Nicki Minaj Redacts Bisexuality, Tegan Keeps a Diary & Logo Awards NewNowNexties


Nicki Minaj is recanting her bisexuality! She tells Black Men Magazine: “I don’t date women and I don’t have sex with women…that’s of course, until Cassie comes available …..” This is in direct opposition to many statements to the contrary and once-upon-a-time rumors that Nicki was once a Queens “Stud” who slept with rapper Remy Ma. That might not be true, but really, who knows anymore? Granted, this is clearly a magazine aimed at a heterosexual male demographic, thus the title “Black Men Magazine,” but gawd REALLY NICKI REALLY?

A few elements of the self-proclaimed “Black Barbie” have fascinated and confused critics. A few months ago, Jonah Weiner wrote on about Nicki Minaj, asking Who’s That Girl?

In several songs, rapper Nicki Minaj describes herself as a proud bisexual—she has a special weakness, we learn, for ample-bottomed girls. In others, she is defiantly straight: insisting that she prefers men, dropping “no homo” disclaimers to drive the point home. In “Brrraaattt,” she plays a thug, firing semiautomatic weapons at her rivals. In “Cuchi Shop,” she plays a madam in charge of a stable of prostitutes. In interviews, she announces herself as a would-be role model for young girls. She says she’s from Queens, N.Y., but in several songs she slips into accents that suggest she’s from England or perhaps the San Fernando Valley.

Hip-hop is full of unreliable narrators, but over the course of her short career, Nicki Minaj has taken unreliability to near-whiplash extremes.

Following the story in Black Men, Trish Bendix wrote for

Assuming that Nicki is telling the truth, that she’s not really bisexual, this is certainly a huge issue. A large part of her appeal and her career has been her innuendos.

If we take Nicki’s statement that she doesn’t date or sleep with women as a truth, than I think it is fair to be disappointed if not upset how she portrays herself as an artist. She spits lines like “I only stops for pedestrians, or real real bad lesbian,” signs her female fans’ boobs and makes reference to bedding other women.

Female musicians exploiting and then redacting alleged bisexuality is one of our least favorite things EVAH, like when Pink did it and when Christina Aguilera did it.


Tegan Quin has been keeping a tour diary for Paper Magazine, and it’s just PRECIOUS:

I need to pull it together and stop napping. I’ve been in Ireland for four days and so far I’ve napped three times. One of the naps lasted 12 hours. I’m not really a “nap person” in my regular life. In fact I think that naps should only be for babies, the elderly, pot heads and sick people. But apparently I’m all of those things now because I cannot stop napping.

She opens her second diary entry with: My name is Tegan Quin and it’s been two days since my last nap.”


Someone on Big Brother had a lesbian dream about someone else or something.


Logo’s NewNowNext Awards aired last night! The show, which was taped on June 8 in LA, was hosted by Nicey Nash and Cheyenne Jackson. People won things for doing stuff. Some of our favorite people were there!

Adam Lambert had a little thing on the NewNowNext Awards. He also cut his hair, apparently.

Check out the NewNowNext blog’s Top 7 moments from the show. Winners included Lea Michele, Johnny Weir and even the tumblr Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber. Paula Abdul, RuPaul, and Aisha Tyler also showed up. We imagine the after party was ridic homofabulous!

Oh and the Real L Word cast was there, too.


You know what’s hard? To actually make a funny movie, and a sad movie, and an exciting movie, and a thoughtful movie, and an artful movie, and a challenging movie, and a sophisticated movie, and a surprising movie, all at once. To make it with integrity and wit, to never insult your audience — whether that audience is five or 35 or 65 — and to do it again and again and again, eleven times and counting. That’s a miracle.

That’s why the people of Pixar are currently America’s most important filmmakers. And that’s why Toy Story 3 is the best movie of the year.


Katy Perry banned straight men from the set of her music video shoot — ladies and gays, ladies and gays only.


Daily Mail reports: “The eldest daughter of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening is living as a young man after changing her name. Kathlyn Beatty, 18, is now known as Stephen Ira and is said to be planning a sex-change operation.”


Is interviewed in TV Guide Magazine about The Real L Word and the possibility of an L Word Movie.

TV Guide Magazine: Is there still an L Word movie in the works?
Chaiken: I would love to do an L Word movie. It’s about when I can find the time to write it. I know what the movie is. I know that my cast really wants to do it.

TV Guide Magazine: Except Mia Kirshner.
Chaiken: She doesn’t want to do it.

TV Guide Magazine: Well, her character Jenny is dead.
Chaiken: Exactly. Mia’s not happy about being dead. I think she should have embraced it. And I was sad that she wasn’t into it. But everybody else is dying to do it.

