• S L I C K: How to Fuck Your Friends

    A narrator’s crush on one partnered babe turns into a threesome. “They bite hard on your nipples, you’re all soaking wet, you tell each other, it’s not weird, it’s just fun.”

  • Here’s Your Full Video Workshop Breaking Down Everything You Need to Know for Strap-On Sex

    The latest in Queer Sex 101, our series of real live queer people teaching you everything you need to know about real queer sex continues, with a one-hour workshop from sex educator, Autostraddle writer, SLICK editor and More, Please! editor Ro White on strap-on sex.

  • S L I C K: Cass Auto Repairs

    Noa tries to pick up her car at the auto shop and picks up her butch mechanic instead. “She buried her fingers in the dark locks of her mound and softly ran her finger up and down her clit, teasing. Cass pulled her hair gently.”

  • S L I C K: The Gambling Countess

    A young trans woman moves to Severton Manor to serve a Countess with sexual favors. “‘Ahhhh!’ the Countess cried, rubbing her lips on the maid’s face like a boot stomping out a cigarette.”

  • S L I C K: The Best Them

    When the speech was over, Cash walked up to their friends and hugged them only the way you would hug your best friends after fucking them in a Cheesecake factory bathroom.

  • SLICK: What Ever Happened To Baby Blue?

    “Sometimes winning the switch fight meant kind of losing. When you were both switches, though, everybody won no matter the outcome. It all came down to pride and play.”

  • S L I C K: Raincheck Part 1

    You are just picking up Naomi. Your very good friend, Naomi, whom you have only not-so-jokingly offered to take up on her not-so-joking offer to fuck for a decade. She literally just got emotionally gut punched by some fuckboy. Don’t be another fuckboy. Not today. Unless she initiates. Fuck, she always initiates. Fuck, I missed my exit.

  • S L I C K: The Maid Who Was Elegant

    A Countess challenges her newest trans maid to make a sopping wet gamble. “The Countess said she could use whatever means necessary, and Myra had assumed she meant some form of corporal punishment. But the Countess was going to pee on her.”

  • S L I C K: Raincheck Part 2

    Naomi is leaving scratches on my chest, grasping for anything to hold onto while she sits on my face.

  • S L I C K: Constellations # 6 Bennett & Paige Go Slow

    Special? Of course she was special. She was their partner, their most precious relationship, their lover of nearly ten years, their most trusted confidant. She smelled like a combination of lavender and musk, with this particular tenderness that still made Bennett’s knees weak and that growl start to build deep in their body.

  • S L I C K: Come Inside

    I should’ve masturbated in the shower. I need to be pushed against a wall. She smells like the ocean.

  • S L I C K: Yes, Daddy

    I wanted you to dominate me, Daddy, and you relished the chance. The leather straps twirled through the air as the pain grew sharper and more familiar. It stung hard. And it felt so fucking good.

  • S L I C K: Constellations #4 Puppy Pile

    Paige leaned back into Bennett. Lauren kissed down her throat and on to her collarbone, little nips and sucks on her skin. “Lauren wants to suck you off,” Paige whispered to Bennet. “Don’t you, Lauren.”

  • S L I C K: Constellations #2 Paige & Tacey A Good Girl

    Tacey gasped as Paige’s hand came back down, slap slap slap, in quick succession on both of her cheeks. Paige murmured, “Good girl,” and smoothed her palms over Tacey’s wide ass, using her nails to scratch and tickle.

  • Real Live Lesbian Sext(ing the Zine)

    “Something about our conversations just makes me want to take off my underwear. And by ‘something’ I mean ‘everything.'”