• The Mythology of Us

    People often describe fate by saying “the stars aligned,” and that’s true. Our planets collaborated through the alchemy of our bodies that night. Our bodies aligned, the stars aligned.

  • Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for October 2016

    A pile of gigantic, fiery-hearted monsters sleeping sweetly together is a good metaphor for this month. Even the gruffest, most cynical, and most wounded amongst us should be able to find some kind of sweet solace this month. But that doesn’t mean all our problems will disappear.

  • Aesthetic Rising: Your Astrological Fashion Forecast Featuring Sagittarius

    Honestly, we just need a good old “Fuck You, I Survived 2016” rager to close out this dumpster fire of a year. Let’s come together and celebrate the strength it took to make it this far. Hopefully these horoscopes will help you figure out how you deserve to celebrate this month.

  • Aesthetic Rising: Your Astrological Fashion Forecast Featuring Leo

    During this month of your birth, you should put your charm on display by wearing something from this tasteful yet summery collage and pretending that you’re on the beach.

  • Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for January 2017

    This month, we’re looking at your coming year in queer love: how you’ll be able to grow, where you’ll be able to heal, and where you can hold the faith and keep the dream alive. Here’s your roadmap to how to love yourself better this year, and show up for the ones you love — whether that’s your committed life partner or your an international network of queer communities.

  • Witch Hunt: Let’s Share Some Healing Magic and Strengthening Spells

    A witchy episode of Bob’s Burgers, the recipe for Raquel’s Scorpio Mesquite, an empowering playlist, Words With Witches with Rachel, Heather’s first New Moon ritual, a discussion about Garth Nix’s Abhorsen Trilogy, and more!

  • Fool’s Journey: Where is My Path Leading?

    “I’m entirely lost. Which direction should I be heading in right now? Where is my path leading? What should I be putting most of my energy into to one day become an independent and successful person with a flourishing career?” A tarot reading to explore possibilities.

  • Witch Hunt: Potions, Podcasts and Keeping Your Pet Off Your Altar

    Want to learn how to make a tasty alcoholic potion? Want to keep your cat off your altar? Maybe we can help!

  • Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for December 2016

    “What a strange way to end the year. How strange to talk of personal love, right now, as though we can separate it out from love for everyone who is suffering and endangered. But queer love can and must encompass that—what are we here for if not to create new ways of loving, new communities of care, and a world with less repression and hatred?”

  • Fool’s Journey: What Makes a ‘Feminist’ Tarot?

    “Feminism is about unlocking the bonds of separation. Seeing everyone as equals and raising up those who have been most oppressed by patriarchy. Tarot and oracle decks support this work because they give us a tool to connect to our atomic memory. A memory that knows the equality of all beings.”

  • Aesthetic Rising: Your Astrological Fashion Forecast Featuring Virgo

    Like the Halloween candy that is already proudly on the shelves in CVS, I’m here to motivate you to get into the ~Fall Spirit~ wildly before it’s necessary with some Pumpkin Spice Horoscopes.

  • Fool’s Journey: So You Want to Read Tarot at an Event

    Holding a tarot stall at a party or event is a great way to improve your skills and boost your confidence. Here are some preparation tips to make sure it’s safe, smooth and enjoyable for all.

  • Witch Hunt: Make a Spell Jar and Turn Your Eyes Toward the Harvest Moon

    A City Witch playlist, notes on the Harvest Moon, the celebration Tituba deserves, Spell Jar recipes, an interview with the author of Jailbreaking the Goddess, thoughts on Halloween prep, and so much more!

  • What’s Our Sign?

    We all know that you’ve been wondering what signs all your Autostraddle favorites are. Maybe you want to see how compatible you are with us? Maybe you want to see how compatible we are with each other? Well, here you go!

  • Witch Hunt: Build Your Altar and Celebrate Lammas With Us

    Are you looking for information on how to make an altar for fire signs, why Ursula the sea witch is so great or what exactly witch kink is? We’ve got you covered.

  • Witch Hunt: Healing Spells and Magical Teas

    Talking about how to heal from Orlando, an easy way to practice combining ingredients to make spells and the best ways to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

  • Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for June 2016

    This month is all about love as a learning process. We begin the month with Sun and Venus (our sense of self, and how we attract love) in Gemini–sign of curiosity, humor, and investigation.

  • Witch Hunt: What’s Your Witchsona?

    Some of our favorite artists draw themselves as witches, Rachel makes you a playlist for your ritual healing bath, KaeLyn crafts an amulet, Maree reminds us why Practical Magic is so good, Maddie weighs on on witchy commerce, Heather talks about black cats, and so much more!

  • Witch Hunt: We Are the Weirdos

    “We wanted to be pagans too or witches, maybe. Anything that would make us feel powerful because mostly we felt like we were at everybody else’s mercy. We wanted skirts and big boots, like ‘I will french kiss you and then stomp on your face.’ I wanted to be Neve Campbell. I wanted it to be real.”

  • Satellite of Love: Queer Horoscopes for February 2016

    Tap into that Capricorn energy to be patient and realistic about whatever comes up, and honor your inner wise old crone this month as you navigate all your loves and likes and lusts: picture yourself in ten, twenty, or thirty years and think about the life you’d like to build.