• DADT Repeal Could Happen By Mid-Summer, KStew Doesn’t Want To Smile For You

    This took forever because Dinah Shore but hey look, progress is being made with DADT and also the rest of the world seems pretty ok right now!

  • On A Scale Of One To Repealed, How Repealed Is DADT?

    Have you forgotten about DADT now that the judicial brouhaha is over? The answer had better be no, because our servicemembers definitely haven’t. Here’s what the deal is for them right now.

  • Dan Choi is People

    How far is our group from that fever pitch of anger and refusal to wait any longer that brings things –and people like Dan Choi — to a boil? It’s the most painful point of all. But also, potentially, the most sad and the most powerful. A look at Dan Choi’s Village Voice cover story, “Bad Lieutenant.”

  • Queer the Census: Be Counted or Pay the Price, Homos.

    Get a sticker and queer the census, or go without education and health care. Just saying, it’s up to you. Patraeus says the time has come to repeal DADT. Also; just like kids in middle school, more and more seniors are daring to come out as queer or trans. Even more legal analysis of the Prop 8 trial and what it all means! Plus, a lesbian couple was granted a marriage license in CA because of regressive gender laws, and you can get married at Mt. Everest!

  • Virginia AG Favors Rescinding Gay Protections, College Students Raise Hell

    New Virginia AG doesn’t waste any time in office trying to make gays really pissed at him, but at Liberty University students are lovin’ the Creationism 101 discussion. The Denver Archdiocese doesn’t want kids of the gays in their schools, but there are some Catholics who are down with equality. Westboro Baptist Church is going to the Supreme Court. Plus, kerfluffle in Virginia, some tips for the census, and another blow to DADT.

  • Local Cops Out Lesbian Soldier: Is Bigotry to Blame? Or Spite?

    Gay people, especially lesbians of color like Jene Newsome, continue not asking or telling and being discharged anyways — and sidenote, Rapid City has a significant history of racial discrimination. J. Crew has discriminatory hiring practices, Elton got a death threat, gay men may or may not be able to give blood eventually, New Hampshire is standing for marriage equality, and the Paycheck Fairness may be able to make a difference for working women and their families. Also, Jon Stewart explains it all for you.

  • DADT: Dan Choi Back on Active Duty, Lissa Young Talks to AS, Black Women Disproportionately Affected

    It’s DADT News, and we’ve got good news and bad news. Dan Choi has been called back to active duty! Yes, really! Autostraddle catches up with DADT discharge Lissa Young for her reaction to last week’s hearing (“exhilarating and infuriating.”) Study shows black women disproportionately discharged under DADT (and the affects of all anti-gay laws hit the black community harder). Also; Iowans and New Jersey on gay marriage actions/reactions, Rhode Island’s gay marriage bill and more on Judge Walker.