PHOTO GALLERY: Queer on Holiday

Nora / 29 / Long Island, NY

“This is me, my excellent cousin, and his wonderful girlfriend. We had a fun day at the beach, and then later I saw Julie Andrews IRL and my sun poisoning manifested!”

Siobhan / 29 / My grandparents house

“I’m here helping out while my parents are on a real actual holiday abroad but I’m one country down and its hot so that’s a vacation right? Plus grandad keeps producing sweets from nowhere.”

Casey Stepaniuk / 32 / Salt Spring Island, B.C.

“Salt Spring is actually my home town, although now that I live in the city it feels like a holiday going there to visit family because it’s so beautiful and green and rural! Here I am in the woods where I went for a walk with my sister and my partner. I found this cool deer skull and decided to pose with it as if I were a person who knows anything about science and could look at a skull like a scientist would.”

Nicole / 20  / Ontario County Park

“Self-proclaimed nature lesbian. I visited some parks over the weekend to get some fresh air. I sit behind a desk on the computer all day at work so I go explore nature as much as possible. I try to get out of the virtual world and into the real one.”

Kat / 26 / Chicago, IL

“At a Pitchfork port-a-potty, celebrating annual music festival bowel disturbance!”

Katie / 30 / Nashville, TN

“The Lipstick Lounge feels like it could be anywhere, but this particular one is in Nashville, TN, along with my best friend (pictured on the left).”

Lynne McCabe and Ruth Robbins/ 41 / Crear, Scotland, and Rhodes, Greece

“Here are a few pictures of my new wife and I on our wedding and honeymoon in both Scotland and Greece. We live in Houston, TX, but got married on the west coast of Scotland where I, Lynne, am originally from, then we headed to magical romantic Greece.

The first picture shows our first dance at the wedding, the second, third and forth are by the pool at our glorious and super queer friendly hotel, The Lindian Village and the third one shows us atop the Acropolis of Lindos.

What makes all of this sweeter still is that up until January of this year, I was using a wheelchair because of my severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. Due to dramatically changing my diet and coming off steroids and all the other drugs I was on, I was not only able to dance at my wedding looking great after losing 80lbs, but also able to walk up a million stairs to the top of the acropolis!”

Tali and Annie / 25, 27 / Washington, DC

“My girlfriend came out this year. We celebrated Pride in so many ways! She’s brilliant, beautiful, and bisexual and I’m *~shook~*. Q: What do you get when you mix Saturday + Being Queer™ + 90s glam + Pride kickoff? || A: Chicks who slayyyy.”

A bunch of kickass queers / Woodbridge, VA

“We were cabinmates at A-Camp 7.5 and traveled from around the country to the D.C. area to reunite at the wedding of two of our cabinmates! We spent the evening crying through the beautiful ceremony, drinking the best wine we’ve ever tasted, taking over the dance floor, and sharing feelings in a gazebo.”

Hanna / 18 / Oklahoma

“This was taken on a trip up the West Coast I took with my mom  before I start college. We started in San Francisco for Pride and ended in Vancouver. This is at the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum in Seattle.”

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  1. I am trying to figure out who in this photoset has the Gayest Outfit and I can’t choose between the pastel unicorn ensemble or the fanny pack patch jacket!

    Also I want to have a Big Gay Supper Club.

  2. I’m so disappointed with myself for procrastinating on my submission. Oh well…. next time! Just imagine me having the time of my life in England and Italy last month.

    Carmen SanDiego! While rafting down the American River you were only 9 miles away from where I live. I’m always surprised when people who don’t live in El Dorado County go to Coloma willingly :P

  3. Y’all are so cute and gay! And there’s another Tess – there’s seemingly so few of us you don’t often see us out in the wild!!

  4. Olivia’s cheeky dog!

    Pat or Emma (whoever’s on the right)’s hair! You need to write that “how to swoop your bangs” article.

    I had never heard of segways, and here are two photos of them. Is this the newest queer thing?

    @carmensandiego wins for most adventurous! I’ve wanted to go to that Victoria Falls spot since I read about it last year. And that personal submarine, seriously?!?!

    So many good bathing suits! (I wasn’t going to say this after I remembered that I’m wearing one in mine, but you know what, it’s the first time I’ve owned a bathing suit I really like, so I’m saying it and including mine!)


    Hyder, Alaska!!!

    I’m excited, can you tell. I love these galleries <3

  5. So good!! These galleries are so awesome! ❤

    I was sure I sent my photo in before the deadline but…it’s not there so apparently not ?

