“The L Word: Generation Q” Episode 103 Recap: Lost Love

The next morning at Bette 2020 HQ, Bette’s signed Angie up for a new private school where she won’t have to look at Mandy’s stupid face, which’s not particularly exciting for Angie — or for Dani and Pierce, who suggest to Bette that her support of public schools (and opposition to increased funding for charter schools) is undermined by her insistence on sending Angie to private school. “Same assholes, different zip code,” laments Angie.

It was in that moment that Pierce realized Dani had an incredible ass

Bette refuses to have her kindred baby pickle out there amongst the common people, despite Dani’s insistence that many L.A. Public Schools are just as good and Angie’s very clearly expressed desire to attend public school, where she’ll be more than a diversity point for a brochure.

Bette: Look I get what you’re trying to do, but I’m not about to exploit my daughter to improve the optics of the campaign.
Angie: You can if you want!

Angie wants to be where the cool people are. “T and I chose the best school for you,” Bette tells her child. “You have to trust that as adults sometimes we can see a bigger picture.”

These are Shane’s divorce papers. She keeps leaving them at random people’s houses like they won’t exist if they’re not in her possession? Anyhow, Jordi found them on her windshield, so. Just get these back to her, thanks.

“Are you sure that it’s the best school for me?” Angie asks. “Or is it actually the best school for you?”

Cut to The Biltmore, where a shiny-faced white woman is leading Dani and Sophie’s family through the hallowed and expensive corridors and ballrooms of this fine establishment, draped in all the finest things with plenty of room for 300+ guests and a cocktail hour and LUXURY. “Thank God,” jokes Maribel with Sophie. Dani and her father move comfortably through the space while Sophie and her family don’t feel entirely at ease but are fine to go along for the ride and make the best of things.

That man DEFINITELY had his asshole scrubbed clean by a bidet this morning

Nana wants to know where the food goes, but Lady Biltmore says outside food is not allowed, only delicious in-house catering served by ten million lithe gay men in white gloves who float from table to table on an invisible network of electric crystals, hand delivering Duck L’Orange Napoleons, Organic Tomato Tartlets and Sake-Compressed Watermelon into the eager open mouths of lesbian wedding fans. You’re lucky to have gotten a spot, Lady Biltmore informs her pithy followers. Usually it’s booked five years out!


I’m sorry but you’re really going to tell US that you HAVE to serve the Chilled Oregano & Lemon Poached Prawns with Sauce Marie Rose, of all sauces???

Yup, Dad’s already booked the Biltmore. For May 10th. It’s just that this is very important to him. He wants a location where all his colleagues will feel comfortable and know that their Arcadian salad will be Hearty and contain farm-fresh vegetables. Sophie’s livid. “Thank you,” Dani says, tersely. “We’re gonna discuss this and I will let you know.”

As Drew and Analyssa talk about in this week’s podcast, this scene and the next are getting into interesting dynamics around class never really approached in the original series, where families were too far away for anybody’s background to inch its way to center stage. Everybody adapted to wealth, or aspired to it. But class differences in relationships are always complicated, and never easy to talk about, and I hope they dig into this a little more.

Lesbian Squabble #8: I Married In The Sun (Tell me where tell me where I can put my food)
In The Ring: Dani v. Sophie
Content: Sophie wants to feel comfortable at her wedding and eat the food her family makes and also did Dani see how they looked at her and her family? Dani says her Dad’s been looking forward to her wedding his whole life and is it that big of a deal if they just marry at the Biltmore? (Which, by the way will cost, at least $110k. YES I priced it.) (YES Instagram has been haunting me with wedding venue ads ever since.) Sophie’s like, yes by definition this is absolutely the biggest deal of all time. Don’t couples compromise? asks Dani. Sure! But Sophie’s not gonna compromise with her Dad.

Sophie: “Okay. Don’t you want to marry me and not feel like we gotta keep our spines straight?”
Dani: “Of course I do. But I don’t wanna hurt him. I don’t wanna hurt his feelings.”
Sophie: “I know. But you’re hurting mine instead.”

