Skins Movie Will Reunite Casts, Hopefully Bring Characters Back From the Dead

Did you read our Skins recap? Okay good. Then you’ll be excited to read this tidbit from The Guardian UK ABOUT THE SKINS MOVIE:

Jack Thorne, meanwhile, is working on a movie version of Skins that will unite all the casts of the groundbreaking TV show, including – whisper it – Nicholas Hoult (Tony)

Maybe they can also bring some characters back from the dead, like Freddie and Dana Fairbanks? Also, this tumblr reports the film is in development.

Also the Skins website has more fun stuff — dress like the cast did in Episode 408!, the writer on writing the cast’s finale and open auditions for Season Five. To audition, you must be born between 1st July 1992 and 1st July 1994 (if you were born on those days, that’s fine too).

She’s going to have a show again! Without Elizabeth Hasselbeck! “The fact that O’Donnell is doing the show outside of the studio system indicates her intention to stay true to herself, which could mean more of the strong political views and attacking style that got her in hot water on the syndicated show and on “The View.” Her show is scheduled to begin just about when Oprah’s ends, what a coincidence! (@hollywoodreporter)

Jezebel talks about a Wall Street Journal article that suggests the “updated” Babysitter’s Club series might inspire girls to think about entrepreneurship. “”Imagine how empowering it will be for many of today’s girls to learn that, by emulating young people just like themselves, not only can they drum up enough business to buy the little things that make the teen years tolerable without lobbying for cash from Mom and Dad, but they can even help out with strained family budgets? That’s just as valuable a lesson as you’ll learn from most textbooks.” (@jezebel)

Sinclair Sexsmith, one of our favorite bloggers, writers, and people, is beginning a new queer reading series along with Cheryl B. Check out the first Sideshow reading on April 13th at 7 pm in the Sapphire Lounge in Manhattan! (@sugarbutch)

We love Gaga because 1) she is a free bitch who 2) doesn’t take shit. When her ex Robert Fusari sued her for $30 million, Gaga was all “some shit don’t fly by me and a man” and sued him right back. ” Fusari’s suit, which asks for more than $30 million, says Gaga cut him out of her life, and more important, her earnings, after he came up with her stage name and co-wrote several of her songs. But Gaga’s lawyers are all, nuh-uh. They say the contract between Gaga and Fusari was never valid because he wasn’t a licensed talent agent and that Fusari’s actions were ultimately “predatory and financially abusive.” (@nymag)

Also, um, are you tired of hearing about the Telephone kiss yet? Good, because neither are we. Heather Cassils was interviewed again, this time by Gawker, and we get a few more details about what it’s like to kiss Gaga: “The kiss was down from the get go. It happened very naturally and organically. I leaned into smell her and I started by kissing her neck. It was electric and when I got to her mouth, she actually kissed me. Kissing lady Gaga was like kissing any beautiful woman you feel a connection with, as soon as I touched her she was just that, very sensitive and responsive… yes she is a good kisser but kissing my girlfriend is even more powerful as I’m totally under her spell.

Also, a photo of some of her performance art – this from her piece Hard Times, which Cassils says is about contemporary California.

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The Independent picks up on a question our community has been arguing over for years – is it worth it to have lesbian/bi/queer woman visibility in mainstream movies if the lesbian/bi/queer character is a psychotic murderer every time? This article could also have been titled “Spoilers for Every Lesbian Movie Ever.” Also, I do not know why they included Brokeback Mountain. (@independent)

After getting arrested following an HRC rally, Dan Choi & Jim Pietrangelo have pleaded not guilty and will go to trial. Also they are not sorry. Also, they are awesome. (@queerty) ALSO Robin McGhee is determined to start a grassroots effort and she is disappointed in the HRC.

A great interview with her in which she talks about her feelings on many things, including Kristen Stewart“We got along great. It was really scary when you see us together, physically. The energy is so similar, the way we move, the way our hands move, our hair, the way that we talk, the way we start and don’t finish sentences. I mean it’s really bizarre, you know, but in a great way.” Also, she is just such a cool lady! Listen to this! “I was told as a five year old, by my parents, that I could be anything I wanted and I took it to heart. I never thought twice about roles and like, “Oh, I’m a woman. I’m a girl so I can’t do that.” I wanted to be an astronaut, an archaeologist, you know, all sorts of things before I got to school and I got in chorus class. I was in drama, wanted to be an actor. And all of a sudden, you start listening to… you go from Donny Osmond to rock and roll, listen to All Right Now, Smoke on the Water, oh my God, I want to make those sounds. Mom, Dad, can I have a guitar for Christmas? They get it for you. Now I got to learn this thing. So you play to your records and figure it out.”

Good news, Dina Lohan invented a toothbrush! “LINDSAY LOHAN’s mother DINA is launching her own environmentally-friendly toothbrush in a bid to raise awareness about water conservation. The Lohan Green Tooth Brush is a liquid-free device that claims to save the user two gallons of water a day.” I mean, whatever else you wanna say about LiLo, girlfriend does have good teeth. (@bestweekever)

Celebrated queer photographer Catherine Opie has a new exhibit up at the Gladstone Gallery in NYC. It’s called Girlfriends and features some of our favorite ladies, like Jenny Shimizu, JD Samson, and Katherine Moennig. Check it out! It’ll be there through April 24th!

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. I swear, if they use the Skins movie to screw up Naomi and Emily, I will go all Cook on them. I will find my inner chav and scream so loud they hear it in England.

  2. whenever anyone makes a movie of anything i love (golden compass, tigger, etc) i get really anxious/upset because i am positive the movie will suck and then it will somehow retroactively ruin my enjoyment of the thing it was based on. i am experiencing this feeling now with the skins movie. just sharing.

  3. So are we sure naomi and emily are going to be in it? Or is it just season 1 and 2 people

    • Oh my god, me too!
      Somehow those numbers really brought it home to me that it’s a little bit pervy of me to be quite so invested in fictonal teenage lesbians…

    • I know! I don’t even know anyone born in the 90s. I was born in the early part of the 80s. Seems so long ago.

  4. seeing how i’ve only ever seen one episode of skins, i’m gonna wait for autostraddle to recap the movie and then just read that.

  5. two of my favourite things in the world! jack thorne on autostraddle? never thought i’d see that. safe.

  6. That article about lesbian psychos in films was interesting, but I often wonder if we’ve got it the wrong way round.

    Rather than it being queer women that descend into acts of demented violence, is it just that these characters were intended to be psychos first, then their sexuality was tacked on afterwards to heighten their otherness and deviancy?

    Regularly it seems like we’re getting not characters, but mannequins of mix ‘n match taboo.

  7. I used to love it when I made it home from school stuff early enough to watch The Rosie O’Donnell Show. More Rosie on TV please, yes, great.

  8. I LOVE skins!! No one I know in US watches it. Just got done watching the 4th season via youtube b/c i couldn’t wait for it to come on BBC America.
    The US version will suck b/c US censors don’t think we can handle the language and nudity that UK allows. I ‘ve been reading UK blogs and the 3rd &4th season cast will all appear in the movie plus 1st & 2nd season cast appearances :) . It will resolve unanswered stuff from ending of 2nd & 4th seasons like Tony’s death,Freddie’s death & Cook. I vote to replace Gossip Girl on Primetime TV w/ UK version of Skins!

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