• So, How F*cked Are We, Exactly? Let’s Talk About the Midterm Elections.

    Making sense of the election results the day after: how much we lost last night, what it means to have lost, and how hard we’re going to have to work to win it back.

  • Dan Choi is People

    How far is our group from that fever pitch of anger and refusal to wait any longer that brings things –and people like Dan Choi — to a boil? It’s the most painful point of all. But also, potentially, the most sad and the most powerful. A look at Dan Choi’s Village Voice cover story, “Bad Lieutenant.”

  • What Would Elena Kagan Do?

    What happens if Elena Kagan is confirmed and joins the Supreme Court? Is she a friend or a foe in disguise as a friend with a lesbian haircut? Our Legal Eagle Jessica attempts to decipher Kagan’s mysterious record to tell you what her confirmation could mean for gay rights and other key issues.

  • Obama Orders More Same-Sex Partner Benefits. When Can We Like Him Again?

    Today Obama did another thing for gay people, and we can hear the icicles of our soul slowly melting. Which got me thinking about relationships — are we in an emotionally manipulative short-term on-and-off relationship with Obama, or is he in fact being a better man?

  • Autostraddle Roundtable: So … Prop 8 Was Upheld. What Do We Do Now?

    “What I do not enjoy is people saying a woman marrying a woman will lead to a woman marrying a dog. I do not want to marry a woman. I am very little and she would crush my bones.”