Who Wins? Sophie. That last line STUNG. But Dani’s situation isn’t without sympathy — her Dad’s her only family member, and maybe vice versa. She wants to honor his offer and what it means about his affection for her by accepting it, and also clearly isn’t sure how to negotiate him into something less Biltmorey so soon after she left his company and he was not initially stoked about her engagement. But Sophie’s right to want the wedding to feel like their wedding, not a performance for Rodolfo’s evil scheming colleagues, and to panic about her lack of control over next steps. I think this happens a lot, where the spouse with the wealthier family ends up getting to call a lot of the wedding-related shots. I remember when my cousin married a very rich person whose very rich family arranged for an extremely fancy and expensive wedding and it kinda felt like we were all getting away with something to even be invited. But I also love having access to fancy things I can’t afford myself and that does not seem to be Sophie’s style or her family’s values, and Dani needs to understand that if they’re going to have a successful marriage. Take it from me, a person with no business giving marriage advice! Sophie wants a wedding that reflects who they are and who her family is and how good her Mom’s food is and that’s fair.

Wise words from Freckle

Welp, it’s time for a wee Mayoral candidate debate between Bette Porter and a Mean White Man! It looks like Nat and Gigi have settled on this event for their friend date and are having a GAY old time giggling and making inside jokes while Shane side-eyes. “I think I may have brought two best friends back together,” Alice says, proud of herself.

“Two ex-wives,” states Shane, who clearly is up on the facts!

What do you mean no no of course they’re not talking about that time I ruined the crockpot instead of letting Eli throw up in a toilet

Bette, looking very toppy at her podium, declares that the city doesn’t need more businesses! It needs more housing, which’s why it’s one of the three pillars of the tiny house known as “her campaign.” As she prepares her lungs to extrapolate on these pillars, her co-conspirators panic in the back row.

Bette: Housing —
Dani: Please don’t say education, please—
Bette: Unemployment—
Dani: Please don’t say education—
Bette: And Education.
Dani: We’re fucked.

Oh don’t you worry the judges WILL be determining who is wearing the better blazer

White Guy tries to gotcha Bette about her daughter being in private school but Bette’s gotcha too — her daughter is now enrolled in public school at the Los Angeles School for Enriched Studies! TAKE THAT. Dani and Pierce are surprised! He could call her out for literally enrolling her today because this debate was about to happen… but instead asks if it’s ’cause Angie was expelled and no private school was willing to enroll her? Bette gets VERY defensive about her daughter, who she says ANYBODY would be lucky to have ’cause she’s an AP scholar, National Merit Award winner and honor roll student. Before we can dwell too extensively on what exactly is going on here, Bette’s gotta Bette and she Bettes real good:

Bette: “Oh I know what you meant, you were using coded language to imply, among other things, that our city’s public schools are inferior. And I would have to ask you by what measure. If all you do is look at AP scores and rankings then you’re missing out on the bigger picture. Our city’s public schools have a more diverse student body and faculty that reflects the students back to themselves. and that is invaluable.”

Look, I overestimated myself, okay? Supporting us both financially, and then when we lost the baby I thought that I had to absorb your pain and ignore my own!

Bette says “diversity matters” and everybody claps! Wow how meaningful! The Teacher’s Union IMMEDIATELY sends over their endorsement while Bette repeats Dani’s talking points to the rest of the room. I’m stoked for Angie to go a school she actually wants to go to.

Finley has, indeed, dealt with her fear around religious situations by blowing Rebecca off, and is now riding her stolen bike around town listening to a voice mail from Rebecca, who’s bummed they’re not hanging out. Maybe Finley should reconnect with her faith, Rebecca suggests, but also maybe not, but also who knows? Rebecca thinks maybe they met for a reason?

Whoah didn’t realize the aliens left their tracker on my arm before zooming back into outer space??

Finley parks her bike, and looks up. She’s at church.

Meanwhile at Natalice’s, Gigi and Nat are having a fantastic friend date where they laugh and Alice glares at them from across the room, before eventually getting up, crossing the room, and signaling the friend date’s conclusion.


Alice thinks maybe they had a LITTLE bit TOO much fun? Like just a smidgen too much fun, like pee-in-your pants funny jokes were told and it was all a bit much. Nat tenderly delivers some version of “I told you so,” assures Alice she finds her funnier than Gigi, and soothes Alice’s pain with an offer to watch Naked and Afraid.

