Sunday Funday Supports Gay Marriage and Graduates

Howdy! This was a really great week because Obama likes gay marriage and guess what – it’s still getting better! For example, Keaton Fuller is gonna be recognized at his graduation and! I graduated myself. So happy Sunday Funday to us all!

graduation doesn't look like this. via mixmingle dot com

This week I also bring you some anti-assimilationism, photobombing animals, Anne Hathaway in a bikini, and did I say photobombing animals yet? See you at the bottom of the article.

Uncomfortably Extensive Compromise Reached for Keaton Fuller

The Prince of Peace debacle I discussed earlier this week regarding the Matthew Shepard Scholarship has been resolved – and Keaton Fuller will be recognized by the Eyechaner Foundation for his achievement at his graduation ceremony. But it isn’t that cut-and-dry, because they made it super extensive in order to make it “okay” for the “extremely controversial group” to attend:

The Des Moines-based Eychaner Foundation that is providing Prince of Peace Catholic School senior Keaton Fuller with a $40,000 Matthew Shepard scholarship has prepared a script to be read at a May 20 graduation ceremony with the blessing of Bishop Martin Amos.

The diocesan superintendent of schools will read the script, but a representative from the foundation’s scholarship committee will be there to physically hand a statue to Fuller.

The good news? Keaton Fuller is kind of getting what he asked for. And even if not, the Bishop didn’t get his way in the end, so there.

Anne Hathaway in a Bikini

It’s Sunday. You deserve it.

Obama Loves Gay Marriage

Obama finished evolving on gay marriage this week, and it brought him a lot of good juju and big dollars! If you’re in the process of evolving yourself, here’s a handy guide to moving it along.

+ Obama’s statement on gay marriage earned him some great attention from celebrities, translating into time spent with George Clooney (among more celebrity money):

Under a tent on George Clooney’s basketball court, the cheers were loud and warm for President Barack Obama.

“I want to thank Clooney for letting us use his basketball court,” Obama quipped to a glittery crowd that included Barbra Streisand, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek and Tobey Maguire. “This guy has been talking smack about his basketball game ever since I’ve known him.” 

It can’t feel too shabby to be applauded by Barbra, Salma and Tobey while you’re teasing your buddy George. And though many of the guests Thursday night at Clooney’s home in the Studio City area of Los Angeles were, like their host, longtime supporters, there was no question the president was feeling some special love at this fundraiser. He had, after all, thrilled the community a day earlier with the support for gay marriage they’d long awaited.

gay marriage is adorable, see.

+ Your average, everyday, normal, beautiful people are also proud of Obama, too:

President Barack Obama has seen an uptick in fundraising since he announced his shift on gay marriage, with some Democratic rainmakers citing renewed interest from gay and lesbian donors who had been urging the president to clarify his stance on the divisive social issue.

“The phone calls went on until one in the morning after the president spoke — people calling saying ‘Where do I go, what can I do to help, what events are coming up,'” said Robert Zimmerman, a Long Island, N.Y., Obama bundler. “People I’ve been seeking out for campaign support for months have been calling me saying, ‘I’m ready to give.'”


Kristen Stewart in “The Question Box”

“The Question Box” is a French show I wish I knew more about, but I don’t speak French. The webseries recently posted an episode with Kristen Stewart in it, though! I think this is relevant to your interests.

Photobombing Animals

No but really there are 35 photobombing animals in this gallery.

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Carmen spent six years at Autostraddle, ultimately serving as Straddleverse Director, Feminism Editor and Social Media Co-Director. She is now the Consulting Digital Editor at Ms. and writes regularly for DAME, the Women’s Media Center, the National Women’s History Museum and other prominent feminist platforms; her work has also been published in print and online by outlets like BuzzFeed, Bitch, Bust, CityLab, ElixHER, Feministing, Feminist Formations, GirlBoss, GrokNation, MEL, Mic and SIGNS, and she is a co-founder of Argot Magazine. You can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr or in the drive-thru line at the nearest In-N-Out.

Carmen has written 919 articles for us.


  1. Kristen Stewart is the fucking cutest. Boxer briefs? Hot.

    re: obama: I donated right after watching that video the other day. It’s good that he’s getting the message that this matters. I wonder if the GOP also had an uptick in donations.
    I hope someone queer wins that dinner with Obama.

