Helping You Help Yourself #29

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How to be a good listener.

How to treat a jellyfish sting. You could need it; I don’t know your life.

Thanks for the tip, Nicole! Good call!

Some photo editing app recommendations from a Real Photographer.

A very intensive step-by-step guide to meal planning and utlizing planned meals throughout the week. In my experience, all-week meal plans can sometimes utilize heavy stews or crockpot meals that are easy to make and reheat; in the summer, that isn’t necessarily as appealing. Here’s five salads to make on Sunday and eat all week if that’s more your thing.

Some ideas for alternative workouts if fads like SoulCycle don’t sound like your thing.

On being productive while living with chronic illness that makes your life unpredictable day to day.

Ideas for indoor plants to stimulate conversation, creativity and more.

Corn on the cob is one of the best parts of the summer, in my opinion. Here’s how to cook it in your microwave, if you don’t have a grill/don’t want to heat up your kitchen.

Want to get rid of some of your stuff but not sure how to start? Apartment Therapy has 20 ideas of things you can probably get rid of.

Lifehacker has five budgeting strategies/approaches. We’ve written about budgeting and money here before, like budgeting for cohabitation and financial apps, but this is good if you want to pick a general approach that works best for you.

So many ambient noise services popping up lately! Not that I’m complaining; I love them. The one I just learned about is a paid service that provides original music for focus, relaxation or sleep. It reminds me a bit of Noisli, which I can’t remember whether I have mentioned here before! It’s free with a paid premium option.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Thank you for that list of 20 things you can throw away without thinking! I love throwing stuff away! It’s one of the top ten most cathartic things in my life!

  2. I set up my emergency medical contact and now I am going to microwave some corn on the cob. Thank you Rachel!

  3. Indoor plants, corn, meal plans, salad, ambient noise, budgeting, productivity for disabled people!! These help posts always have exactly what I need to an unsettling degree. :D

  4. Excited to see Esmé Weijun Wang linked here – she writes my favourite pieces on chronic illness by miles. :)

  5. I was a bit confused because I live in coastal Australia and jellyfish stings ARE a common part of life here. We don’t have the deadly ones where I live, just painful and annoying ones.

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