Meanwhile, Shane’s drinking alone in the deep recesses of The Bar Formerly Known as Atlas in what appears to be an “office.” She is surrounded by containers of alcohol and probably magical potions, I’m ready to see a model ship in a bottle somewhere. This’d be a great place for Finley to hide a body. Shane’s texting “I miss you” to Quiara but it looks like her most recent texts from Quiara say “I miss you. Real bad.”

…r tongue on my clit

An interesting text from somebody who recently sent divorce papers.

I wonder what those Truck Stop girls are up to, would love to bring that back to the scene in 2020

Shane gets up, stumbling over to her Wall of Drunk for another pour when lest we dwell upon one of many mysteriously withheld pieces of background information that sometimes seem to be filling in for a plot with genuine forward momentum — guess who’s stopped by to remind us that she has a nice rack?

Hi it’s me just wanted to drop in and see if any of the jellies you canned for the winter were available for purchase?

“I just wanted to thank you again,” Lena says because she needs to provide some explanation for why she’s come down to the dungeon at this advanced hour.

“For what?” says Drunk Shane.

“For showing up when you did,” she breathes. “I didn’t know how much I needed you.”

This is my reaction to that and also Shane’s:

Lena continues, taking additional steps towards Shane, who leans against the desk to steady herself. “Tess and I, we’ve been struggling for a long time,” Lena begins. WHAT IS HAPPENING. “You know, at work it’s one thing, but our relationship…. you know. She just doesn’t see me the way you do. And I think she’s starting to get a little jealous because of the way I look at you and the way you look at me. And it’s over between us.”

“Lena, this is not a good idea,” mutters Shane.

“Lena, this is how everybody feels about Shane,” everybody watching this from home screams. “You’re not special bb!”

“I think you can feel it too,” Lena whispers, but we can still hear her and we hate it.

Lesbian Sexy Moment #9: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
The Players: Shane and Lena
Hot or Not? I hate everything about this situation but when Shane flips Lena around and lays her on the desk and claws her shirt off and reaches for her belt, I cannot help but have some deep lesbian animal response to the whole scenario! But let the record show that I still hate it and Shane is VERY drunk. Truly hard to believe that Tess is the one messing up her and Lena’s relationship.

Finley’s at church over in the candle area, as one often finds oneself in film and television when confronting various inner demons and life turmoil:

Hmmm do I want Basalm + Cedar or Sage + Citrus?

Them she sits in a pew and like cries a little bit. She has feelings inside of her torso and eyeballs, lots of ’em. Guess who shows up? Okay I’ll tell you, it’s Rebecca:

Then I made myself go down there to do some laundry and I found out it’s not so bad. All this time I’ve been worrying about it, but if you turn on the lights, it’s no big deal.

Finley cries more. Rebecca puts her hand on Finley’s leg. This is so gay.

Micah says Jose bailed and then he “did that thing he does,” by which he means that he fucked a stranger from a dating app.

One piping hot mug of poison for the gentleman…

Sophie’s like “it’s okay to fuck a stranger!” It’s 2019! Sophie wants to dance but Micah still doesn’t want to!!! Sophie says she’ll teach him. It’s cute!

Dani’s leaving what must have been a very quickly-planned meeting with the leader of the teachers’ union who thinks Bette Porter did GREAT up there.

Honestly that was the… best elevator sex I have ever had.

Meanwhile Bette’s in a hotel room, watching the news talk about her while carefully removing her earrings. There’s a knock at the door. It’s FELICITY, AMERICAN GIRL.

Hello, I believe you ordered one illicit and ongoing love affair with a married former employee?

I’d also called down about getting an extra pillow?

The camera backs up to show Dani in the hallway, seemingly watching Felicity enter Bette’s room. Are they on a starship how are all of these things happening in the same building? Also hot tip: there’s also a clip in a trailer of Bette sitting in this same hotel room, clutching a pillow and looking upset. So I wonder what’s next for these two!!!

The Round Up:

Sexy Moments: 2 this episode, 9 total
Squabbles: 2 this episode, 8 total
Throwbacks: 2 this episode, 14 total
Quote of the Week: “I fucked the priest.” Finley + Fleabag

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. Aaaah that scene w Shane and Lena was so uncomfortable!

    My fav line by far is the “I love how he mixes art with politics”. As you say, this could be about anyone and is the most generic statement ever and I love it.

    I don’t get the big deal about Bette meeting up with Felicity. Is Felicity still married? If not I would have thought it fine, or am I naive about the scandal?

