NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is A Slut, Has Her Eyebrow Pierced

Good morning! Are you in church? Are you having sex? Well, either way, you’re here now. You’re here and we’re together and we’re gonna do this thing.


Women With Piercings are apparently sluttier than girls without piercings, more fun for everyone!

“Data were gathered from a convenience sample of 450 college students. 72% were women; 85% were ages 18 to 22 years (M=20.9, SD=4.5), 80% were Euro-American. Women with piercings reported substantively and significantly greater frequency of sexual activity than college students without piercings. There were no significant differences in sexual experience between men with piercings and those without. These findings differ from previous research comparing the sexual activity of college students with and without tattoos.”


What’s it like to have sex while high on cannibis? “The magic herb had allowed every one of my senses of touch, sound, sex and taste to receive maximum pleasure. No wonder marijuana was illegal. If the entire country got stoned, it would put an end to capitalism! The next day I felt wonderful. No hangover, only a feeling of being rested with a lovely memory of euphoria.”


A feminist ‘zine on safe sex needs you.


Girls dot com‘s motto is “everyone likes girls especially when they are in bed.” Did a robot make this website? Is it just a landing place for porn ads. Does it matter. I feel like they maybe got some of them from us.

from girls dot com


Vogue Italia has a sexy photo shoot situation, also the models are all ‘plus size’ so it’s a big deal, etc.


Strapping it On for the First Time: “Go slow. Use lots of lube. LOTS of lube. More than you think you might need, especially at first. It’s just a little messy, which is always better than having not enough. DON’T use silicone lube, as it’ll screw up your silicone toys.”


Deck the Girls With Boughs of Raunchiness – a video we’d embed here except that there are naked breasts in it so we can’t, so you should just go watch it, etc.


Miss Ada is a “lover of nakedness and books and gorgeousness and cats and frilly knickers.”


It’s by a man for a lady but fuck gender.

Beneath my hands
your small breasts
are the upturned bellies
of breathing fallen sparrows.

[…read the rest here]

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3251 articles for us.


    • +1. I have a septum ring, and I love girls with septum rings. It’s my go-to criteria for gauging the attractiveness of girls.

  1. “Women With Piercings are apparently sluttier than girls without piercings”

    I read an article before (via Fark) that said something similar. It said that women with piercings and tattoos seemed to prefer (tolerate?) more pain (in a sexually relevant way?). I think…

    /too lazy to Google

  2. idk, i’d think that both piercings and having a lot of sex would be results of having lower inhibitions.

  3. All these sexy pictures and I can’t help but be distracted by the fact that the bedding in the first pic looks exactly like the one on my bed right now.

  4. …..bad idea to check autostraddle immediately upon coming home from church. now i just want to get off.

      • absolutely not. :P the good lord gave me a fully functional vagina, why not make use of it?

        • True Confession: I’ve thought about just going to the earlier service so I can get home….and still be productive with the rest of the day!

  5. Well damn! I knew there was a reason my life had suddenly taken a turn for the boring. It’s because I took my piercings out, isn’t it.

    Oh cannabis.

  6. Mmmm piercings. Yes please. And tattoos. I’ve only got my ears double pierced, and no tattoos, but I find them unbearably hot on other girls.

  7. Oh wow thank you for mentioning my zine project in this post! It makes me feel all important (:

  8. What is that picture – I’m assuming it’s a screencap – that’s all medieval-y looking from?

    • It’s from Game of Thrones on HBO. That scene features the slave girl (on top) giving the royal girl some tips on seducing her king-of-the-people-who-have-lots-of-horses husband.

      • Thanks! I kind of thought that’s what it was from. Jeez, the whole “sexually experienced lady teaches sexually inexperienced lady how to act like a sexually experienced lady -> girl-on-girl funtimes ensue” thing is becoming so played out.

        Not that I’m complaining…

  9. Smoking weed before sex makes me more clumsy/awkward then normal. I feel like I have to think about sex more when I’m high. It does make it more fun and hilarious when you’re literally falling all over each other though.

    That being said, it’s totally awesome.

  10. autostraddle just fucking linked to a leonard cohen poem, as if this wasn’t already my favorite website, praise jesus lord almighty in the sky jk

    let me just say…. fuck yes.

    As an aside, friggin amazing other pictures as well

  12. I have my nipples pierced. I’ve always felt that was, like, doubly slutty compared to my nose, lip, and eyebrow piercings (I didn’t have those all at once, of course).

    Also, I’m single. Just FYI ;)

    • see that i just have to admire….because a nipple piercing just sounds like a world of pain which i am too much of a wimp to endure. :P congrats on being a badass.

  13. as someone who, ahem, appreciates a thick ass, i cannot thank y’all enough for the link to the vogue italia shoot. sweet jesus! [fans self]

  14. Hmm. 11 ear piercings including an Industrial. Tongue ring, both nips and a hood piercing. And yet, I’ve been unintentionally single for all 6 years of my 20s.

    It’s like my life goal is to stay in the statistical minority of everything!

  15. Now I really want to try smoking weed before getting myself off. Though given how my previous weed-smoking adventures have gone, I’ll probably fall asleep right after getting my pants down to mid-thigh and wake up when my mom comes in and have it be super awkward. So maybe I’ll pass.

  16. the slutty piercing thing makes me happy

    like i wanna post it on facebook and announce it to the world.

    but my mom/grandad/church is on facebook.

    so tumblr it is.

  17. I found that after I pierced my lip I got a whole lot sluttier. I do wonder though, does the piercing make the slut ?

    Also, sex when you’re high is amazing. And then you fall asleep and have crazy high sex dreams. Incredible.

  18. Am I the only one who never has read eyebrow piercings as explicitly gay? My girlfriend swears it’s the dykiest thing ever but maybe that’s some west coast thing, I seriously have never associated it with queer ladies at all.

    I think this piercings slutty thing is also just related to the fact that people who are into weird shit and are okay with a little bit of pain for the sake of fun/something they like are going to be into weirder sex/pushing boundaries/not be conservative/not care if other people have negative opinions about them/their appearance/their actions too. Dunno. And from personal experience all the girls I’ve done it with who had tattoos or, like, nipple piercings were awesome/creative-in-bed lays, just sayin’.

    • here on the west coast, I’ve only ever met straight girls with eyebrow piercings. septum and lip rings tend to be the most common ones on queers.


  19. I used to have both my nipples pierced, and girls used to be more ‘spontaneously sexually adventurous’ with me then, than they are now.

    Although, I don’t know whether age had something to do with it too? 26 compared to 20? hmmm…

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