Paltrow and Kidman Will Play House in Upcoming Movie

WEDDING BELLS: Gwyneth Paltrow and Nicole Kidman will be playing a married couple in their upcoming film, The Danish Girl. The film centers around two Danish artists who fall in love after Einar (Kidman) stands in for a female model Greta (Paltrow) is expecting to paint. In the early 1930s, Einar underwent several operations, which were eventually considered the world’s first gender reassignment surgery. I don’t know, I think these women look too much alike to make this work. (@latimes)paltrow-kidman

MARRIAGE: Marriage equality is hitting Autostraddle’s hometown, as New York Gov. David Paterson is pushing lawmakers to approve a same-sex marriage bill during a special session later today. This action would allow voters to push for final legislative approval in the Senate. Republicans, who have previously killed this measure, have been released from bloc voting by leader Dean Skelos, giving the bill an even better chance of passing in the already Democrat-led Senate. It’s still unclear whether the bill will actually get voted on today. (@ap)

DADT: A new survey of troops who served in Iraq or Afghanistan shows diminishing support for Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.Service members said the most important factors for unit cohesion and readiness were the quality of their officers, training, and equipment,’’ said Laura Miller, a military sociologist at the RAND Corporation. “Serving with another service member who was gay or lesbian was not a significant factor that affected unit cohesion or readiness to fight.’’ Forty percent of troops surveyed supported the current policy, but that number is much lower than it used to be. (@bostonglobe)

This survey comes just a few weeks after the Joint Chiefs published a colonel’s essay on why DADT is a bad policy. It looks like the tide might actually be turning within the military, giving President Obama a golden opportunity to live up to his campaign promise to repeal it.

BOYCOTT: Speaking of campaign promises, in response to Obama’s general skirting of LGBT issues, several gay activists and liberal bloggers are organizing a boycott of the Democratic national Committee and Organize for America. The financial boycott, which has such supporters as sex advice columnist Dan Savage and Bilerico Project founder Bil Browning, is advocating for supporters to refuse to make donations to the two organizations until President Obama lives up to his promise of being a “fierce advocate” for LGBT Americans. (@atlantic)

ELLEN: Ellen and Portia were on Oprah’s show yesterday for their first interview as a married couple. Portia talks about why gay marriage is important and when she fell for Ellen. Here’s their joint interview, but be careful, your head might explode from cuteness.

GAGA: Did President Gaga lie to us for a reason? To make up for a delay in the premiere of the video for “Bad Romance,” Lady Gaga revealed the plot of the clip. ”There’s this one shot in the video where I get kidnapped by supermodels. I’m washing away my sins and they shove vodka down my throat to drug me up before they sell me off to the Russian mafia.” Make it happen, Gaga, and shine on like the craziest star in the sky. (@aceshowbiz)

Update: Gaga released the video this afternoon. Obviously, she heard our pleas because it is seriously AWESOME. Bear dress!

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3251 articles for us.


  1. Did anyone else think “Paltrow and Kidman Will Play House in Upcoming Movie” meant that the TV Show “House” was going to have a movie and Hugh Laurie wouldn’t sign? Because that’s what I thought for a split second. Just me? Okay.

  2. i’ve seen the Ellen/Portia wedding footage twice now, and both times it has ended with tears. they’re just so fucking adorable!


    • Fact: My school is having a drag show in the spring and we [the staff of the lgbt student union] are performing to this song. We’ve been planning this since the song premiered BUT NOW WE HAVE CHOREOGRAPHY THANKS TO THE VIDEO. Also, I have now watched this video at least 20 times wtf ridiculous.

  4. I don’t like the song ‘Bad Romance’. The video was awesome, but kinda pointless. Paparazzi is still her best video IMO.

    Also Kidman and Paltrow do have very similar features. Not particular interested in either one, they are both very boring. Kidman overacts and Paltrow underacts so maybe they can find a nice balance. Also wasn’t Charlize Theron suppose to be in this movie?

  5. ellen’s o magazine cover makes me want to wrap myself up in christmas lights and take pictures. just saying.

  6. Is it just me or did anyone else hold on to a lingering hope that the “The Danish Girl” was about women and pastries? I had a fleeting fantasy of a tall Scandinavian goddess with superior baking skills hoping to quell my every concern with sugary dough and a rolling pin wearing nothing more than an apron and a smile. No? Just me? OK then.

  7. i just wanted to say that the la times article about “the danish girl” is SUPER offensive to transpeople and i am also horrified at your coverage of it. i would expect more from autostraddle as you are a queer publication. let me first lay out why this is offensive.

    from wikipedia (about “the danish girl” film/book)
    “the danish girl is a fictionalized account of the life of Lili Elbe (Born as Einar Mogens Wegener), the first person to undergo sex reassignment surgery”

    this film is about a transwoman, WOMAN!! there is no reason to refer to HER as anyone’s husband or “him” other than blatant ignorance and/or latent transphobia.

    also, as a queer publication you should know that the term “sex change operation” is seriously politically incorrect and offensive to many transpeople. the correct term is sex reassignment surgery or gender confirmation surgery (most commonly “sex reassignment surgery” hell even wikipedia got that right…)

    in your post, you stated: “Einar underwent several operations, which were eventually considered the world’s first surgical sex change, to make him more like a woman.”

    what the efff you guys seriously?!?! you’re an lgbt/queer blog and you use the wrong pronouns to refer to her! come onnnnn

    • The errors you’ve pointed out have been fixed. As best I can tell, they resulted from the original article being misread and misunderstood, hence the incorrect gender pronouns. We in no way were trying to be disrespectful to the transgender community. Thank you for your comment and for reading the site. We appreciate the input.

    • Hi Tina,

      Thanks for calling us out, the changes have been made and apologies for the initial mistake as Intern Sarah described in her comment.
      This is funny, as actually not that long ago I criticized an article for saying “sex change operation” because I know that term is not proper, and a lot of my friends were like, “what are you talking about” and had no idea that “sex change operation” wasn’t the right term anymore.
      Of course I know that, because yes, this is an lgbt/queer publication, and I am the editor-in-chief who spends 60 hours a week trying to ensure these innocent mistakes don’t happen.
      This week b/c we are on a big queer boat where internet is 50 cents a minute and everything takes three times longer than it’s supposed to, the interns have been kicking ass getting daily fixes out every day even without my final edits. But it’s not a perfect system, so our apologies for the errors in this piece, which I am actually able to read now because I was bitching so loudly about how bad the internet sucks and how slow it is that the computer lab man just gave me 20 free minutes!
      I hope you keep reading — and keep pointing out mistakes when you see ’em! We’re youngsters!

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