    Love your work Riese!

    OOH and who else is following Mia Kirshner’s disapproval of the Jenny storyline on Twitter?

    • Yes! I am closely following Mia Kirshner’s disapproval on twitter, here’s hoping for a christmas miracle where she comes on To Landback and does a tell all !!

    • I know!!! remember the part where carly asked her to be on our podcast and she thought carly was asking her to be on generation q. hopefully we will get this cleared up and get mia dialed in.

      fwiw i agree with her. i think her death was an irresponsible choice — suicide as where a survivor of sexual violence + self-harm ends up OR murder as where any of her not-homicidal friends end up. i think season 6 should’ve just been wiped from the record.

      • Well I’ll keep praying to the gay/lesbian/queer christmas gods for Mia to come To LandBack and tell us what REALLY happened to Jenny.

        I agree, I also hated that they made her death suicide ( or exist at all), I feel it’s such a betrayal to her story as a survivor of sexual violence and everything else she went through.

        Rereading the interview Heather Hogan did, I think Jenny was probably struggling with even more mental health issues, which contributed to some of her questionable choices.

        The ultimate would be a long deep dive interview with Mia on all things Jenny for a couple of hours. Maybe I’m the only person that wants this?

        I think Mia deserves a lot of credit for always acting whatever storyline and writing that was thrown her way ( lol not just the carnival storyline).

        Mia’s consistency and acting I think is fucking incredible, deserves more credit.

        I was hoping gen Q would just pretend season 6 never happened, like most of us do, along with Max’s Willy Wonka baby shower.

        • I would fully listen to this interview. Jenny the character drove me bananas, but entirely based on the mostly shitty writing for her. Mia did a fantastic job with what she was given, and in the end, even with my disdain for the character, I thought the show did her extremely dirty with the death/suicide plot.

    • my theory is that Bette cannot win the election cause if she does it would change the whole series vibes into something like Good Wife/Fight.
      ergo there has to be scandal, ergo yes, Felicity’s married for sure

  2. These damn photo captions. I swear, the best things about this show rising from the grave are a) the photo captions and b) the “Welcome to episode X of season Y of The L Word, a show about a wayward band of explorers on the road to El Dorado” thing. It feels like being right back in 2009, and I love you for that.

    • A tiny part I can’t stop thinking about: do people really want bars with VIP sections and bottle service? Aren’t both tacky and a complete rip-off? Or is this an North American/ LA thing? Would love to know people’s thoughts?

      • Hot take: Only lesbians in LA (and maybe just the LA of the L Word) can afford VIP/bottle service situations, let alone work up the energy to go out to bars enough to keep them open.

  3. Riese…another hilarious recap!!! I’m so loving this format.

    There were 2 moments in this episode that hit very close to home for me:

    The first was Bette talking to Angie about how the rules are different for her. My parents gave me that same speech from the moment I was born. They also added that people (other kids, their parents, etc.) also knew the rules were different and would provoke me knowing the consequences I’d face should I retaliate physically or verbally would be more punitive.

    The second was Finley and the church. My dad is a minister and the vast majority of my family including my siblings are very heavily involved in the church. Growing up, I was mostly happy about being in the church and my family seemed to be open to everyone and everything though I don’t recall there ever being conversations about homosexuality or the “sins” of it. My commitment to the church remained unchanged until I realized I was gay (I was an adult and on my own), which sparked a lot of conversations, all of it negative. Years later, 60% of me wants nothing to do with the church after feeling abandoned by it and my family after I came out. There is also a very powerful 40% of me that longs to go back. So far, I’ve actively chosen to avoid the subject, at least until I can get a better understanding of my emotions on the subject.

    • that’s so interesting! those are two elements of the story that i can’t relate to personally, and it’s really insightful to hear from someone who can. <3

  4. Excellent and hilarious recap. I feel like it was at least an 8 out of 10 in terms of hilarity. I did not pee myself (like our friend Nat) but I did laugh so loudly that my neighbors probably heard me through the concrete walls.

    Big question for The L Word Generation Q: Will they ever have literally any fat character as a main, central character? Ever?? Especially considering that the average size of American women is now 16 to 18?? I know Fortune Feimster is there in the background for 10-30 seconds per episode, so the showrunners probably think they did their job, but that is absolutely not enough.

    • it truly feels like the answer to this is definitively not, which sucks. i remember when the original came out it was a very different world w/r/t that, and it was shocking to see a woman on TV who was not just skin and bones — like all they ever had on TV were size 0s and 2s and there were a lot of stories out about how actresses who were any bigger than that were asked to diet down to keep their jobs. The L Word was maybe showing some 6s and 8s, which was, sadly, something. but i think we’ve evolved past that a LITTLE bit now, and it’s unfortunate to see that TLWGQ is not taking this opportunity to push that representation further forward.

      • I agree, Riese. I think the only thing that could get them to add a fat character for season 2 would be a lot of loud pushback and activism. And I do not have energy for that! I encourage thin folks to take the baton and work on this.

  5. Any other Mennonites out there who were briefly shocked/excited/confused by a reference to MCC?!

    Anyway, I’m really interested to see where they go with the religious baggage stuff with Finley. I was kind of annoyed with how Rebecca just upfront assumes that Finley wants to “reclaim her faith.” That’s a super insensitive thing to say, at best, to someone who hasn’t given you any indication that’s actually the case.

    • Also, agree with others that this is an awesome recap and reading them all is a big motivation for me to keep up with the show in the first place. Also also want to second the recommendation for Work in Progress – really loving that so far! :)

    • yeah you’re right! it seems like anything that feels slightly evangelical to finley might send her running/biking in the opposite direction so it was weird for her to go there and make those assumptions so quickly

  6. I’m loving the series so far.

    When Finley connected the dots, I laughed so hard!!!

    I can’t believe we only get 8 episodes. I hope they renew it for another season!

    • Loooved Finley just standing there. Also love that though in retrospect it maybe should have been obvious that she would be the minister, they got me too!

  7. Thanks again Riese you had me at denim and Ballroom’s. Does The Biltmore have a wine cave? I think thats the real question

    I’m majorly crushing on Rebecca and I’m sure I’m not alone. Also crushing on Tess !!!! she is such a dream boat, which is why I’m not really invested in Shane and Lena. That whole storyline I’m hoping we can move past ASAP. I mean unless Lena and Tess were open, I may of seen it all differently.

    I feel like maybe with Alice, Nat and Gigi that may be where their storyline is going. I weirdly felt that Alice and Gigi had some major chemistry going on, although as Drew has said maybe that’s because Alice has chemistry with everyone.

    It would be interesting to see a poly relationship shown positively as a central storyline. I don’t think I’ve seen that before, or maybe I just was looking in the wrong places ha.

    I’m loving Work in Progress and seeing different circles of the queer and gender communities embraced. The dark humour and some of the storylines are too relatable right now.

    I’m enjoying my Sunday’s with Gen Q and Work in Progress and of course the recaps !!!!

    • oh there is definitely chemistry between gigi and alice. moreso than there is between alice and nat, tbh. i wish they were gonna transition into a threesome or a poly relationship, although i imagine nat is probably not ready to extend her trust to gigi again!

  8. They should have made Alice and Nat’s relationship more like six months instead of two years, they really don’t seem like they’ve been together that long. Alice hasn’t noticed in two years that Nat doesn’t really have friends?! This hasn’t concerned her at all? They haven’t hung out with Alice’s friends enough for Nat to be at least vaguely friendly with them??

    I call Bette’s Felicity American Girl Doll in texts etc. so thrilled to see that here as well – I assume the writers named her, like I named my Autostraddle username, after the doll because she is the best one!

    • i am actually SO OLD that felicity wasn’t released until i’d already had my samantha doll for two years! but i cannot hear that name without thinking of felicity american girl doll??

  9. Yay! Alice and Nat actually had a couple cute moments and not just conflict (though still conflict)!

    I am soooo not a Tina fan so I initially had a hard time believing Tina would leave Bette for someone else as Bette is Bette. But Bette as a person vs Bette as a partner is completely different and one is kindof the worst and so yay for Tina!

