Venue: Lost & Found Beer Garden/The Uptown
2040 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA
United States
Event Date: 2018-08-18
Start Time: 07:30 pm
End Time:
Description: Come hang out at the Lost & Found Beer Garden (right by 19th St BART) for food, drinks, and fun times! Afterwards we’ll head over to the Uptown for dancing at Hella Gay (
Accessibility Info: Lost & Found Beer Garden:
Wheelchair accessible, no smoking allowed, non-alcoholic drinks available, probably loud and not scent-free.
Hella Gay at the Uptown:
The main bar and dance space is wheelchair accessible, including most of the back patio and all three bathrooms. No smoking allowed, non-alcoholic drinks available, definitely loud and not scent-free.
Join the Facebook group to RSVP: