Intern Bren’s Team Pick
Its no secret how much we love GO Magazine and their lists. We’ve mentioned this on more than one occasion. The September issue no different. In it they’ve listed 2011’s Red Hot Entrepreneurs.
Here are just a few that may be relevant to your interests:
+ Romi Klinger of The Real L Word fame is on the cover! Autostraddle’s Miss December 2011 is doing great things with her jewelry line.
+ Hannah Lavon is a mitten-making lesbian. I seriously can’t think of a better kind. She and her business partner have created a product that takes the brutality of nature and makes it freaking adorable. Their company, Horray Hoopla, makes Predator vs. Prey mittens. On one hand you have an unsuspecting little fly or gazelle or fish and on the other you have a hungry frog or lion or whale. Sounds sad, but, I mean they’re MITTENS! And if you are looking for a way to break the ice with some cute barista, this could be just the thing.

photo by jessica winston
+ No list of hot ladies doing amazing things is complete without the trifecta of awesomeness that is Sarah Croce, Haviland Stillwell and Ashley Reed — the brains behind Autostraddle’s first original series Unicorn PLAN-IT. Just when you thought these ladies had reached the pinnacle of greatness, that they couldn’t possibly be more marvelous, they’ve gone and co-founded Lighter Entertainment, a production company set to shoot its first feature this fall!

photo by wingspan pictures
Seriously every one of these women makes me feel like a lazy lump on a log. You should read all their stories. You’ll be inspired to run a marathon, finally fill out that grad school application, or, if you’re anything like me, just get off the couch already.
That’s amaze-balls! Congrats, ladies!
yippeeee!!! congratulations wonderful women!
I don’t even like mittens and I want those mittens. O_O So awesome.
Congrats, y’all! That’s amazing C: