Hello, my perfect prickly pears! It’s Sunday Funday and I’m here to say it’s a super really great day to be gay!
Whee! I’m having a week with constant energy highs and lows due to my packed but joyful schedule, so welcome to my latest random burst of overstimulation! I got to see my coworkers from around the state this week and it was a blast! Also, a huge energy drain. Also, a lot more drinking and smiling than I typically do in a 48-hour period. Also, I have a looming deadline on a BIG BIG BIG awesome project. Also I just completed another big awesome project this very day! Life is EEEEEEEEEEE and also YAAAAAAAAAY and also UUUUUUUHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUCK. So that’s me! What’s your Sunday like?
Palm Springs is 100% LGBT Hells YEAH

Photo of Lisa Middleton by Tony Mataras via Facebook
LGBT candidates in Palm Springs swept the ballot in the last local elections and the new elected were sworn in on Wednesday night. Lisa Middleton, the first openly trans person to be elected to a non-judicial office in California and openly bisexual attorney, Christy Holstege, spoke to a packed room at their swearing in and heart cockles everywhere were very, very warm. Both women spoke to the historic moment, but primarily focused on the job they have been entrusted with and their work ahead.
AS OF WEDNESDAY NIGHT, ALL FIVE MEMBERS OF THE PALM SPRINGS CITY COUNCIL ARE LGBTQ. Yeah, you read that right! Watch their speeches at the swearing here.
Here, Queer, Etc.

Margaret Cho (via Shutterstock.com
+ The 10 Best LGBTQ Films of 2017 according to IndieWire.
+ Margaret Cho on Surviving Sexual Abuse and Evolving into a Political Comic. This is actually 100% more uplifting that you’d assume by the title.
“What is good is that everybody is coming forward and we’re seeing that people have so much more power. The power is in our hands, finally. It always was; it always has been.”
+ Reverend Dr. Megan Rohrer Talks Faith And Gender As an Out Transgender Minister
+ Arty Bars Ruby Deluxe and Arcana Cultivate Queer-Friendly Atmospheres in Raleigh and Durham
Maxine Waters Tells LGBTQ Communities “I Will Be With You in the Fights Ahead”
“I will be with you in the fights ahead” @RepMaxineWaters tells a crowd of LGBTQ elected officials and hopefuls #LGBTQLeaders17 pic.twitter.com/UOBzYAILZK
— Mary 'Reassuring Lesbian' O'Hara (@MaryEmilyOHara) December 7, 2017
Congresswoman Maxine Waters spoke to hundreds of LGBTQ leaders at the Victory Institute’s International LGBTQ Leaders Conference in D.C. this past week. In a post-speech interview with NBC, Waters said, “He cannot be trusted. He must be impeached.”
I’m ready, Rep. Waters! Let’s do it!
America Chavez and Her Badass Girl Squad Are Coming to Your Screen
Everyone’s favorite queer Latina superhero, America Chavez, is coming to your screen!
The upcoming animated series, Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors, will focus on Ghost Spider with a super diverse group of superhero friends. Casting includes Cierra Ramirez as America Chavez, Kathreen Khavari as Ms. Marvel, Dove Cameron as Ghost Spider, Milana Vayntrub as Squirrel Girl, Chloe Bennet as Quake, and Kim Raven as Captain Marvel. #SquadGoals!
AAAAH I haven’t read all of this yet but I am yelling out loud about Secret Warriors. And I’m holding out for a live-action feature film titled America Chavez.
I am so ready for the America feature film!
I love Maxine Waters so much
She’s the best!
Maxine Waters FTW! One of my favorite moments of hers is captured in Amber Ruffin’s Lat Night segment “Amber Says What” https://youtu.be/yETUt5CdboU?t=1m39s
(hint: she’s reclaiming her time)