    Yes, I think Sophie ultimately wins as she should be comfortable at her own wedding and there’s definitely a wealth/class disparity between the two that the super fancy venue does not respect. But she also seems oblivious to her position of familial privilege (it’s big and loving) and not very considerate of the fact that Dani’s father has recently (potentially) come back from the edge of rejecting her for being gay and generally not doing what he wants) and they are working on rebuilding their relationship after his devastating first reaction to the engagement. I’m not saying Dani needs to give him everything he wants just because he’s not being a complete douche, but sometimes even the best parents need some time to adjust to a new life script for their children and it is so so scary to see a glimpse of parental rejection (especially when you only have one parent and maybe no siblings?). I’m just saying maybe Dani could give Sophie a bit of breathing room.

    Booooo Shane and Lena! We all knew it was going to happen but I still yelled at the tv “c’mon Shane, don’t be Shane!” And then she did.

    I loooove Rebecca and what they’re doing to deepen Finley’s character.

    Ok, I’m not clear, is Felicity still married or is Bette still being Bette?
    I get that Bette and Shane have not (and should not have) completely changed over the past 10(?) years, but also wish they would have sooome personal growth. Shane’s still sexually (and otherwise) people pleasing and Bette’s still making bad relationship choices. You know what, let’s just call a spade a spade: they’re both sex addicts and are still active in their addictions.

    Actually loving the reboot so far! Sure it still has its problems – it’s still The L Word after all! But even in the changed tv landscape of 2019 it’s still a show we need.

  10. i was more frustrated at this episode than the previous two!

    i think sophie and dani are fighting about valid things, but it also feels like they’re just picking fights for no reason. like, there’s a way sophie could say, ‘i’m uncomfortable with x, can we talk about it more?’ without starting a huge fight every time. it feels like a really toxic dynamic to me, and i wish we could just see a healthy relationship founded on good communication. because other than that i really like their relationship, and it would be actually great to see a couple work through all these challenges in a healthy way. also, it’s always sophie picking the fights, and it makes me frustrated with her even though i agree with her points if i take a step back, and i honestly blame the writers for that. i feel like they’re writing her as such a reactive partner unnecessarily and it’s not fair to her. dani and sophie are my favorites of the new characters!!! treat them better!!!!!

    i also *don’t* like micah’s storyline. please god can we have a scene with him that’s not an infomercial for how badly trans folks are treated by partners?? it feels like it’s all intended to be educational for cis viewers, and a lot of his scenes are very hard for me to watch as a trans person. i can see that they’re trying to do better than they did with max by pointing out how all these things are bad things to do. but it’s honestly starting to feel like the same dynamic where the writers just throw shitty stuff at micah and he has to deal with it. i’m hoping this improves, but talking to other trans folks it’s been hard to watch his scenes. (and a side note, why doesn’t micah have any trans friends??? that feels so unrealistic!!) (also why tf aren’t there any nonbinary people? i get that it would be a Big Deal for TV but not having nonbinary folks feels so unrealistic in this world)

    and i’m not happy with having shane hook up with *an employee.*

    things i DID like:
    – sophie telling micah “it’s ok to be angry, and it’s ok to fuck.” so so good! these characters have so much potential, treat them better!!!
    – angie punching the racist girl, and bette’s reaction. bette is a good parent, y’all. i wish all the other storylines were being written with as much nuance and good communication as how bette talked to angie in that moment.
    – megan motherfucking rapinoe!! the cameo felt kind of weird and threw me but then i remembered they did have melissa etheridge cameo as herself in the original. lots of cameos this time around. but that was just a super fun and cute cameo and i’m really happy for megan that she got to do it
    – and finally, the public education storyline!! hell yes to an anti-voucher storyline!! hell yes to an endorsement from the motherfucking LA TEACHERS UNION!!! more of this politics!!!! more cameos of unions!! lol

    • I think what’s happening between Sophie and Dani is very realistic. There are very clear indications that the differences in their “classes”, Dani’s overbearing dad and Dani making decisions without Sophie have always been issues that have largely been ignored or glossed over. Those issues are now being amplified x10 because I think Sophie expected (and rightfully so) that the engagement and pending marriage meant Dani sees her truly as an equal.

      As for Micah, I’ve talked to my trans friends about his storyline and they are mixed. Some say it’s realistic in that he is trying so very hard to prove his worth as a man and to find connection through honesty and truth and people within the queer community can and will exploit and/or fetishize that. If that’s the angle the writers are taking, then I’m all for it. The queer community in many circles aren’t as progressive as we’d like those outside of it to believe. Other Trans friends have said it’s a stereotype that needs to be quashed. I can also see this POV and completely understand how that can be damaging to how people see trans persons and how trans people see themselves. I’m going to wait it out and see how it unfolds.

