It’s pi day, and I’m sure all the little blogs n such are posting cheeky pie lists, but MY cheeky pie list is special, because it is 1. All about savory pies 2. Vaguely Killing Eve-themed, because why not! My recap of this past weekend’s episode will be up soon, but until then, why don’t we reflect on one of my favorite recurring motifs on the show: shepherd’s pie.
There was the time Eve offered Villanelle some of Niko’s shepherd’s pie.

And then Villanelle really needed to have that recipe so she could make it for Eve.

And then fast-forward to the current season when Eve threatens to make Hot Helene a shepherd’s pie as a weird psychosexual power game.

Well, you too can make a shepherd’s pie — or another scrumptious savory pie from the recipe roundup below —for your nemesis who you also maybe want to bang? That sounds like a pretty good way to celebrate pi day if you ask me! Use a sharp knife to slice the pie or, you know, do other things.
And yes, there are vegan and gluten free recipes, too! Command+F for those terms to find them!
Vegan Lentil Shepherd’s Pie with Parsnip and PotatoMash

Vegan Mushroom Pie With Melted Leeks &Herbs

I couldn’t find a photo of this one, but it’s a Nadiya Hussain recipe, so you know it’s gonna be good!

Creamy Leek and Mushroom Vegan Pie
Gluten Free Tomato, Basil, Parmesan Pie

What a glorious list to wake up to !
Nice information
Some delicious pie content here, though I don’t see a sweet potato pie.
Love that you worked in the tinned fish theme here
I love a savory pie! I especially like to make them when it’s cold outside and I’ve been watching and reading British period pieces. This is the recipe I usually use (with a couple tips being to make sure the crust and soup used are good because that makes such a difference! I always use cream of mushroom soup from the prepared food section of Whole Foods, rather than canned, and Wholly Wholesome crust. I haven’t tried Aldi crust like the recipe suggests, but once I used Wegman’s store brand and it simply didn’t taste right to me):
hi this is NOT the biggest problem in my life, but i’m really struggling bc i really want to watch more of this show – i did make it thru season 2 juuuust barely, still scarred from the doll house, but i’m too scared. and i don’t wanna see eve die.