Queer Horoscopes for July 2024

July is one of the quieter months of this year, astrologically. Neptune, planet of transcendence and release, is hanging out at the very last degree of Pisces, right on the brink but about to retrograde away from switching signs. (It will move into Aries in March of next year.) Many of this month’s transits involve Neptune, Pisces, and this watery realm of feeling, healing, and retreat. And we’re in watery Cancer season for most of the month, which always reminds me of dipping into cool water on a hot day. As a kid in a swimming pool I would sometimes tip an inflatable raft upside down and surface under it, breathing into that plastic-scented air between above the water but hidden from the sun. This image keeps coming back to me this Cancer season as I think about how the important work of the Water signs—releasing what’s stuck, feeling what’s there to feel, and healing what’s hurting—can only really happen when we feel protected enough.

Through the chaos and stress of this difficult year, it’s important to keep reaching for those moments and pockets of protection. This month offers us some breathing room. Where can you catch your breath? What can you reach toward for support right now? And, once you find yourself somewhere safe enough, what do you need to release?

Finding these pockets of protection—even ephemeral ones—is so important right now. Maybe you have the opportunity to take some time off work and go offline for a few weeks. Maybe you’re caught up in the hustle but can create smaller moments of protected, restorative time—even if it’s just an extra long bathroom break, listening to your favorite music on your commute, taking a few minutes to text with your best friend. Our collective stress levels are so high right now it may feel difficult to prioritize or access this kind of release right now, but we need to. Our lives are bigger and richer than this moment in time. The grief that fills us, the longing for a better world, is powerful. In so many ways as we face these unprecedented times we need to think like we’re in it for the long haul, not a short sprint. Which means we need to create restorative oases, pockets in time and space where we can breath and gather ourselves back together, grieve and laugh.

May you find those spaces this month, and carry them with you into the unknown future.

And as we move toward unknown futures, I’m sorry to say this will be my last horoscope column for Autostraddle. I’ve been writing Satellite of Love since 2015 and I will always be grateful for how this column has connected me to all of you. The people I’ve met through this column are some of my favorite people in the world and I hope we will stay in each other’s worlds. But I’ve been getting clear messages that it’s time to release this format to make room for other projects, and I’m finally honoring that message. But this isn’t goodbye! I’m still seeing clients and I’m still writing about astrology on my Patreon which you can join for free! Consider it social media with no ads and better content. And you can always follow me on Instagram @corinadross for astrology and @abacuscorvus.

It’s been wonderful sharing this space with you for almost a decade. Let’s keep meeting in the spaces we create together.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Aries symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: The feeling that you should have it figured out by now. Fear of failure. Grief that washes over you like waves over a sand castle, changing your form.

Stylized image of the Taurus symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Cynicism about our collective capacity. Habitual patterns of isolation. Fear of belonging to something bigger.

Stylized image of the Gemini symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Comparison between yourself and anyone who seems more successful or more supported. The idea that hustling is the only way to stay afloat. Whatever blocks you from reaching toward community.

Stylized image of the Cancer symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Material success as a measurement of happiness. Unquestioned assumptions. Putting anyone else on a pedestal.

Stylized image of the Leo symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Fear of intimacy. Anxiety about the future that’s actually anxiety about your past.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Virgo symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Attachment to there being only one right path for you, one perfect way forward. Fear of incapacity. The drive to keep moving so you don’t have to slow down and feel.

Stylized image of the Libra symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Defining yourself by what others think of you. Doing more than your fair share of emotional labor. Taking on someone else’s dream for the future as your own.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Scorpio symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Fear of being truly known and loved. The obligation to be of service, even when you’re exhausted. Self-doubt.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Sagittarius symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: The dream of finding the perfect place to live someday where none of this nonsense will ever affect you. The idea that escape is your only option. Fear of change that you can’t control.

Stylized image of the Capricorn symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: The idea that relationships shouldn’t have conflict. Feeling like you have to carry any of your burdens alone. Fear of not being good enough.

Stylized image of the Aquarius symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Whatever blocks you from feeling your true worth and believing it. Old stories about needing to be impressive. Fear of scarcity.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Pisces symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


May you find protection to release: Outdated identities. Versions of yourself that make more room for other people’s desires than your own. Patterns of self-denial and self-sacrifice.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Corina Dross

Corina Dross is an astrologer, artist, and writer who spends as much time as possible in libraries or under trees. They offer astrological consultations, intuitive guidance, and creative coaching to clients worldwide. Corina is also one-half of a sibling art collaboration, Abacus Corvus. You can learn about their current work and offerings at www.flaxandgold.com.

Corina has written 106 articles for us.


  1. I have appreciated this column so much over the years! I’m not super into astrology in general, but the kinds of insight and advice that you share are so helpful for pushing reflection and finding ways to move forward, especially as these last couple of years have been so challenging on personal and global scales.

    • Thanks! And as I wrote above, you can always follow me @corinadross on Insta or at patreon.com/corinadross. There are free tiers on my Patreon with regular astro content!

  2. Your horoscopes are the only ones I read (I’m not big on astrology) and they so often prompt me to reflect or challenge me to reorient my perspective on things. This month is no different—it’s like you were talking directly to me! Wishing you all the best.

    • Thank you so much! And not to be a broken record, but if you aren’t already you can keep reading my work at patreon.com/corinadross. There are free tiers on my Patreon with regular astro content!

    • Thank you so much! And not to be a broken record, but if you aren’t already you can keep reading my work at patreon.com/corinadross. There are free tiers on my Patreon with regular astro content!

    • I appreciate this, thank you! And not to be a broken record, but if you aren’t already you can keep reading my work at patreon.com/corinadross. There are free tiers on my Patreon with regular astro content!

  3. I am really going to miss this column. I’ve been a faithful reader of the monthly horoscopes for years, I have screenshots and have written down so many of them!! Thank you and best wishes for all your future endeavours!

    • If you still want to follow what I’m writing you can find me @corinadross on Insta or at patreon.com/corinadross. There are free tiers on my Patreon with regular astro content!

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