Quarantine Sex Diary: Am I Horny? Am I Bored? Am I Crying? Yes

Quarantine is fucking weird. I'm an extremely sexual individual but I live alone and I'm situationally depressed. Am I horny? Am I bored? Am I lonely? Am I crying? Honestly sometimes the answer to all four of those questions is "absolutely yes," and sometimes I cycle through each one in less than an hour. I'm not super into this time in our lives, is what I'm telling you.

So where to begin this sex diary? I guess on any random day, seeing as time no longer has any meaning and 3am on a Tuesday is the same as 1pm on a Saturday. I am lucky to still have a job and am also a part-time student, so there is some semblance of routine in my life, but just barely. I also am extremely lucky to have a hot, kind, generous long distance girlfriend who...

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