  6. I love all of the awesome vacation fashion (and your fabulous hair!) <333 Thanks everyone for sharing!

  7. Vacation? What’s that?
    Y’all are too cute and way gay! I love it.

    Me? My mIdlife career change and transition crushed any hope I had of doing anything remotely as cool as even a staycation.

  8. Rhiannon – Donegal Ireland – whoa cute photo! Like straight out of a magazine or a book!

    Madison and Hope Rorschach – Fort Worth, TX – OMG congrats! You both look amazing and the photos are gold!

    Dijana, Octavia, Ella – Hamilton Island, Australia – lovely photo! Love Octavai’s shirt!!

    YES to more photos from ‘Straya!! And hopefully more from the Philippines and Asia!!

    General observation – there are a lot of us who have visible tattoos! LOL I mean mine weren’t that obvious in the photos I sent…but I love all of your tattoos!!!

    LOVE ALL OF THE PICS!! :) :)

  9. So, my occupation was not included because I guess a lot of y’all didn’t fill that out? Mine was good though: “Wedding Planner / QueerGirl’s Mirror twin”

    I just needed you all to appreciate that

  10. I cried at like every single one of these photos. Ya’ll are so beautiful and stunning and brilliant and badass and these photo galleries are so important and necessary. It gives me LIIIFE to see ya’ll living your vibrant, queer lives. <3 x 1000000!

  11. I sent in my picture from the Central Market in Valencia at like 2:00am after getting back from Spain and I totally forgot that I had some other amazing pictures to share! I really want to add this one because it was my first solo holiday ever, and every time I look at it, I appreciate life more:

    and this one because I lived in Florida for 8 years and never appreciated it until I learnt that it’s great for kayaking:

  12. Aww… reading Neil Gaiman, white water rafting, climbing, hiking, having a beer, wistfully staring out into beautiful landscapes – all things I like to do. And now I want to be friends with all you beautiful people.

  13. ‘Lesbian Lake’ and ‘Rainbow Falls’. This is SO GAY (and SO CUTE).

    Also, ‘…driving to meet up with pals in some of the wildest areas in Montana and playing around in them (the places not the pals)’ had me laughing so hard it made my dog jump (he is basically a cat so he’s very offended).

  14. Swooning over the Lexa cabin pic (miss y’all!!!) and loving the dune buggy /mad max comment XD

  15. Oh no, I definitely thought I submitted a cropped version of my photo without the markers of being Snapchat screenshot! ?

  16. I’m feeling the love for my wonderfully gay hometown. Maybe we should do a meet up in San Francisco next year around Pride…

  17. WHAT A BUNCH OF CUTIES. OMG. Like several people have said already, I have crushes on all of you now.

    Yoooo I’m moving to Portland so Lesbian Lake is going on my list of places to go. I’m so jealous of everyone who can travel and stuff, cause I’m not only broke but also don’t drive, so that makes things harder. I am going to take a couple of day trips to my grandparents’ tiny hometown while I work on a family archive project, so maybe I’ll take some pictures of me being obnoxiously queer there. It’s rural Georgia, so that should be fun.

    I second the vote for a tattoo gallery!! Geneva, I’m obsessed with your sleeve. It’s incredible.

    Also, Emma from CT and Megan from FL, you are both 100% style goals. Emma, is that your truck? HEART EYES. Also I want your entire outfit and to be your best friend.

    Megan, you are a majestic tacky queer, which is a term I am coining right now and it is the highest compliment. I aspire to your level of unabashed tackiness. I have a matching fanny pack and visor, which are both hot pink and were purchased several years apart but which I definitely intend to wear together. I also want your BEES hat.

  18. Carmen Sandiego sure does live up to her name.

    Also good job Aussies for finding somewhere actually WARM

  19. You’re all so adventurous and fabulous.
    I can’t believe there are only 49 comments though. This would have to be my favourite series yet. Have great lives people.

  20. It took me a few days to open this gallery bc I was worried I would have too much FOMO, I was supposed to be heading to Vancouver tomorrow night with my family but my mom isn’t feel well enough to make the trip so we’ve cancelled it and are heading next week to the Berkshires (3 hour drive vs 6 hour flight) as a small consolation.

    Anyhoo, overshare aside Im glad I got over hesitation and clicked through–so much love to all of the queers in all of the amazing spots. I also loved seeing my hometown (NYC) featured in so many posts. People hate on summer in NY but there are so many free events and a new expanded ferry system that have really improved the whole summer in the city thing.

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