Lez Liberty Lit: Let’s Loiter


Welcome to this week’s Lez Liberty Lit!

What is it like to loiter, to wander aimlessly? “Aimlessness — in art, in life, in writing, in thought, in being — is always more than the lack it names.”

What does writing in all caps accomplish?

And speaking of typography, font foundries create typefaces and here’s some of their history.

“The rampant political anxiety and grandstanding; the fear of judgment and social embarrassment (and the keen pleasure of doing the judging); above all, the unstable, seductive ‘we’ with its exquisite promise of togetherness: Lockwood has it all down, and she is funny about it, too,” writes Alexandra Schwartz in a discussion of Patricia Lockwood’s latest and the voice that gets lost online.

We Need Diverse Books has launched a Black creatives fund.

It’s okay to not remember everything you read.

What is it like to explore childhood horror through the lens of queer adulthood? In their new column at Catapult, friend of the pod A.E. Osworth does just that:

“[S]omehow, some way, I have returned to an insatiable appetite for things that scare me. I noticed it when I was huddled in a friend’s basement (where I lived in the aftermath of my breakup), watching the German television show Dark in the dark. Around episode three, I resurfaced from the binge and I looked at myself in surprise. I did not know what I was doing; I hadn’t even thought of it. Every light was out. Every muscle was tense. I wasn’t even skipping the introduction, with music that caused a bodily shiver every single time the first three notes sounded. I am so afraid of the dark, yet I couldn’t stop.”

Read these books when you need to get to spring. Read these six books that call us into community. Read these anticipated books by trans and nonbinary authors. Read these recent essay collections. Read these books about break ups and heartbreaks. Read these books about mermaids, selkies, and sea wolves.

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Ryan Yates

Ryan Yates was the NSFW Editor (2013–2018) and Literary Editor for Autostraddle.com, with bylines in Nylon, Refinery29, The Toast, Bitch, The Daily Beast, Jezebel, and elsewhere. They live in Los Angeles and also on twitter and instagram.

Ryan has written 1142 articles for us.