    • sophie and dani keep confronting really real issues that i understand might bring up conflicts in their relationship but the things about those issues they are choosing to fight about are… bananas. like “i thought we were slowing down” when dani takes the new job instead of like, “i’m sad that you were going through this whole debate about leaving your job and went to bette and offered to work for her after seeing her on my show and you didn’t say anything to me about it or want to talk to me about it?” or “how are we going to survive now that you’re gonna make 1/8th of what you made before?”

      also do they have a backstory? i need to know more!

      • Riese…isn’t that how it usually goes though? Couples tend to fight over the stupid shit on the periphery instead of confronting the core of their issue(s). It’s early still but to me, Dani and Sophie read a lot like Bette and Tina where the power in the relationship is heavily skewed toward Dani. Dani is the know-it-all who needs control and Sophie kind of goes along for the ride partly because she’s just an easy-going chick but also because it makes Dani happy/comfortable even though she’s not getting what she needs. When Sophie said that it took her giving Dani the death stare for her to even see how wrong the entire situation was and when she told Dani with that defeated look/tone that she was hurting her by siding with her dad, to me that read like someone whose feelings/wants/needs are often not given much thought without provocation.

    • I like Sophie and Dani’s individual storylines, but their couple scenes are turning into cringe for me fast. Sophie has valid points but the way she comes out of the gate hot every time with accusations and the silent treatment and refusal to try to discuss or empathize is becoming exhausting. How am I supposed to be invested in the wedding of these two? I’m not sure if they should even be dating.

      Speaking of weird couple moments, how have Alice and her girlfriend been dating for two years and Alice is just now noticing she doesn’t have friends? And how is her girlfriend completely unintegrated with Alice’s social circle? Or be that unacquainted with her ex who is clearly around a lot? This relationship feels odd and stilted.

      Maybe it will come with time, but Micah is substantially underdeveloped. I still have no idea who this character is besides trans (and depressed?) but I’m willing to give the writers some time because the character has such potential. And isn’t remotely Max.

      As far as messes that I love, I’m here for the Finley storyline and I find how Bette and Shane are still fucking up in the same ways…I don’t know if it’s the right word, but I’m going to go with endearing. I love these two women so much, flaws and all. I need more characters like that.

      • yeah, I totally agree that Sophie and Dani are fighting about reasonable and important issues. it just feels to me that after x years of being together they should have some healthier framework to deal with this stuff. like, it seems like Dani should know to be sensitive around money etc, and also that by now Sophie would have a way to bring those issues up. it feels unrealistic/very toxic that they don’t have a better way to deal with these issues, which presumably have always been a big part of their relationship.

        and yeah I agree that Micah is underdeveloped. the experiences he’s having are realistic, but really uncomfortable. and I just wish we could get more moments for him that weren’t his partners saying all these cringey things.

        • Yeah, it seems like a lot of these issues would have come up when they moved in together, so I’m surprised they don’t seem to have a framework to deal with them

  11. i know this is the l word, so not really realistic to the shows roots, but i wish there was, like… one romantic relationship that was healthy. lol. alas, i hope sophie and dani figure out their stuff bc so far they seem the ones to most likely figure their shit out.

  12. So Finley is still riding around on a stolen bicycle and her car is still abandoned in that girl’s driveway?
    And Shane why not cater to a quieter crowd, with a bar that allows you to have a conversation, some books and an extensive vegan menu? Just a suggestion…

  13. I think that was an 8/10 recap of a 5/10 episode.

    “Personally I’m unsurprised to hear that Tina causes menopause.” Favourite line! Best on ground!

    And thanks for sitting on that Tina spoiler, Riese.

    I also just want to say that as a South African who watched the whole original series on DVD long after it aired (secretly, in my room, with headphones), and who didn’t know anyone else who watched the show, and didn’t know of Autostraddle then, I am really grateful to be able to watch the new episodes almost immediately, and not secretly, and to feel that sense now of sharing the show through these recaps and all the comments.

    • Right? It’s so nice to watch the show “live” and openly out and reading the recaps as it happens! So nice

      • I watched the original in secret in the dead of night on YouTube and spoke to no one about it. Posting on Instagram about watching it with my girlfriend and dissecting it with you all and the queer community I’ve acquired since is pretty incredible.

