74 Bail Funds You Can Absolutely Support Right Now

George Floyd was murdered on May 25, 2020, and we stand in unequivocal support of the protests and uprisings that have swept the US since that day, and against the unconscionable violence of the police and US state. We can’t continue with business as usual, which includes celebrating Pride. This week, Autostraddle is suspending our regular schedule to focus on content related to this struggle, the fight against white supremacy and the fight for Black lives and Black futures. Instead, we’re publishing and re-highlighting work by and for Black queer and trans folks speaking to their experiences living under white supremacy and the carceral state, and work calling white people to material action.

no justice. no pride.

On Sunday, Autostraddle traditionally compiles a “Sunday Funday” link roundup. Instead, today we’d like to ask that if you can, donate to a bail fund.

Donations for bail funds have trended across social media over the weekend as protestors are arrested for participation in the ongoing nationwide rebellions against police violence and the state sanctioned murder of Black lives. However, bail funds like the ones listed below are not new by any means. They have long been a grassroots activist tool to support our own in Black communities.

While we’re here raising funds for bail, it’s important to note that the United States’ cash bail process is inherently a broken capitalist system that’s designed to purposefully feed the mass incarceration of (in particular poor) Black people and other people of color.  That being said, raising bail for those who cannot afford it — especially, though not only, during a viral pandemic like Covid-19 — is absolutely a matter of life or death. We already know that the United States is a global epicenter for the virus, and thanks to our criminal (in)justice system, prisons and detention facilities are left without the proper PPE and the necessary sanitary conditions to mitigate spread, which is something that a lot of activists are working tirelessly to fight.

So yes, bail funds save will lives by releasing protesters from jail as quickly as possible. But also, you can (and should!) donate to bail funds even when it’s not time of mass protest.

Tomorrow is June 1st, officially marking the beginning of Pride, and now more than ever we will not  forget that Stonewall was a riot. It was a rebellion. Our movement was born from black and brown trans women throwing bricks at cops. That’s the catalyst, the spark, the bravery that makes up the marrow of our community. It’s a debt that cannot ever be fully repaid. And we know that work is still not done.


Birmingham Community Support Fund

Montgomery Bail Out


Tucson Second Chance Community Bail Fund

Phoenix — Black People’s Justice Fund


Los Angeles — Peoples City Council Freedom Fund

NorCal Resist Bail Fund

The Bay Area Anti-Repression Committee Bail Fund

Oakland People’s Breakfast

Silicon Valley DSA Bail Fund

San Diego Bail Fund


Denver — Colorado Freedom Fund


Connecticut Bail Fund


FNB Bail Fund


Miami — Fempower’s Community Bond Fund

Orlando Community Bail Fund

Gainesville IWOC Bail Fund

Alachua County Bond Fund

Jacksonville Community Action Committee

Tampa Bay Community Support Fund


Atlanta Solidarity Fund

Athens Freedom Fund


Hawaii Community Bail Fund


Chicago Community Bond Fund

Assata’s Daughters

Champaign County Bailout Coalition

Winnebago Bond Project


Des Moines – Prarielands Freedom Fund


BLM Lawrence Bail Fund


Louisville Community Bail Fund

Lexington Bail Fund


New Orleans Safety and Freedom Fund

YWCA Greater Baton Rouge Community Bail Fund


Baltimore Action Legal Team Community Bail Fund


The Massachusetts Bail Fund


Detroit Justice Center Bail Project

Michigan Solidarity Bail Fund


Minnesota Freedom Fund (*Note: The Minnesota Freedom Fund has also asked that donors consider using their resources towards other BIPOC led organizations in Minnesota, Autostraddle can help get you started)


Kansas City Community Bail Fund

#ICantBreathe KC Solidarity Fund

Columbia — Race Matters Friends Community Bail Fund

One Struggle KC Legal Fund


Neighbors For Common Good Bail Fund – put “Bail” on memo line


Vegas Freedom Fund

New York

Albany Bail Fund For Black Lives

Brooklyn Community Bail Fund (This group has been funded and is no longer soliciting donations.)

