Sunday Funday Is On The Edge Of Glory With Adam Lambert For Memorial Day


What a busy lady! On top of finding the time to dye her hair like Cruella de Ville, Lady Gaga has performed on American Idol and Good Morning America, as well as being interviewed by virtually every person and/or media entity on earth. For instance:

Here’s Gaga performing “The Edge of Glory” on the American Idol finale:

There’s also a long and really fabulous interview with Stephen Fry of all people, who says he is a little monster straight up. You can read the whole transcript here I think!

Other illustrious interview opportunities of late have included, bafflingly, Costco Connection. Like, the magazine of Costco. The bulk goods store.

The Costco Connection caught up with Lady Gaga for a face-to-face interview.

Costco Connection: What’s your definition of fame?

Lady Gaga: What I’ve learned is that you really don’t need to be a celebrity or have money or have the paparazzi following you around to be famous. Me and my friends just simply declared fame on our own, and we made art and we said, “This is the future,” and we dressed in a way that says, “This is fashion.” It was our confidence and our conviction and our abilities—and our vanity—to be the lit- mus test of pop culture, and having that be in every fiber of our being. You can talk about it all day, but it’s not true unless you do it.

Also, Susan Boyle would like to record with her. I mean, obviously.


We haven’t heard much from Glambert since the end of his Glam Nation tour a few months ago — for good reason. He’s been busy in the studio crafting his next musical masterpiece:

“I think I’ve probably written about 18 to 20 songs. I’ve been spending the past two and a half months in the studio…. I’m writing most of the material with people myself this time … I’m really involved. It’s really exciting because I think I’m making my dream album. I know that sounds a bit clichéd, but I’m making exactly what I want to listen to.”

This is gonna be good, obviously.


Hey remember that New York Times series on queer teens? In case you couldn’t devote your attention to it for a full week, here’s a roundup of the highlights. Good luck making it through that without crying tears that are a weird mixture of sadness and joy!


Did you love WALL-E but also sort of feel sad that Pixar/Disney managed to make a male protagonist in a movie where all of the main characters were robots and therefore basically genderless? Well, good news! Pixar’s new movie Brave is their first movie with a female heroine, and also their first movie to be co-directed by a woman. “Set in Scotland in a rugged and mythical time, “Brave” features Merida, an aspiring archer and impetuous daughter of royalty. Merida makes a reckless choice that unleashes unintended peril and forces her to spring into action to set things right.” Springing into action! Yeah!


As you are maybe aware, rape is increasingly being used as a mass weapon against civilians in war zones; it’s become a hallmark of the civil violence in several African nations, and now also in Libya. This week, some female Nobel Laureates (because they exist) decided to use their power to change that, starting with a conference in Quebec as a forum for women to discuss ways to end sexual violence worldwide. “As part of their Day of Action to End Sexual Violence in Conflict, they’re asking people to contact elected officials and demand they fight to end rape as a weapon of war. A sample letter is available on the UN Action Stop Rape Now website, and you can also follow the campaign using the #endrapeinwar hashtag.”


Johnny Weir will be the Grand Marshal of LA Pride. Obviously. “I’m not ashamed to be me. More than anyone else I know, I love my life and accept myself. What’s wrong with being unique? I am proud of everything that I am and will become.”


Sadly, spoken-word artist and activist and ‘godfather of rap’ Gil Scott-Heron died this weekend in New York at the age of 62. He was incredibly talented and deeply influential, and he will be missed.


Here is a grownup cat hugging a baby cat. Happy Memorial Day weekend.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.



    LOL I am legit addicted to Government Hooker, Gaga you’ve done it again!

    Sooo excited for Adam Lambert’s sophomore album, dying to see what he got up to with collabs that make me flail just thinking about them like Sia and Nikka Costa. Altho this week Adam took a break from the studio to fly to Moscow and perform at the Russian Maxidrom festival. Here he is looking simultaneously badass and ridiculously pretty. LOVE.

    • AS LONG AS I’M YOUR HOOKER. I keep singing the refrain and annoying my girlfriend all weekend.

  2. Can’t wait for Adam’s new album, have a good feeling that it’s gonna be fabulous, didn’t like GaGa’s performance on AI, liked that song, but not the staging, wish she would just sing for once without all the stuff, loved Beyonce’s 2nd performance…beauitful.

  3. When I heard that Pixar’s first foray into female protagonists was going to be a princess, I blanched and it wasn’t until I found this article that I figured out why:

    The article’s a little outdated, as Pixar dropped “Newt” and renamed the film from “The Bear and the Bow” to “Brave.” But I still think it’s a good read nonetheless.

    Also, singing Gaga’s “Edge of Glory” in a Cher-like voice is really really fun. Is that just me?

  4. Gil Scott will live on as an absolute inspiration.

    OMGN, those cats are adorable.

  5. “…let our governments know that we will no longer tolerate sexual violence against women in conflict situations.”

    Though I agree that it is a valid, tragic issue, what about sexual violence against men, or people who identify outside the gender binary? Outside of conflict situations?

    I can’t tolerate sexual assault, period.

  6. There didn’t seem to be anything in here related to Memorial Day. Maybe on Monday?

  7. ALL OF THE GOOD THINGS are happening in LA in the three weeks before I move there. I LOVE Johnny Weir, I wish I could be there for Pride.

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