You Raised $50K, Unlocked $23K in Match Funds, Are the Wind Beneath Our Wings!

Do you know?! Did you hear? WE MADE IT TO OUR MATCH GOAL! That means we’ve unlocked $23,000 in match funds. We’ve also reached a total of $76,217, which brings us 76% to our goal! Thank you. It’s because of you.

This is about so much more than dollars. Your support goes into the pockets of queer writers and illustrators. It helps keep our scrappy operation afloat. You are supporting us doing the work that you came here for. We’re not at our goal quite yet, but we’re SO close, and you’ve given us support that is going to help us keep going even as we have to keep fundraising. Thank you for that.

How can we express how this makes us feel? Right now, we’re still overwhelmed and scared and stressed — but because of you, we also have hope. You, our community, have the power to influence the media landscape of the future, to make sure Autostraddle will still be in existence, still publishing writing and content about queer life and culture. Because of you, we know we will still be here for the next person who needs us. Because of you, Autostraddle will exist for the next person:

  • who is married to a cis/het man but thinks she might be a lesbian (and she is!)
  • who will be able to fully express their gender just as soon as they can get out of their parents’ house but until then this online community is a haven, a space to tide them over where they are loved and seen
  • who had her heart broken and needs to read about breaking up and loneliness and hope for love again or to just discover a playlist of breakup songs
  • who needs masc-of-center fashion advice and has no one in their offline life to talk to about finding the right kind of shoes for work
  • who learned far too little about queer history in school because they don’t teach it and who needs to read about how we queer people have always existed, always will exist, always will have stories and lives and importance and will always be a part of the future.

Thank you for doing what you can. We see you and love you and appreciate you!

Here’s what we’ve unlocked so far with the fundraiser!

THE MATCH of $23,000!

Slumber Party open thread: throw on your PJ’s, make a pizza, get your craft supplies and board games out, and let’s hang on the internet this Saturday night, 4/11!

S L I C K, the A+ exclusive weekly erotica series, launching Thursday 4/16

A very special edition of Queer IRL! Learn more here and get ready to submit your best quarantine photo.

A live To L and Back recording! Just for you! More details soon. Stay tuned, sweet little figs.

Practicing queer therapist Christina Tesoro, who’s already written about your mental health during COVID-19, will offer a group mental health live discussion to share knowledge and guidance.

We’re going to bring back Shelter In Our Place, our interactive virtual community care event, for another week jam-packed with live original programming from some of your favorite people!

And we’re very excited to announce even more exciting perks for when we reach our $100,000 goal… coming soon!

How can you help us reach $100,000? Please consider contributing if you haven’t yet or joining A+ (now with erotica!), telling your friends about this fundraiser and Autostraddle (including your straight friends!), and sharing our posts on social media. Thank you. Your support in this time has been uplifting and has given us all a renewed sense that, yes, this little queer home on the internet can keep going and keep doing the work. Thank you and sending you light in uncertain times.

With love,
Team Autostraddle

Special thanks to our kind and generous match fund donors. We love you!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!

The Editors

The has written 146 articles for us.


  1. when i say this made me sob that is not an exaggeration. thank you so much, everyone. thank you thank you thank you, we will keep doing right by you for forever i promise.

  2. Hurray!! Heather, if you’re reading this, your email appeal was passionately effective! Hope you continue to be on the mend from Covid-19, and may we celebrate making it to the other side sooner rather than later.

  3. I don’t have a lot right now, but I just donated and will also donate next week when I’m paid. This is such a vital queer website, I started seeing someone who’s just begun embracing her sexuality and i sent her to this website as another resource, because it helped me so much.

    On another note my mum’s been very unwell this year in and out of hospital and there was a rough stage, where one of the only things I looked forward to each week was LandBack. It really helped me to laugh and was a relief from the shit storm, still is to this day.

    On top of all this, the writers on this website have helped educate me on identity, queer and trans issues. I would be in a very ignorant place had I not read a lot of the articles.

    Thank you to Riese, contributors and editors.

  4. Always sending all my best to Heather and lots of love, warm wishes, hope you continue to mend. I am so fucking grateful for your bravery and your openness with mental health, has helped me be open with mine.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery

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