New York City — The Liberty Fund

BLM Rochester

SURJ Buffalo Bail Fund (Fund has been closed after reaching goal)

New York City Emergency Release Fund (*Note: Focused on helping with the bail of LGBT and specifically trans people)

North Carolina

North Carolina Community Bail Fund of Durham

Freedom Fighter Bail Bond

Charlotte Uprising

Raleigh/Chapel Hill – The Anti-Racist Activist Fund


BLM Tulsa


Columbus Freedom Fund

Canton/Akron Bail Fund

BLM Cleveland

Beloved Community Church Bail Fund (choose amount and then select “Cincinnati Bail Fund” on the next screen)


Portland — PDX Protest Bail Fund


Philadelphia Bail Fund (The Fund believes it has received enough funding to support their needs at this time, but has several recommendations on their website of where else to donate.)

Lancaster Bail Fund for #BlackLivesMatter

Harrisburg — The Dauphin County Bail fund

Pittsburgh — The Bukit Bail Fund

Rhode Island

FANG Community Bail Fund

South Carolina

Soda City Bail Fund

BLM Charleston Bail Fund


Nashville Community Bail Fund

Memphis Community Bail Fund

End Money Bail Knoxville – Label “BLM”

Hamilton County Community Bail Fund


Houston — Restoring Justice Community Bail Fund

Dallas/ Fort Worth — Luke 4:18 Bail Fund

Dallas – The Dallas Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression

El Paso – Flianza Fund

Fort Worth – Tarrant County Community Bail Fund


Utah Against Police Brutality

Salt Lake Community Bail


Richmond Community Bail Fund

Roanoke Community Bail Fund


Seattle — Northwest Community Bail Fund

BLM Seattle Freedom Fund (The Freedom Fund has been fully funded)

West Virginia

BLM West Virginia Bail Fund


Madison — Free the 350 Bail Fund

The Black National Bail Out

The LGBTQ Freedom Fund

This an ongoing fight, and a donation is merely one part of showing up. We have lost so many Black lives. In the face of continued inexcusable police violence and murder, it’s hard to hold on to hope. But we don’t have to wait for others to commit to upholding the value of Black life and materially improve the lives of Black people. We can take care of each other instead.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. Thanks. I donated to my local Community Bail Fund and the LGBTQ Freedom Fund. I know I would’ve been glad if those funds were available for me. So I hope they help someone in need.

    But for the record, I think the US justice system (and the bail system) is fucked up. This needs to change.

  2. Thank you so, so much for compiling this Carmen and doing this work that makes it extremely easy for me to take this one small step.

  3. Here is a link for Utah:


    The GoFundMe goal has been met, but excess funds will be used to support families of those arrested and/or the future needs of Utah Against Police Brutality.

    • Thank u I was going to look for a San Diego one!! especially after last night. It was so hard to give my Republican dad, who I love so dearly, a Facetime call for his birthday while sirens screamed outside, heading downtown to gas a peaceful protest. My heart is breaking today.

  4. Thank you for this list. I have donated, and I am sending all of my love and resilience to you, Carmen, and to the Black folks who visit this site. We love you, and we must take more action in defense of you.

  5. Charlotte NC info and bail fund:

    Twitter: @CLTUprising

    CashApp: $WereStillHere
    Venmo: ResistanceIsBeautiful

    The organizers are providing and seeking jail support and have info on protests and events in the area.

  6. Thank you for this resource and for updating it with even more organizations! I set up a monthly recurring payment to my local organization.

  7. You can send money to each other with CashApp. Cash app is very easy to use. You can also use multiple CashApp accounts. You can connect your valid bank account with your cash app account. You can get an optional Visa debit card that allows you to use the funds in your Cash App account. You have also an option to withdraw money from an ATM. For complete details on the Cash App, please visit the website. https://appsapknew.com

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