• Anti-Gay Leader Vacations with Rentboy.com Escort

    Another anti-gay evangelist caught being gay! Also; ten things you should never say to a lesbian, the new Usher & Nick Minaj video pushes the bisexuality theme a little too hard, why are boobs so awesome, and don’t forget about Mother’s Day! Plus, gendered iPad ads and the tales of gay magazines.

  • Catholic Church Lets Sex Abusers Guide Children, But Not Gay Parents?

    A new round of sex scandals rock the church while the church fights to keep its anti-gay adoption policies and prevent the child of gays from attending its pre-school. Jon Stewart & “Deliver Us From Evil” report. Also; the trouble with the media’s take on the troubles of black women, clinical trials leave out glbts, ‘zines, is twitter a girl, gearing up for dinah shore weekend & a new LGBT Center in Long Beach, New York.

  • Church Sex Abuse Scandals: Pope Not Doing What Jesus Would Do

    More Catholic abuse scandals than you can shake a stick at. Maddow’s full page ad in the Boston Globe. Poll results show that some people are, in fact, f*cking crazy (and just happen to be Republicans). Ana Marie Cox on DADT, Ann Coulter STILL makes us want to punch walls, racism at Harvard and MOAR!

  • If The 00’s Are The Worst Decade Ever, Maybe The 10’s Will Be Totally Radical or Something

    Was this the worst decade ever? Does facebook turn us into 6th graders? Does the word “emo” police male sensitivity? Also; one in 8 Americans are on food stamps, nerd-tivity scenes, Sasha Grey is more than just a porn star, veteran trans sportswriter dies in suspected suicide, Episcopal churches in MA can marry the gays now and Bart Simpson’s best chalkboard gags.

  • LGBT Adults Go Green, Believe in Global Warming, Know Children are Our Future

    Lesbians are more likely than hets to recognize that “going green” isn’t just a marketing ploy and to value keeping the earth healthy for future generations. But why, exactly, are we so damn awesome and aware? Also, should you call or text for a first date? Also, Scientologists are CRAZY!