NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Would Love It If We Made It

The feature image is of Charlie Kicks and Stone Castle in Leatherboy Glovefuck. The feature and all of the photographs in this NSFW Sunday are from fetish site Mondo Fetiche. The inclusion of a visual here is not an assertion of a model’s gender or orientation. If you’re a photographer or model and think your work would be a good fit for NSFW Sunday, please email carolyn at autostraddle dot com.

Welcome to NSFW Sunday! Before we get to the porn, I’ve been writing this column for ten years this weekend and am so grateful you continue to read it week after week.

Charlie Kicks and Stone Castle

Leatherboy Glovefuck at Mondo Fetiche

Here are ten ways to have the best sex of your life, all by yourself.

At Oh Joy Sex Toy, Tila published a comic about when you need a NSFW break.

Here are some suggestions on what to do if you feel especially bad about your body lately so that you can start to feel good about it instead.

Leather Daddy Ashley And Ava The Gimp

Leather Daddy Ashley and Ava The Gimp at Mondo Fetiche

There are lots of ways to approach love. And it’s okay if the way you approach relationships changes:

“One thing love has to teach: it doesn’t want to be put in a box. Not in the box of monogamy, not in the box of polyamory, and not in the box of language describing the two. When it comes to relationship, it’s not this or that. It’s this and that. What works for you doesn’t have to work for me, and one is not greater than another. What works for me today, also doesn’t have to work tomorrow. The way we do love can (and likely will) change. But trying to control love always ends in suffering.”

Madame Futch

Madame Futch at Mondo Fetiche

If you have a vagina and often experience pelvic or abdominal pain during or after sex, here are a few things that could be going on and what to do about them. No matter what, remember that it’s okay to ask for help:

“‘If you’re having recurrent pain that is prohibitive to a normal, happy sex life, you need to see someone for it,’ offers Tanouye. Also, know that these discussions are nothing to be embarrassed about. ‘This is what we do, day in, day out,’ she says. ‘I talk about vaginas, sex — all kinds of sex — every single day, all day. I’ve heard everything; it’s all normal to me.’ Finally, if you don’t feel heard, go see someone else. ‘If you bring it up and your practitioner blows it off or says [something like], ‘Well, you just need to drink a glass of wine,’ that’s a cop-out,’ says Lincoln.”

Lesbian Soccer LustLesbian Soccer Lust at Mondo Fetiche

Joanna Angel talked to the Creative Independent on writing a book, art and porn and more:

“A lot of the taboos of porn are what excited me about it. As time goes on, it seems like a lot of people really try to fight against those taboos—especially the kind of modern-day, very feminist sex workers. But I kind of miss the days when people looked down on it a little more because it was ‘wrong.’ Over time, porn has become so accepted—which is great in some ways—but I liked that it was this weird, kind of underground thing that people didn’t approve of. That always drew me to it.”

Mimosa and Her Pet Toys

Mimosa and Her Pet Toys at Mondo Fetiche

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Ryan Yates

Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.

Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.


  1. Wow, happy ten year sexy Sunday anniversary! I’ve probably been reading the column for about that long, too. Thanks for sticking with it!

  2. Wow I identify with that Vice article about body image a whole lot. Shortly after covid started and we went into quarantine my body image totally tanked and I’m still struggling; the article made a whole lot of sense to me.

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