Today on Autostraddle: These are our jams. These are our NewNowNext photos. This is Stef’s interview with Kaki King. Come back later for a special Tonys post! Also, it’s your last day to get RODEO DISCO tickets for the special reader discount — $10. Tomorrow it’ll be $12, so if you get your ticket today you will be saving yourself the cost of an entire latte or one-third of a latte, depending on where you live. To get the code it’s price level “autostraddle” and password COWGIRL.
+ Ladies & Lady-Allies, I present to you the Bad Fad Museum: “While the name of this site is BAD FADS, please note that this is neither an indictment nor an endorsement of any of the fads mentioned. As you know, during the ’70s the word ‘bad’ could alternately mean ‘good!’ Thus, this site was created to take a fun and nostalgic look at fashions, collectibles, activities and events which are cherished by some and ridiculed by others.”
+ The Sunday Times UK has a truly compelling piece about Britney Spears’s life — before, during and after the psychological meltdown and asks: Does her father hold the ringmaster’s whip? A lawyer Britney secretly contacted last year, asking him to free her from the conservatorship, has filed a number of lawsuits trying to get it lifted. In one, he stated that the control exerted over her medication and every other aspect of her life was a “near total deprivation of civil rights.” (@times uk)
+ A majority (58%) of conservatives approve of open gay service, a figure 12 percentage points higher than in November 2004, while support from weekly churchgoers has clocked up by 11 percent to 60%. (@on top magazine)
+ “I’m not on the front lines of the campaign for gay marriage. I’m going for a model that is conceptually broader. I want love and intimacy, and I want freedom, which means not being tied down.” (@philadelphia inquirer)
+ I feel like Megan Fox might not have a handler, or whatever it is that stops actresses from saying terrible/AWESOME things every single day: Megan Fox got depressed, put on weight, then lost a bunch of weight: ”Really my only job is to look attractive. I was so angry about that, that I went in the opposite direction. I turned into a really butch bull dyke for, like, six months…”_ (@ohnotheydidn’t)
+ West Virginia Supreme Court Declares: Gay Parents Just As Good for Foster Child (@Queerty)
+ China’s first major LGBTQ Pride event opens in Shanghai (@lgbtqnews)
+ Salt Lake City: They march because they’re proud of who they are. They march to educate people. They march for civil rights. They march to honor those who marched in 1978. (@the salt lake tribune)
+ Something totally earnest happened in Williamsburg, and I actually wish I’d been there: Muppets! Sesame Street Taking On Willimansburg Hipsters, Live! (@gawker)
+ This is the one and only thing that would make me watch Heroes again: if Claire goes lezzie!
+ [photo via]
+ Interview with Alison Janey: “To play CJ was so much fun. I looked forward to memorizing my lines no matter how many there were because I knew they were going to be fantastic and fun to say especially when I got to dress down a 4 star general. It was always a joy to do that.” (@women & hollywood)
+ The Tonys are tonight! Neil Patrick Harris’s gives Top Ten Signs You’ve Hired a Bad Tonys Host:
+ What if sitcom roles were reversed?
Tegan and Sara want to share their new music:
new music from Tegan and Sara on Vimeo.
Auto-Straddler of the Day:

It's Britney, Bitch
I can’t believe you forgot to note The Sims 3 FINALLY legalized gay marriage!
Anyhow, for anyone else who is interested in why this annoys me … hm … brb …
OK, I was about to quote my own badly written essay about my addiction to The Sims but then I realized I didn’t mention in the essay that my Sims only dated other women. But I did talk about their shared bedroom!
Luckily, the fine homos in the comment section at Queerty (citing this article) have pointed out:
– The article’s wrong on one count: in the Sims 1, characters could only move in together, but in the Sims 2, they could have what was euphemistically termed a “union.” They could have a ceremony and subsequently adopt kids, but it wasn’t called a “marriage.” Kudos to Maxis!
-actually, to further nerd out the conversation this article is also wrong in that the game wasn’t even developed by Maxis.. It was fully made by EA Redwood Shores.
-Actually, it was the Sims 1 where gays could only move in. In the Sims 2, they could only get civil unions.
-Gay Sims could get married since the first game. If you didn’t bother to learn how to download things to customize your game that’s your fault.
I think in 1 and 2 you could get them to be married if you downloaded the hacks/user-made expansions, but it wasn’t officially part of the game. Also, from what I’ve read, if you got 2 same-sex characters married in Sims 2, your points/meters would go down… but I never tried it so…
Why do I have no memory of this? I remember blithely accepting the joy of The Sims being allowed to marry people of the same sex in 2003 — but I did have expansion packs, like the pets one. probs that’s what did it; you know how gays always want to get involved with animals.
It’s also possible that I never actually got that far, because none of my characters ever liked each other well enough to do anything besides move in together. Babies were expensive, so I never had one of those. Much like my own life perhaps.
OMFG new tegan and sara!!!!!!!!!
I’m even more excited about this than new gossip girl…
I’m so excited about the new T&S tooooo but I don’t know if I can wait until October for the album!! Aahh.
Such a tease… still, I’m excited to hear songs they’ve written together. This is going to be a long 4+ months.
Oh Tegan and Sara are such assholes for that!! Love them!! CANNOT wait for the new album. I hope it comes with a DVD.
Yeah, I love their dvds :D But they have those photo books coming out too, so who knows…
That’s an oldschool britney photo right there. sigh. remember when she actually sang about being overprotected…little did she know…I’m sad now. I’m gonna go play Britney’s Dance Beat.
Yup, such teases. Pfft! I can’t wait to hear the new stuff.
Also: NOOO! Now I’m tempted to watch the new Heroes. Perhaps this will fill the void of gay story-lines on TV, not. Uhg.