  2. I love how flustered she got after Charlize kissed her, I’ve totally felt like that.
    The photobombing animals are the best

  3. Congradulations!
    Kstew totally just confirmed all of our feelings with that squirm at the end… yup, it’s confirmed. She can’t act.
    And photobombing animals?! I laughed so hard that I’m happy insomnia is keeping me awake tonight and I didn’t have to wait until I woke up to see this!
    Best. Sunday. Funday. Ever.

  4. my mom sent me this even though I’m not graduating any time soon.

    funny lady,isn’t she.
    congrats on graduating!

    • why no comment about how you managerettes saved the day/had my back,huh? I like these parantheses full of wittiness!!

  5. Oh my goodness, I just looked at that whole animal photobomb gallery and laughed uproariously and cackled like a crazy person while my roommate rolled her eyes at me. It’s going to be a good day!

  6. Mmmm Anne Hathaway’s hair. And by hair, I mean boobs.

    And I’ve reblogged like 3 of those photobombing pics to my tumblr, so I’d say that gallery is a success. ;P

    Congrats on graduating Carmen. I wish I could tell you it gets better, but not if you make the decision to go to graduate school. Then you will lose parts of your soul you didn’t even know you had.

  7. The question box (la boite à questions) is a small part of the show “Le Grand Journal” where the people you see in the question box get interviewed and music and sketches and stuff. My flatmates rolled their eyes at me again because after the make out question with Charlize thing I just sung “Lesbiaaan”.
    On the same day, they made Will Smith rap the Prince of Bel Air and Men in Black, it was awesome.

    Anne Hathaway. Just. .

  8. The translation on that video was interesting… Instead of “I want to make out with Charlize and wear Boxer Briefs”, the subtitles basically said “I want to go out with Charlize so I can see what she’s wearing”. And at the end instead of ” No, like, don’t really”, she says “I can’t believe it”/I can’t believe you did that”

  9. I was so proud to see Keaton stand up for himself. I have had the unfortunate experience of growning up in the same town as him, and while it’s not as bad as others, there isn’t much LGBT support around here.

    I hope this sends a message to our whole community.

  10. That video with Kstew and Charlize is the best, I would probably react the same way if Charlize kissed me on the cheek.

  11. The pic of NPH and his partner and kids on the gay marriage evolution piece is one of the best things. GROUP COSTUMES ARE THE BEST

    Oh, and KStew is darling, as always.

  12. Congrats on graduating Carmen!
    K Stew is just the cutest thing. And Anne Hathaway is looking just… ridiculously hot.

  13. Can we also talk about the awesome amounts of support the marriage-equality cause has been getting across the Internet? For example, as a Nerdfighter I was over the freaking moon about this video that Hank Green (who is also my geeky man-crush) made demolishing anti-same-sex-marriage arguments:

    I love that more and more people are coming right out and saying they don’t care about offending the homophobes anymore, there are no arguments to be made against gay rights, it’s just hate, and if you’re going to defend the anti-gay cause there is something wrong with you. I’ve been seeing a ton of stuff like this on Facebook, too, along the lines of “De-friend me if you’re anti-gay, I don’t want to be friends with haters/I’m LGBT and people who want to deny me equal rights are not true friends.” I like that people are refusing to see this as “just another issue” with “two equal sides” because IT ISN’T and I hope that since less and less ordinary people are letting people get away with that attitude that the media will take note and start to treat it that way as well. The combination of the NC Amendment 1 passing with Obama endorsing same-sex marriage seems to have really galvanized the LGBT and the pro-LGBT Internet on this issue and it’s just all kinds of awesome.

  14. Also, congrats for graduating Carmen and all my fellow members of the Class of 2012!

  15. Congrats on graduating, Carmen! And everyone else who’s graduating soon!

    The link for the animal photobombs is the greatest thing ever. I’m going to have to look through the list multiple times before I can choose my favorite!

  16. if i’d read this on sunday instead of thursday i wouldn’t have lost an entire afternoon hunting for that kstew/charlize interview on youtube after seeing gifs from it.

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