• Gay Adoption in Florida: You Lose Some/Often But You Win Some Too

    This week has been disheartening for a lot of us queer activists, but cheer up a little bit because Legal Eagle Jessica is here to share some GOOD NEWS about gay adoptions in Florida.

  • On The Upside, These Gay Kids Have Awesome Parents!

    It’s not all doom & gloom. Ceara Sturgis’ tuxedo pic didn’t even make it into the yearbook, but her Mom is standing up for her! And she’s not the only Mom out there taking a stand. Also, Houston Pride will feature uniformed police officers, the Washington Blade returns, California struck down anti-gay law and um someonemurderedtheirdaughtersgirlfriend and a trans student was attacked in a college bathroom.

  • Anti-Gay CA Senator Ashburn Walks Out of Gay Bar, Gets DUI, COMES OUT

    The lawsuit for those injured in the Atlanta Eagle bar raid needs your help, Roy Ashburn is a lying hypocrite, General Petraeus has worked with queers in the past and hasn’t been raped by a man yet, the VA Attorney General wants to take away college protections, Minnesotans are giving it their all for Uganda, and Roseanne wants to save the gay Mormon kids.

  • Lesbians ‘Reflect Changes in China’ by Kissing ‘Romantically,’ Sporting ‘Boyish Fashions’

    In China, “transformative change” is observed when two teenage girls, one with a “masculine hairstyle,” kissed on the subway “in an unmistakably romantic way.” Meanwhile in the US, someone’s son wants to wear a dress, someone else’s son comes out every day and pro-gay-bullying organization feels bullied. Kids these days!

  • Catholic Church Lets Sex Abusers Guide Children, But Not Gay Parents?

    A new round of sex scandals rock the church while the church fights to keep its anti-gay adoption policies and prevent the child of gays from attending its pre-school. Jon Stewart & “Deliver Us From Evil” report. Also; the trouble with the media’s take on the troubles of black women, clinical trials leave out glbts, ‘zines, is twitter a girl, gearing up for dinah shore weekend & a new LGBT Center in Long Beach, New York.

  • Trans Father Scott Moore’s Baby Photos Inspire Awws, Bigotry

    Scott Moore (dubbed “the second pregnant man” by the media) and his husband Thomas (also FTM) welcomed a new baby into the world yesterday, and TMZ has photos. And the homophobia and transphobia is ‘a-flyin’.

  • Do Lesbian Moms Make Better Parents? (Yup Sorry, NOM!)

    Research shows that lesbians make better parents, and “pro-family” groups get upset when research shows that lesbians make better parents. Also, trouble for the Houston mayoral candidate, gay gene testing forbidden and new strategies for Prop 8.