doesn’t get called into work because of a gruesome and unlikely murder.
b) Take your parents to a mall food court and let your sweetie check them out from afar with a rifle sight before approaching.
c) Deliver some of your parents’ personal items and locks of hair to your sweetie for purposes you’re not really clear on.

5. You’ve had your first big fight. How do you make up?

a) Stare at the table until both of you blurt out “Sorry” and never speak of it again.
b) You both agree to put your guns down at the count of 3.
c) Not an issue; you have already been punished for your disobedience with a grisly death.


Mostly As: You’re a great match for Abbie Mills, the level-headed and witty sheriff’s lieutenant who may or may not save the world from the apocalypse!


Mostly Bs: You’d be happy with Jenny Mills, the hardboiled and charming survivalist who will love you almost as much as she loved her insurgency training in the Sudan!


Mostly Cs: You probably shouldn’t date either of the Mills sisters; it appears you might be more interested in an alliance with the forces of Hell. Good luck!


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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. I may convince all my girlfriends to end fights by agreeing to lower our(hopefully imaginary) guns at the count of three. This sounds much more civilized than pouting.

  2. This is amazing and beautiful omg. I am super into Sleepy Hollow right now. It’s kind of cheesy, but in the best ways possible.

    I love both Abbie and Jenny but I need a lot more Jenny on my screen because she is obviously my soulmate.

  3. Abbie Mills <3 <3 <3
    I wanted to be Abbie for Halloween so very badly but I realized the only way I was going to be able to do it was to buy an expensive brown leather jacket and I just couldn't pull it off. But I am so glad this show exists, my goodness. Like I've been making people watch it by saying first, "Don't you dare try and insert logic into this show. It's fine."

  4. It was Abbie from question one. :D Yeah, the show is silly fun and I have been crushing SO HARD on both Abbie and Jenny all fall.

  5. it’s always so hard to decide because on the one hand i’m like “HEY THERE ABBIE, YOU HAVE BEAUTIFUL EYES AND I THINK I LOVE YOU,” but on the other hand i’m like “HOT DAMN JENNY LEMME ORDER TWO TICKETS TO THE GUN SHOW,” and how can you possibly choose???

  6. Which Mills lady would I like as an imaginary girlfriend? Is both an option? Because I’m really feeling like both should be an option.

  7. Abbie, Abbie, Abbie, all the way! Also, Jenny too. I adore this show so much and can not get enough of it. The last show to get me this excited was Community.

  8. This is a question I had not realized needed to be asked but now that it has becomes a vital part of the universe.

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