  14. I’m still mad about Tibette’s storyline but I was relieved to know their breakup was not Bette’s fault.

  15. Please interview Mia! I need to know her thoughts on gen q. They should have brought Jenny and Dana back, with no explanation needed. Also, I hope they bring Helena in season 2.

  16. ok listen WHO just buys a bar and it happens IMMEDIATELY and then you don’t tell any of the staff who just show up for work that day for their scheduled shift, you know, looking for… the tips they pay their rent with and then when you tell them SURPRISE, YOUR JOB IS GAY NOW BUT ALSO CLOSED FOR AN UNDETERMINED LENGTH OF TIME WHILE WE TRY TO FIND A MARINA’S-OFFICE-ESQUE PLACE FOR SHANE TO FUCK HER LIFE UP IN HERE they’re…thrilled?

    justice for tess and lena’s bank accounts

    • i mean literally nothing about it makes sense, the process of buying a bar that was, seemingly, very busy and popular, would take a lot longer than two days? buying property in general takes a long-ass time. also they could not have been the bar’s only employees?

      i do remember when classic family restaurant bill knapps shut down in michigan servers did arrive at their shifts to just see a note on the door, but

      i was waiting for all of the bar’s regular patrons to show up and start banging on the door asking where they can watch the football game

      • Not to mention the qualifying and transferring of the liquor license…
        but There are a lot os restaurants/bars that close without telling their employees first. They arrive for their shifts to find the place closed…

    • Yeahhhhh but also when Dani switched jobs overnight I think they firmly established we live in an alternate universe where these things just happen 🤷🏻‍♀️

  17. I felt like this episode had more meat in it (as in plot, don’t go there haha). Your captions were hilarious Riese!

    It felt like a great twist that Finley’s hookup turned out to be a female pastor at an inclusive church! I also love that Shane bought a bar, and is bringing it back to gay fame! I wish more people would do this in real life, we really need more queer wlw spaces.

    I think Lena’s really hot, but I’m not a fan of her cheating on Tess (despite saying they’re “over”, we know that’s not true). I think Alice is making a mistake letting Nat be friendly with Gigi again. Honestly, Alice isn’t really maternal so I don’t think her relationship is that great anyway.

    I love that they got Megan Rapinoe to guest star on Alice’s show! I hope they continue to do that throughout the season, getting queer women celebs to join in :D TBH, I’ll always watch more interviews with her! This was her year, and I’m so glad that the win happened for the USWNT in 2019.

    Can’t wait to see what’s going on with them all next week! I think this show is already better than the original, and I’m really excited to be watching it in real time & getting to read content like this as it’s happening <3

  18. I can’t be the only one who thought that Jose’s personal business and the mysterious dude by the pool might be connected….

    • Yeah the show writers aren’t exactly subtle so he must be. Tho I would laugh if we never saw or heard from him again!

  19. I feel like nothing on this show makes any sense, but I’m still weirdly addicted to it??

    Like guys, do you realize Finley’s the only character of a relatable economic bracket?? Like yes, Sophie clearly has less money than Dani, but they’re still living in a villa with a pool….we have no idea about Micah, but he lives there too, right?? I’m not really sure because he fucked that dude on a couch and we’ve yet to see any evidence of additional rooms in this place, but I think we’re supposed to assume he lives there too. (Also do we even know if/what his job is? Or do jobs just stop existing once they’re more than one degree separated from one of the original cast members?) And yet Finley just moved into a fucking mansion with Shane. So like…literally none of the main characters are economically relatable to 99% of the queer population. Shouldn’t we find that strange? Literally an entire plot from this week’s episode was about whether the main couple should have like $30,000 wedding or an $100k+ wedding. Who is this storyline even aiming towards? Most queers I know dress in secondhand clothes and get married in the woods, but ok.

    And the Lena/Shane storyline was awful. I feel all kinds of weird about how drunk Shane was & the fact that Lena is her employer…I hate that tv writers always do this with drunk sex, like if the drunk person takes charge than somehow it’s ok?? But ethically I still think this is all kinds of fucked up.

  20. “Also; stoked to see how they explore Tess’s sobriety. There’s a very very active queer sober community in Los Angeles and it’d be great to see that represented.”


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