“And Just Like That” It’s Che and Miranda’s Last Supper

This And Just Like That review was written during the 2023 WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. Without the labor of the writers and actors who are currently on strike, tv series like this one would not be possible, and Autostraddle is grateful for the artists who do this work. This And Just Like That recap contains spoilers for season two, episode eleven, “The Last Supper Part Two: Entrée.”

One of the best things about TV shows set and filmed in actual New York City are the dinners and the third act parties. Think Gossip Girl. Think Succession. Honestly? Think Sex & The City. So when Carrie teased her plan last week to have a season finale Last Supper in her OG apartment, and insisted on inviting all of Miranda’s exes, I thought we were in for some world class drama. Alas, nothing about this dang show makes a lick of sense and the second most exciting thing about the whole finale is that Carrie did, in fact, adopt one of Che’s flirt-cats and she named him SHOE. That’s cute. That’s Carrie Bradshaw.

And, frankly, it’s a good thing she’s got a new furry companion because the real showmanship of “Entrée” comes after the Last Supper, when Aidan throws rocks at Carrie’s window like the olden days, finally does enter the Apartment of Eternal Misery and Doom, and asks Carrie to “wait for him” for five years so he can go be the dad he needs to be to the teenage son he and his wife abandoned. It’s an enormous ask, even for Aidan Shaw — but Carrie agrees. She says she’ll wait like Keira Knightley waited for Orlando Bloom in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Hopefully, he won’t have a kindergartener there to greet him when he returns to the shores of Manhattan.

All of Carrie's friends gather around her table for the Last Supper

One of the reasons Carrie’s Last Supper is so boring is because no one really talks about all the hijinks they’ve gotten up to in that place over the many, many years Carrie’s lived there. Miranda and Che have a really intense conversation in that corner of the kitchen where all the finger-banging went down and even they don’t have a fond giggle over it. Instead, Carrie says they’re going to go around the table and all say one word that’s symbolic for what they want to “let go of,” which is a kind of an intense thing to put people on the spot about over Bourbon Chicken Liver Pâté or whatever rich people eat at their catered meals.

Che says they’re letting go of rules, which is actually the funniest joke they’ve told all season, because when have they ever followed a rule in their entire life? Or at least their entire life on this show? Miranda met them when she caught them sharing weed with Brady at a funeral! (Oh Jesus, I just remembered “Rambo.”) It’s also a bonkers thing to say because Che does seem sincerely sorry they hurt Miranda with their stand-up, and they promise her they’re not going to do anymore material about their relationship. Which is a good rule! Miranda and Che both agree that their whole deal was a train wreck, but that it was a meaningful explosion for both of them. Miranda learned she’s queer! In her late 50s! Che learned that you should probably talk about it before your ex-husband wakes up starts up a threesome with your current girlfriend. Miranda says she’s giving up guilt, which is actually a really wise choice, and she proves it at the end of the episode by reconciling, platonically, with Steve, and crushing a big BBC interview.

Miranda and Che stand face to face in Carrie's kitchen

I really don’t expect Sara Ramirez to be back next season, and I don’t blame them for it. They recently wrote an Instagram post about how they are not their characters, that they don’t write the words that come out of their characters’ mouths, and that their job as an actor is to act. It seemed directed toward that absolutely bonkers profile of them in The Cut earlier this year, and also just generally at fans who are being pricks to them because they don’t like Che. I’m sure they had big dreams for this character, just like we all did, and are as disappointed as the rest of us about the way it all played out, with them basically just being shoe-horned in like all the other new POC characters by the midway point of the season. I hope their next role is worthy of them! We’re always seeing and loving you here, Sara Ramirez!

Charlotte? Well, Charlotte’s letting go of her family’s expectations that she should be the perfect wife and mother, existing to serve their every whim. She finally has a long talk with Harry about how he thinks he’s doing a lot now that she’s working again, but making a few breakfasts and doing a few school runs is actually the bare minimum. She says she likes her job! She’s good at it! And she’s not giving it up, so it’s time for him to step up! And of course he does. He goes out and buys her a phone that’s not drenched in tequila and helps her set it up. I love these two so much.

Steve and Miranda stand together on the pier on Coney Island

Seema’s giving up “distrust.” Anthony’s giving up “control.” Giuseppe’s giving up “Rome.” LTW’s giving up “guilt,” just like Miranda, but for different reasons. And Dr. Nya is giving up “yesterday,” so she can finally hook up with this Michelin-starred chef named Toussaint whomst she’s been dancing around all season.

Me? Well, I’m not giving up anything because all my wishes finally came true: Samantha Jones is back! Only for one phone call, and only for one minute, but seeing Kim Cattrall back in action as the best character in this show’s history really made my heart soar. She was trying to make it to the Last Supper, but her plane got grounded in London because of the weather. Waiting five years for Aidan Shaw seems like a terrible waste of time. But Samantha Jones, I would wait for you forever.

Samatha Jones clutches her phone to her chest in a limo

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. I was happy that Dolly Wells (Joy) returned and that Che actually apologized about their jokes, but my favorite part of this episode was that Carrie held and talked to the kitten like someone who has actually interacted with cats before. Realistic and adorable! Hope Joy and Shoe are both back in season 3.

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