Stoned Bette Porter Toasts to New Beginnings in the Latest “The L Word: Generation Q” Trailer

There are still 45 whole days until The L Word: Generation Q finally hits Showtime, but a fourth trailer is here, and it has everything: Bette throwing a shot over her shoulder Hustlers-style, gay eye contact by a pool, swirly feelings of love, crying in church, and lots of gay kissing/sex/handholding!

This particular trailer focuses a bit more on the show’s new characters: Arienne Mandi’s Dani Nunez, Leo Sheng’s Micah Lee, Jacqueline Toboni’s Sarah Finley, and Rosanny Zayas’ Sophie Suarez. Stephanie Allynne also shows up!

Bette’s out here talking about becoming the first lesbian mayor of Los Angeles, Alice looks excellent in yellow, and Finley speaks for us all with her exasperated: “He’s gay; I asked.” And Dani promises an elaborate gay wedding proposal, but this show has absolutely conditioned me to believe any grand romantic gesture will be swiftly followed by gay heartbreak.

“We all get scared and then we do things we shouldn’t do,” Bette, known expert in doing things she shouldn’t do, preaches with a joint in hand. Who’s! Ready! For! Stoned! Bette!

If you don’t already have December 8, 2019 marked on your calendar, what are you waiting for?

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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, short stories, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the assistant managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear or are forthcoming in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.

Kayla has written 907 articles for us.


  1. Speaking of grand gestures, I just finished season 4 and the sign theft. I’m sure the heartbreak is coming, but Bette and Jodi sure are a hot couple. No spoilers, please, I didn’t get past this point the first time because newborn. Here’s hoping I make it to the end before December.

      • HI I AM ALSO IN THIS FAN CLUB like i don’t really wish bette on anyone if i am being very honest but i love jodi lerner so much

        a bette who is relaxed enough to tell the truth about what she is feeling with jodi lerner is really what i ship lol

  2. This trailer doesn’t really change anything, I’m still interested in the new characters, tired of the old ones, glad that we get some meaty trans representation with Leo Sheng and very miffed transwomen seem to be an afterthought and questioning if that stems from some transphobic notion that transmen and fit better/belong more in lesbian/wlw spaces than transwoman.

    • Do we know for sure that there won’t be any trans women on the show? I thought Jen Richards had a part. Also, are trans men really more accepted in lesbian/wlw spaces than trans women? Is the reverse true as well? Are trans men being excluded from gay/mlm spaces? Sincere questions not trying to pick a fight.

      • There will be transwomen on the show played by Sophie Giannamore and Jamie Clayton.
        Giannamore’s character face was only partially shown in one promo together with Bette’s daughter Angie, but we haven’t seen her character since – she is also apparently closely tied to Angie whose screentime itself is unknown at this point.
        Clayton on the other hand hasn’t been seen at all in the promos/trailers which together with her late addition to the cast probably means she is more of a recurring/guest character.

        As to if transmen are more accepted in lesbian/wlw spaces than transwomen, I would’nt say this is generally the case – I certainly haven’t experienced this at all here on Autostraddle -, but there are certainly cases of it happening and with L Words questionable history when it comes to trans issues and especially transwomen it just makes me wonder.
        And trans men being excluded from gay/mlm space I can’t speak to very well, but I certainly heard about enough cases to make it seem its exists.

        Also don’t worry, didn’t think you were trying to fight, I might come off as a bit angry, but that’s just the frustration talking^^

        • I haven’t been too invested in news about this reboot because, for the most part, reboots are trash. I like Jamie so hopefully she’ll get some significant screen time.

          I totally get what your saying as far as representation is concerned. Ilene and the L Word do not have a great track record but maybe the new blood will rectify the past transgressions. I’m told it’s worked for Ryan Murphy with Pose. Here’s to cautious optimism.

          I, also, didn’t think you were being combative in any way. I just know that it’s difficult to convey sincerity in a comment section so I wanted to clarify my intentions.

  3. Cmon Bette, don’t throw away your shot like that… What would Alexander Hamilton say!?

  4. At first, I wept, because I thought we didn’t have ShowTime, but YES! I have never been so happy to pay extra for something I almost never watch!

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