• So, It’s The Tenth Anniversary of 9/11

    The headline of The Onion today is: “Remembering 9/11 A Pleasure For Nation Compared To Remembering Past 10 Years.”

  • On the Tragedy in Norway

    The lesbian couple who rescued 40 kids from Utoya Island, the killer’s anti-feminist anti-gay manifesto and an abbreviated story of what happened.

  • The Last Days of Gay Rutgers Student Tyler Clementi: New Questions, Some Answers

    Dharun Ravi wants all charges against him dismissed — and the papers filed in his defense offer new insights into what happened to Tyler Clementi.

  • Everybody Hurts

    Not all gay kids are depressed — and not all straight kids are happy. In The New York Times’ “Gay or Straight, Teenagers Aren’t So Different,” experts discuss new research and make salient points. This whole thing reminds me of “Pump up the Volume.”

  • J.D. Salinger, 91, Dies: All Eyes On the Literary Recluse Who Despised Our Eyes

    J.D. Salinger, author of “Catcher in the Rye” and legendary recluse, dies of natural causes at the age of 91. Will death kill his well-cultivated privacy? How do we honor our literary idols using the same media machine employed to vaporize/idolize our dead celebrities & rock stars? Will we get to read all his unpublished books now? Why do some people feel entitled to that, or anything, from anyone who has passed away, ever?