Introducing: The A+ Membership Gift Pool! Let’s All Jump In!

A+ members asked us whether there was a way to contribute to a pool of A+ memberships that we could give away year round, and at long last, we’re so happy to tell you that this is it! Whether you’re someone who wants to give the gift of A+ to those who might not be able to afford a membership right now or pay for one for other reasons, or you’re someone who wants to claim a free, one-year gift membership, this is the page for you! As always, THANK YOU to our A+ Members for being active participants in this space that is Autostraddle and for asking for this program. We are so grateful for you! Go here to check it out!

How does it work?

People who want to contribute to the pool can give in $30 increments. These $30 increments are then transformed into Cobalt-Level A+ Memberships in our system and are given back out on a first in, first out basis to people who apply to receive them! The whole system is completely anonymous, too! We just have Cobalt memberships right now and $30 increments because it was a liiiiittle complicated to do it any other way. We’re honestly just glad we could make it happen! We hope you are, too!

How many are available?

As of the writing of this, there are 40 whole gift memberships in the pool!

Does this count toward the fundraiser goal?

Yes! Just like becoming an A+ member counts toward our goal, so does contributing to the A+ Gift Membership Pool!

Today, October 8 (LOL) is a great day for a pool party, don’t you think? Go to the A+ Gift Membership Pool and jump right in there!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Nico Hall is a Team Writer for Autostraddle (formerly Autostraddle's A+ and Fundraising Director and For Them's Membership and Editorial Ops person.) They write nonfiction both creative — and the more straightforward variety, too, as well as fiction. They are currently at work on a secret longform project. Nico is also haunted. You can find them on Twitter and Instagram. Here's their website, too.

Nico has written 234 articles for us.


  1. This is wonderful! Thank you Nicole and everyone who worked so hard to make this happen! Just donated a membership :)

  2. I’m extremely pleased to see this and I’m so stoked to participate. Payday can’t come fast enough.

    Joy !

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