What’s Your Queer Sex Personality?

When you hear the word “sexuality,” you think “sexual orientation,” but that’s only one slice of your personal erotic pie. You probably have some sense of which gender(s) rev your motor, but that doesn’t say much about your overall proclivities. Are you a daring queer kinkster, or are you a little more subdued? Do you flirt to win, or do you prefer a lingering chase? You might call yourself a “top” or  a “bottom” or a “sub,” but there’s a whole lot more to who you are between the sheets. 

Take this queer sex personality quiz to find your sexual persona and the perfect toy to suit your sexual spirit. Learning to embrace your true erotic personality is the perfect quarantine activity, and sex toys are the perfect tools for unlocking your erotic imagination. Sometimes it takes a little trial and error find the right sex toy for you, but this quiz will help you find your way to a toy that matches your vibe.

You can order all of these toys from HolyFour, a queer-owned, online sex toy retailer committed to helping you shop for pleasure tools in a friendly, judgement-free zone. Use the discount code AUTOSTRADDLE for 15% off!

Okay, queers. Are you ready? Let’s vibe!

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Ro White

Ro White is a Chicago-based writer and sex educator. Follow Ro on Twitter.

Ro has written 105 articles for us.


  1. I’m a “Smooth Sailor” and the description is more accurate than I was expecting.

    “When you’re having sex, you prefer a slow and steady ride. For you, the rev up and the cool down are just as important as the bumping and grinding that happens in between.”

  2. I told the survey yesterday I wanted more quizzes and Autostraddle is already coming through!


    it is true, i am snuggly as fuck, but i contain erotic multitudes

    (this was fun, anyway- thanks!)

    • No option close to me either! I thought it was because I just recenlty(ish) left Hetero Land and you don’t really have those options over there. I mean topping from the bottom what????

  4. I didn’t see the pre-sex option of cleaning up & making sure toys & I are clean & lite before the person & I start. I don’t want to make a mess.

    • Ditto. Even in diverse queer spaces, there are assumptions about how people have sex, what they want or don’t want from sex, what sex means &c.
      I get that this quiz is somewhat humorous. Still, the assumptions in it shut me out of it.

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