Hello friend. You might remember me from this very website. Sometimes I talk about how much I love comedy and sometimes I talk about how television shows could do a lot better. As much as I love to complain while not doing anything to change the way things are, I put that aside to create a new webseries, WORDS WITH GIRLS that will air right here on Autostraddle.com. But first, I need your help!
We have 25 days to raise the funds needed to shoot the rest of Season One for the soon-to-be hit webseries WORDS WITH GIRLS. Since the best way to come out to most of your family is via webseries, I’m in it! And so is Lauren Neal whom you might recognize from our Get Fit posts! And guess who’s directing? None other than Sarah Croce! You can read all about the premise behind the show on the Kickstarter Page when you go there to donate because you’re a champion.

A familiar face perhaps?
Back in February I ate a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and called in a few favors in order to shoot the first episode so you could know what you have to look forward to once we raise the money. That means you can watch the first episode below!
If you want more of WORDS WITH GIRLS all in your business, please donate! Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell your wealthy friends that were going to do something silly like buy a boat!
For updates on the fundraising status and to stay abreast (heh heh) of goings on with the project, “like” us on Facebook, and check in on our Tumblr!
DONATE and I promise never to use this many exclamation points in a post again!
Its soup!
Maybe he’s a feminist…
or maybe it’s Maybelline.
this was killer.
What would Cream of Mushroom Soup be?
Ugh. Gross.
happy to help, I want to see more and hope you reach your goal.
Thank you!
south african flag!
also, great ep.
Half – homo. I am going to integrate that into my daily life! This is spectacular.
Also extra (full) homo points for the stickers on the ‘real’ Zoe Saldana’s laptop. You do you, Unicorn Plan-it AND South African Flag! We may have matching laptops!
i became a member just to note the following: that is not my actual laptop, though i am indeed actually zoë saldana. however, if that were my laptop, and i owned those stickers myself, i would also have said stickers attached to laptop.
That was funny! If I was employed I would totally donate.
understood! were i employed i would not have time to appear in said webseries. trade-offs for everything in this life…
brittani nichols is a true hero.
also please let me ride your coattails to fame with this and with all other things you do that are just the greatest, which is most of the things you do.
You make me feel like Drake on one of his happy days.
your twitter handle is correct. b really is hilarious. donating + blasting on social networks.
whoop whoop. #candlelight
digginnn this onee!
I enjoyed this a lot, consider yourself Backed.
No homo.
Ok, half-homo.
I appreciate your presence on this planet.
This was so funny. I’m going to laugh every time I see pasta for the next few weeks.
When I first saw the thumbnail and title, I missed the word “webseries” and thought you were developing a scrabble-themed lesbian dating app.
This is cool too, though.
I first thought it was going to be a lesbo themed scrabble game and jumped on it, then I still liked what it really was.
I feel like that could work.
I would definitely have words with you girls. Full homo.
Well I guess my cover as a skeeving rando is totally blown.
what’d y’all shoot this on
Canon 7D
Alice, your skeeving rando cover is totally blown.
Two words for you girls: Hell Yes!
I love Kickstarter..And I love that I can help with this kind of thing!
I love that you love it. Thank you!
that avatar just kills me every time, I swear.
That avatar COULD kill you. :)
You are my new favorite thing on AS! If your nice, I’ll let you play with my rifle.
That’s what ze said.
There are allergen free cocktails in our future my friend
I can’t right now, I love it.
I gotta wait until FUCKING JUNE for my stickers?! :(
Probably not but imagine if I was like you’ll have them as soon as the payments come through and then you didn’t have them right then. People would yell at me maybe and I only like inside voices.
And yet you used all those exclamation points in your post!!!
I am excited roughly 3 times a year so I have to really fit them in where I can.
Pixie the Unicorn wishes to donate. And it is done.
Pixie sounds like a winner.
“…actually it was just my mom” I DIED
this looks so funny.
“pen-ness” LMAO!
Avenge me, for I have died from the funny! FOR THE HONOR!
PS: I am going to be that person and say yum about the people on the webseries, *slurps soup* *dontates*
I work in tv, so totally not trying to be a b…But why all the jumpcuts? Loved the premise, funny!
Too stagnant without. And we did a lot of improv so it’s hard to match angles/audio/etc. when we never had identical takes.
This is awesome, and I totally just laughed out loud watching this in Bass Library. #fullcircle
Awww. I miss Bass.
I will definitely be donating as soon as I get paid. Yeah. That was pretty fucking hilarious.
This was too funny! I rarely like webseries but you ladies cracked me up. Next payday I’m donating. Simply because I want to hear…
“It’s an Italian specialty: Soup-er pennes and ah meatballs!”
Somehow it reminded me of playing this game
Me: *whispers* “penis”
Friend: *normal tone* “penis”
Me: *loud tone* “penis”,
Friend: *Screamingatthetopoflungs* “PENIS!!!”
Me:”You win, I prefer *screamingatthetopofmylungs* “Vaginas!!!!!”
No surprise, this is hilarious. And thanks to your excellent timing I will be donating as soon as my tax return comes through.
but really though.
i could only +1 this once so here’s an extra +1
Brittani– How was this going on without my knowledge?! It’s fucking hilarious.
I’m a ninja.
I’m genuinely hurt.
“It smells like sadness in here.”
. . . I am going to assume that was the aroma of the “Italian specialty: Soup-er pennes and ah meatballs!”
i spend hours alone in my apartment crying into my special pehnis soup with meaty meat balls
am i allowed to say that i’ve read the scripts for the other episodes and that each episode just gets even fucking funnier? because i did. AND THEY DO.
nice nice work, brittani! and yay croce!
also, thanks for the UNICORN PLAN-IT sticker shout out!!! :-)
can you write a “bitches love soup” get baked?
this is pretty close.
“You’ll be like, “BITCHIN’ SOUP. BITCHIN’ SOUP” And all of your friends will love you and you’ll win the lottery and never get another hangnail.”
This is a really good idea. But like…someone else will make it and I’ll just write about it and take pictures. I think this might happen.
I’m broke as hell, but love this. It’s my favorite thing of this week, by far.
Fav line: ” You should probably let her know. ” Can’t wait to see more of the comedic genius, donations to come :)