• Bicycling Across India, Learning About Queerness and Intimacy Along the Way

    Lying in bed, she asked why I thought she’d be into women, and I tried to explain that Indian norms are full of moments Americans consider to be flirting. “Holding hands doesn’t mean anything,” she said. “It must be so sad to not touch your friends.”

  • Donald Trump Is President and I’m Adopting My Own Daughter

    I choose her every minute of the day, and I will continue to choose her regardless of what the future brings. I choose her. For her, I will play the game and sign the papers, and ask the court to bless what we know is already true.

  • Five Images Of My Family

    “I’m going to be a single, poor, gay, mom, and it’s going to be fine. It’s going to be amazing. I mean sure, I might date sometimes, but I don’t need a partner. Partners just get in the way. And what are the odds that I would meet a woman I would want to be with who would also want to have children with me? I can’t even picture it!”

  • It’s A Boy*!

    It’s a boy, until and unless he tells us otherwise, I thought. It’s a boy who will be raised without gender roles. It’s a boy who will be defined by their heart and mind, not by the organs that happen to be between their legs. It’s a boy who will be loved wholly, deeply, and completely by the two women who created him.

  • How My Motherhood Made My Mother Accept My Lesbianism

    She didn’t say “I have suspected this for years and I still love you.” It went more like a Scared Straight kind of thing but instead of scaring me about drugs and a life of crime, she wanted to scare me straight, straight. “Just Say No to Lesbianism” straight.

  • Girl-on-World: Argentina

    Buenos Aires’ dark streets glistened with youth and possibility, and most of our nights revolved around an easy camaraderie between travelers.

  • Lily’s College Lesbianage #14: Libraries, Gay Marriage and Therapy

    Unaccomplished Goal For Summer #4: Write a screenplay about a 20 year-old girl who realizes that her life long dream of becoming a child/teen star will never be realized. Call it “That’s Not So Raven”.

  • 100 Michigan Law Students Walk Out Of Graduation: LGBTs Winning Hearts and Minds

    This weekend, one third of Michigan Law’s 2011 class walked out of their own graduation ceremony to protest an anti-gay graduation speaker. Lucky for us, Sarah was there for the whole thing.

  • College Lesbianage #3: When Will My Lovely Lesbian Bubble Burst?

    Life is finally getting good for Intern Lily, who once felt unhinged, lonely and lost in her first year at Barnard. Now there’s love, a liberal bubble, and that constant fear of what happens when the real world comes by.

  • College Lesbianage #1: I’m Looking for Girlfriends, Not Bridesmaids

    Introducing “Lily’s College Lesbianage,” the first of many columns to come about lesbian college life all over the world . This week, Lily finds heteronormativity alive and well, even at Barnard, and copes with the anxiety of being a freshman lesbian weirdo surrounded by new people in a new city.