Sunday Funday and “Star Trek: Discovery” Knows the Future Isn’t Cis

Here we are, back at another week of being in our homes. I am so grateful for my home, and the fact that I am able to live out this quarantine in relative safety, but let me tell you, as someone who lives alone/doesn’t drive and therefore knows it’s unsafe to have a pod, I’m so sad and lonely. I cried watching an old recording of my synagogue sing Lecha Dodi this week because like, will we ever gather again like that? Will I ever have a need for a slightly modest dress and heels again? Will I ever gossip with my nail girl again while she roasts me for biting my nails or breaking my acrylics? I don’t know. Joy feels hard to come by. But I have to believe it’s there. I have to, I have to, I have to. Even if it’s just by vicariously living through Niecy Nash’s new marriage. I don’t know y’all, this shit is hard.

Here’s some joy. Come get y’alls juice.

+ Carmen mentioned it in this week’s AAA, but it’s worth mentioning again, that Julianne Moore and Janelle Monáe look amazing in the upcoming film The Glorias

+ I honestly love the NYT’s “Overlooked No More” obituary series? Like almost as much as the weddings section when there’s more than one queer announcement. This week they’re talking about Charlotta Bass, the first Black woman to run as Vice President and prolific journalist.

+ 25 scenes of female empowerment that made people feel feelings.

+ In the 1920s, just as in the 2020s, meaningful change begins and happens at a local level. Edith Ainge helped by using her local knowledge to shape the national conversation on women’s suffrage.

+ Despite nationwide prejudice, trans people in Haiti are finding refuge in The Kay Trans Haiti Center.

+ If you miss concerts, may I suggest Brandi Carlile?

+ This is the most boring good news, but a church in Georgia historically attached to the United Methodist Church (you may remember they made a terrible decision to exclude LGBTQ+ people last year) decided to take the correct step and officially leave the denomination. Any Methodists in Georgia looking for a church that lives out its beliefs, maybe check out Asbury Memorial.

+ Troop Beverly Hills is officially getting a sequel! Every movie with women in uniforms is a part of my root, so I will be watching this.

+ Did we know the musical The Prom about some lesbian teens going to a prom is being made into a movie?? (We did! It was in this week’s Pop Culture Fix!)  Did we know Meryl Streep is in it with a red wig?!

+ AHH ANOTHER SURPRISE LESBIAN WEDDING! Fawzia Mirza wed Andria Wilson and yes, I did cry.

+ Drag queens and trans women in Indianapolis’s queer history. (Content Note: the post uses words historically used to describe trans people which we no longer use)

+ Netflix’s Away offers us Chinese lesbians in space! Kinda!

+ I literally only have CBS All Access for Star Trek: Discovery and we’re now getting TWO trans characters on the show!!! Yes! Good! Anthony Rapp is also thrilled.

+ Mulan is on our collective minds, so here’s some more non-canonical Disney queer films to make you wanna write fanfiction. (Also: Every Disney Princess Ranked In Order Of Lesbianism by… me!)

+ “Female truckers to honor women’s suffrage.” IDK, just say lesbians??? I’m kidding…. sort of.

+ In the vein of offering you some music to bring you queer joy: Katie Pruitt’s Expectations is just straight up gay country.

Sending you love and queer joy. Happy Sunday, shavua tov, go love yourself because the universe wants you to do so. I love you so much, I’m so happy we have this time with one another each week. Be well my friends.

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Ari is a 20-something artist and educator. They are a mom to two cats, they love domesticity, ritual, and porch time. They have studied, loved, and learned in CT, Greensboro, NC, and ATX.

Ari has written 330 articles for us.


  1. I saw a tabloid tag that was like “we didn’t even recognize Meryl with her red hair!” and may I say first of all: amateurs. second, how dare u insinuate u r on first name terms with Meryl Streep

  2. Ooh! Thanks for the gay country music tip! That’s one of my favorite things, right up there with Star Trek. This truly is a Funday.

  3. Gene Roddenberry would be soooooooo happy and that is why it’s so hilarious to watch all the (let’s face it) Kirk Die Hards freak out right now.

  4. Honestly no good news can be boring right now; happy to hear of even the tiniest steps forward.

    As always, thanks Ari!

  5. “What is it like to be trans* in this sci-fi universe?” Is a question I ask myself every time I come across new sci-fi I like (might just write something myself once I have a real computer again; damn this tablet and my laptop’s dying harddrive). Haven’t watched ST: Discovery yet, but I may give it a look now.

    • In case you start from the beginning, I want you to know that it improves with time.

      I hope that’s not too much of a spoiler for you. Some people don’t like to know anything. But I think it’s important to know not to give up early.

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