Riese’s Team Pick: Clutch Magazine

I recently discovered Clutch Magazine and fell in love in a serious way.

Beginning with “About Us”: “With a site that has been accumulating a steady increase of viewers each quarter since its inception, Clutch has proven that there is a market for Black women that hasn’t been filled before.” Furthermore, they aim to employ a “friend voice”, create “smart, fresh and current” content, show that “smart is sexy” and make want you talk about issues relating to media visibility, cultural appropriation, political & social issues and sex & relationships. Even when confronting tough topics like racism & sexism, the site feels FUN and focuses squarely on how to create positive change when mainstream culture undervalues your market power. Not since Sassy have I read a mission statement or seen a site that reminded me so much of our own! Obviously, Autostraddle gets all of those things for our respective target market (which includes, I hope, a healthy overlap between the two).

The content is ace, the design is sweet, and their features run the gamut of topics and proclivities, like VH1’s New Black Female Image, Who’s Booty? — The Marketing of the Black Woman’s Bottom, Black Women & Eating Disorders: A Wake Up Call, Towards An International Black Identity.

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. Hi, you might recognise me from such comments as…..no comments because this is my very first.

    But, I just wanted to say, apropos of nothing but the fact that this is another great link and I’m procrastinating so as not to have to write an essay, Autostraddle is totally fulfilling my interwebs browsing needs lately with all the thought provoking articles and links and such. The worlder wide web (1998 throwback) in general has been getting me down lately what with all the vitriol and the pure cynicism and negativity. AS seems to be made up of such earnestness and interactivity and belief in equality and inclusiveness that it just makes me happy. That’s all.

    Now. If someone wants to fly to Ireland and write an essay on difference blind liberalism for someone with procrastinationbrain that would also make me happy. Just saying.

    Looking forward to seeing my name in Bieber lights.

    • Oh meant to say, exempted from the Autostraddle happiness though is that advert for ON-DEMAND KINK EDUCATION that seems to be all over the site today.

      Because it is freaking me out. I keep catching it in the corner of my eye and thinking it is a picture of some multi-legged half human sea creature.

      Yeah, ok, I have issues, deal.

      • I just noticed the ON-DEMAND KINK EDUCATION ad and decided to promptly scroll down and read your comment before reading Riese’s team pick because I was too… I don’t even know.

        Your comment has much more comforting words like vitriol, earnestness, and Bieber. And all is good again in the world.

        • Oh, I think I’ve figured out the synapses being fired after catching a glimpse of ON-DEMAND KINK EDUCATION and its accompanying photo:

          It’s like I’m confused, which makes me intrigued, but I don’t want to be intrigued. So then I have this background battle going on somewhere in my brain – fighting off the intrigue – which adds to the confusion because I don’t even know what I don’t want to see, stirring the intrigue some more. Ah!

          I tried to remedy this by just having a look, but that made me more confused. What?

    • I second basically everything you say here. Even the essay procrastinationbrain thing. Actually.

      I’ve found more awesome content looking around AS the past couple of days than I’ve seen gathered anywhere in a long time, this particular link certainly included (thanks Riese!). I just wanted to say that; AS makes me happy too, without fail.

      Now, I’ll fly to Ireland and write your essay if you’ll fly to NZ and write my essay on gender theory and pop music. Go!

  2. How sweet is this!!??? Thanks so so so much – we are so honored to be covered. Thanks for all the very kind words about Clutch!

    It really means a lot to us when people get what we are trying to do with Clutch and again I can’t say thank you enough for this great review.

    On behalf of all of Clutch – THANKS! and we will make sure we will return the love very soon!


  3. hopefully someone at Clutch’s reading this – the site gave my new compy a virus :(

    • Really? A virus. That’s a new one. Sorry.

      We will def let our tech team now to check it out. We are all on apples’ so haven’t gotten or seen a virus since 2000.

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