TV Guide Magazine: If you do the movie will we find out who killed Jenny?
Chaiken: If I were to do an L word movie I would like it not to be about who killed Jenny but have a very different storyline. It would be more like the beginning of the show and the celebration of lesbian life and romance, that comedy of manners.

TV Guide Magazine: Is your L Word spinoff with Alice imprisoned for killing Jenny completely dead?
Chaiken: Yes. And since Showtime didn’t pick it up, I’m going to say that Alice did not kill Jenny. That was a little disappointing because I thought we made a really good pilot. And it wasn’t an L Word spinoff really. That one character was in it but it was a very, very different show.

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      • I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while. I know Rachael has said she is not single, so this seems to confirm it.

        • Glad it’s not just me! I follow them both on twitter and put two and two together when they were tweeting from the same locations a lot. It’s cool if they are!

  1. ok ok ok much as i obvs hate nicki’s statement and am annoyed that every allegedly bisexual celebrity out there keeps trying to destroy life for actual bisexuals, let me just ask: what if, um, rappers’ identities were pretty much all made up for the sake of their music? like what if the entire concept of having a badass backstory to base your music on was kind of silly and you probably shouldn’t take anyone’s too seriously anyways?

    that said, I lol’d at “she has a special weakness, we learn, for ample-bottomed girls.”

    • I believe that a lot of rappers have ‘alter egos’ like Eminem did for a while, you know? Because yeah, otherwise their music would be just like everyone else’s.

  2. Not to be a terrible Gay, but I want Ilene Chaiken to go back into the closet.

    Just so we can lock the door and throw away the key. Perhaps give it to Jenny… except she might completely change her personality/story arc and lock it back up (she is a vampire now, right?). Let’s give it to Dana. It would rust in the waterfalls.

  3. Seriously Katy Perry? What if they’re girls AND gay?

    I can’t hate her, for all her craziness, though.
    She has a cat named Kitty Purry, and I appreciate that.

  4. TV Guide Magazine: Well, her character Jenny is dead.
    Chaiken: Exactly. Mia’s not happy about being dead. I think she should have embraced it. And I was sad that she wasn’t into it. But everybody else is dying to do it.

    Ilene Chaiken hurts my head. A lot. I just read these things and think why why why why why why why why WHY!? Who the fuck would be happy about being dead? Ugh. I hate how they had so much power, and could’ve ended the show on a positive, inspirational note, but instead we just got this ridiculous Cleudo mindfuck. It was insulting. And I’m still kind of recovering from the fact that she made the trans character into just another walking freakshow… It’s something that you’d expect from non-queer television, but from an actual LGBT program? UGH. WHY. She’s all about “we’re telling real stories” and I’m like, “you know what would have been a better story? A story that we don’t ever ever ever see on television for trans characters? HAPPINESS. You fucking eerie lezbot.”

  5. “Mia’s not happy about being dead. I think she should have embraced it.” – Ilene Chaiken

    I’m usually ambivalent about the Chaiken or find her funny in the “what reality does she live in” way. But this quote? This quote is one of the most arrogant and dismissive things she has ever said and that is saying a lot given the multitude of smug quotes she has put out into the universe.

    • i know right? if i were mia i wouldn’t want to do it either. i think mia’s a fantastic actress, especially with all the stupid shit ilene made her do for the l word, and i completely understand why she wouldn’t want to be part of it anymore.

  6. I’m in love with everyone in this post. Mostly the Chaikenator. I srsly thought she couldn’t be crazier than before. How do you embrace being dead?

    • That’s what I’m asking! She also took the same crazy-ass stance about killing Erin – said Erin just “embraced” that shit. Erin, obvs, disagreed.

      “Ms. Daniels said: “I was about 50 percent listening, and the other 50 percent of me was going, ‘Did you really just say what I think you said?’ ” And then I think I said, ‘Goodbye, I’ll talk to you soon,’ and got in my car and cried for about three days.”” (

      MF IFC. Embrace the suck.

  7. umm i was gonna say something, but like every other [awesome] person i have a lot of autostraddle tabs open and i drifted off, so i don’t remember…

    this is a waste of space…

  8. Ag. She didn’t give herself the label bisexual, so let’s not cuss her out too bad for ‘redacting’ something she never claimed to be. Nifty lyrics that hint at being ok with experimentation, or the potential of being queer, or at having a musical persona which could be queer/experimental, are not the same thing.

    I dislike her ‘no homo’ attitude as much as the next queer Minaj-fancier, but the focus should be on the lightly homophobic tone she takes in some interviews and songs, not “OMG Nicki how come you’re not as gay as we need you to be” type criticism. Nicki is a contradictory motherfucker but it doesn’t make her fake.

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