Helping You Help Yourself 40

Senior Editor Yvonne, who is very stylish and whose birthday it is today (!!!) says this guide to shining leather shoes was helpful. Happy birthday Yvonne!

This song (“Weightless,” by Marconi Union) is allegedly “the most relaxing ever.” Here’s a ten-hour version on Youtube if you want something ambient to listen to while you work or play.

Lost all the instructions for your IKEA furniture and now you’re stuck when it comes to moving? Don’t worry, they’re all online. Does require remembering the name of the piece of furniture you bought, though.

HowToGeek thinks you can probably get free access, and check out their classes and instruction on a variety of topics, from your local library. Try it out!

Also, speaking of classes, Lifehacker says this Udemy class on not procrastinating that’s been made freely available is good.

I feel like I used to know a trick for hanging paintings that involved masking tape, but I’ve forgotten it, so here’s one that uses a fork.

How to pair craft beer with vegetarian food. Seems relevant to the community’s interests.

This tool, Handle for Gmail, says it combines your email, to-dos and calendar. It sounds sort of similar to Plan, which I mentioned I was trying in a previous installment of this column (for those interested, it worked great except that I always forgot to open it in a tab and use it, which was sort of a stumbling block).

I know that over the next 2-3 weeks, as the holidays mean I’ll be traveling to see all manner of people, I will have some trying times with some people I find ‘difficult.’ Here’s an article I liked on the topic, despite it being from WebMD and also being split into a slideshow for some reason (I linked to the ‘view all,’ no worries).

I was looking for something on how to respond if someone gets harassing or Islamophobic on a plane, since many of us will be traveling in the next few weeks, and found this comprehensive guide from SPLC on how to respond to bigotry in a variety of settings. Probably the closest thing to what I was originally searching for is the section on how to respond to bigotry in public.

A guide from How To Grow The Fuck Up about How To Winterize Your Piece of Shit Vehicle.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. There is no such thing as winter coolant. Coolant is the same thru out the year.

    The difference is how low can it go before it freezes. If the tester says minus twenty and you live in Minnesota you got problems. If it says minus thirty and you live in Arkansas then you are fine.

    If you encounter a winter storm at work in the middle of the day and they start releasing everyone early because its bad do this. Be the last to leave, if you do it will take you the same amount of time to get home. Sometimes just a little bit longer but it takes you twice as long to get home when all the work places release everyone at the same time. Instead of bad quiet roads, you get busy traffic congested slightly bad roads. And you have slow down and pray to god no one hits you. Instead of worrying about going off the road with no one around to hit you from behind.

  2. I had no idea that even existed, and it’s just what I need right now. So thank you so much for that.

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