The Comment Awards Are Living in the Magic

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Oh, hey! Wanna cry? A lot?

Anyway! This week, Ren would like to know what houseplant you identify as.

If, like me, you have a low tolerance for actually watching movies about terrible people, and won’t necessarily be watching I Care A Lot, you may want to read Kayla’s brilliant review instead!

Critical! Motherfucking! Role!

This, from Shea, was everything: Wrestling With Kamala and Beyond: Reckoning With Blackness, Womanhood, and What Comes Next.

Still not sure what’s going on over on Tiktok? Shelli’s got you covered.

Chinelo wrote about the problem with Biden’s latest LGBTQ+ referendum.

And then there were your comments!

On “Batwoman” Episode 205 Recap: All Crows Are Bastards:

The Science Rules Award to Valerie Anne and thatottergirl:

Ohmygod, I would love to see Lena flirt with Mary about science

On Maybe You’ve Outgrown Us:

The Sacred Space Award to Carolyn B:

Laneia, your words dropped into my inbox, and reminded me I hadn’t visited in a while and that I was missing out. I moved to a part of the country a few years ago that’s queer friendly but has very little queer community, and I’ve been missing it like I can’t fully describe. You reminded me that community can be virtual as well. I re-upped my A+ membership and promptly dropped down a rabbit hole for an hour, reading recent posts. Thank you for giving us all this space.

On Also.Also.Also: Lesbians! Feeding the Queer Rights Movement, One Potluck at a Time!

The Due Diligence Award to Caitlin:

the mental image of Rep. Waters taking careful notes on WAP to prepare for this interview and do her due diligence is likely 90% fictional but 100% delightful

On No Filter: Happy 51st Birthday, Niecy Nash! We Are Looking on Respectfully:

The Taste the Rainbow Award to Charlotte:

But brunettes…what? Brunettes what, Cara??? Sidebar: how feasible is it for me to learn how to do rainbow under-eye makeup on myself, preferably in less than 10 minutes

On FYP: I Know Why Y’all Love Coconut Water So Much:

The Curated Award to :):

Social media has a pretty bad reputation, but if your only exposure is this column and No Filter then it’s a pretty magical place.

On Our Favorite Lesbian and Bisexual TV Characters as D&D Classes:

The Nomanita Award to Grace:

Nomi and Amanita from Sense8 would make a great witch/rogue power couple: Nomi as the “wizard

And on Surprise Porn and Hospital Parties: The Queer and Trans Pleasure in Marty Fink’s “Forget Burial”:

The Giving Care Award to No Longer Nice:

I love this perspective of caregiving as activism, and “caregiving as pleasure and as an anticapitalist endeavor.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


    • Came here to say exactly that.

      All of you are so brave to venture out into that morass. I tried a few times but I chicken out.

  1. Yaay, many thanks to you, QG and also to Valerie Anne for a headcannon I never knew how much I needed! Lena flirts with everybody and Mary is irresistible, so I have high hopes for those two.

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